There are worse ways to have the shine taken off youthful innocence and trust, I guess. Made me laugh, the thread, poor kid, and the last comment was just beautiful.
HAHAHA LMAO! This actually made me laugh out loud (first time on this site).
That guy should have 1) asked for help POLITELY… english as a second language is no excuse for making demands of strangers 2) asked for help without posting the picture.
FIRST!!! oh yeah. . . love it! Of course I cant get photoshop worth a crap. . . I like picasa much better. . .
There are worse ways to have the shine taken off youthful innocence and trust, I guess. Made me laugh, the thread, poor kid, and the last comment was just beautiful.
I lol’d so hard that my stomach hurt.
Was all over digg not to long ago… amazing still tho.
Reminds me of these two photoshop phriday themes on Something Awful.
My sister walked into my room , and laughed her ass off in 10 seconds. I kid you not. Pretty funny forum
damn- that’s funny. my kind of humor fer sher…
Hey, wait just a darn tootin’ minute…
Frigging facepunch. That place is a hive of scum and villainy.
can’t type when i can’t breathe and have tears streaming down my face…
Thank you so much for improving my immune system and overall quality of life!
People are so MEAN, its fu*kin hilairious! I LOVE you guys! Commen courtesy is awsome!
Wow… I roflcoptered…
But geez, people can be real jackasses…
HAHAHA LMAO! This actually made me laugh out loud (first time on this site).
That guy should have 1) asked for help POLITELY… english as a second language is no excuse for making demands of strangers 2) asked for help without posting the picture.
Man, Facepunch has changed since I been there.
Not the assholery, that was always there. No, the meme infusion is new.
lol mike j. glad hes not in the down under lol