Full size: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/46/SanFranciscoharbor1851c_sharp.jpg
A daguerreotype of San Francisco, California in 1850 or 1851 during the height of the California Gold Rush. Merchant sailing ships crowd San Francisco Bay and Yerba Buena Island can be seen in the background. During this time, the harbor would become so crowded that ships often had to wait days before unloading their passengers and goods.
One thing about those daguerreotypes, because of the long exposure times needed for the image you hardly ever see people unless they stay really still for a long time.
I used to have a scan of one taken in NYC about the same time as this and all the people look alomost like shadows, made the city look like it was populated by ghosts.
Looks alot different, Lovefest 08 was awsome! my legs still hurt from walking everwhere.. LA trains are better..
Hmm, I think the colors are off. The picture should be in RAINBOW!