A nifty little mechanical calculator from WWII. A really powerful tool for what it was. Only thing was, you actually had to know your mathematics in order to use it effectively…
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But will it grind coffee?
To that coffe grinder quip (it does, doesn’t it?) I considered a joke about making rough field pi from prime cuts but I like it for the way it looks, not the fact I understand maths, and the joke probably would fall flatter than this explanation.
I need coffee >.>
@Brevity Truta
I lol’d.
Oh and short balance?
Is that like a flat white but with no milk and sugar cubed?
Call me Brevity, or Brevs, too, cuz it’s Briefer, Nyoki =)
As much as I would enjoy sugar cubed if I could, nothing could induce me to drink coffee (flat white or otherwise), which is strange because I absolutely love the smell of brewing coffee and will occasionally add it when I make chocolate frosting.
In behind Willian Gibson by , what??, 5 years?
Still an amazingly cool idea, excellent look.
Never had to worry about batterys.
@...nyokki: Coffee chocolate frosting? Hmmm… that sounds delicious… 🙂
Gotta loves the mocha.