Tin Foil Hat Time

During lunch today, one of my friends says “Did you hear they’re going to be deploying an Army group here in the US”, to which I reply, ‘no, that’s against constitutional law’.   After lunch was over I did a bit of googling:


“They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.”

Ok, my tin foil is firmly on, but if you combine this ArmyTimes.com story with the previous stories we’ve heard of massive detention centers, what does this mean?

We now have places to put malcontents, and now we’re training war hardened soldiers to put them there?


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    Don’t worry about the Army, they don’t want to shoot Americans.

    Blackwater was deployed during Katrina to “help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios” already. All they are is hired thugs. I’m a bit more worried about them.


    I read about this two days ago. It’s disturbing in its’ implications but could also be innocuous. The claim is that they are preparing for possible massive civil unrest in the event of oh, say, the collapse of the entire economy. Why they need active duty when the Nation Guard is supposed to handle such things is another good question. Probably because the Guard is as stretch to the breaking point as it can be. Who knows? I do know that the conspiracy nuts will and already are all over it.


    Good point about Blackwater. Those are some cold blooded lunatics. Well armed and trained ones tho…


    I agree about the Nat Guard, garbled. If we weren’t deploying the Nat Guard overseas we wouldn’t need the Army deployed at home.


    LOL@those who think that US Troops wont hurt Americans, they will if they are told that these folks are “anti-establishment”. Hell if they are willing to shoot innocent civilians in Iraq, whats to stop them from doing it here. And i agree with the above poster…if we the guard wasnt spread out over afgahnistan and Iraq, we wouldnt need army contingents here. They must know something we dont and they are prepping for it. Mark my words!


    Jose_Lucca…wow. As somebody who claims to have served in the military, you’ve got one pretty retarded view of service members. I can’t think of a single person I’ve ever served with who would just assault fellow Americans, no questions asked.

    Before you all flip out, maybe the government’s simply tapped a few units to be deployed to any “crisis zone” that may or may not pop up in the U.S. I agree about the points concerning the Nat Guard, but it kind of makes sense to do this from a tactical standpoint. In the event of a crisis, it would take a while to get a Nat Guard unit mobilized and fully ready to respond to the events the article described. Whereas if you have an active duty military component tapped as the go-to unit for something like this, they’d respond quicker.

    As for military units being deployed on national soil, it’s happened before. Units from the 82nd Airborne and the 1st Cavalry Division were both mobilized and deployed to New Orleans after Katrina hit, along with other members of the Guard and Reserve.


    Yes i spelled Afghanistan wrong…doh.


    @Flying. If the order comes through to shoot a fellow American, under court marshal, would you risk getting thrown into a massive prison camp like every other poor sap? When they say civil unrest, they’re mostly worried about people carrying their own firearms (rifles, assualt rifles) Even if it is a constitutional right to carry them.


    @flying mantis shrimp
    Um retarded? I served so i know what some folks in the military are like…specifically in the Army. its not about attacking Americans willy nilly. Its about “following orders”. And yes there will be those who will refuse. But there are always those who wont. Its like the cops attacking those who are only trying to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech. I’m not talking the “anarchist” who run amok and destroy property. They deserve what ever ass whopping they get.
    I think you need to take off your patriotic glasses and look at the issue objectively.
    And if you have questions about my service i can always send you my DD 214.
    Finally, did you read the article? Here is a link to it if you didnt:


    I eagerly await your response.


    @Gorilla munch…them trying to take our right to bear arms is probably what will finally get folks to get off their duffs and take back what Bush & Co have slowly but surely taken from us…including our money which they are working on, as we all know.


    Yes, I would. And when they say “civil unrest,” that is NOT what they’re talking about. Civil unrest is very broad term that can include anything from a group of people protesting to a people burning cars and engaging in full-scale rioting. Although I can say that the Army is most likely not sending a full BCT(Brigade Combat Team) into an American city to stop a protest or to take away people’s firearms.

    Yeah, well, I apologize that your unit was full of dumbasses and dirtbags. Every soldier is trained to obey LAWFUL orders, not to just do whatever the hell they want and to then say to hell with the consequences. Soldiers who hide behind the “I was just following orders” excuse don’t deserve to wear the uniform in the first place. If your unit was full of people who you think would just attack fellow Americans without hesitating, then I’d have to say that your unit was in a pretty sad state of affairs.


    You people make it sound like they’re going to be moving house to house and shipping everybody off in giant cattle trucks.

    Military training involving crowd control doesn’t usually involved shipping people off in vast numbers. You just don’t have the resources to do something like that in the event of “city-wide unrest,” and it just doesn’t make any sense. If anything, it’ll probably just piss off more people. The only people that would probably be detained in that sort of situation are people who are acting extremely aggressive. By that I mean they’re posing a serious threat to other people, or to nearby buildings and such.


    First of all let me stress that i never said anything about shooting, what i said was HURT Americans.
    I wasn’t talking about just my unit. i was talking about the many, many folks across services that i served with (we did a lot of cross service training). I met all types and from that experience i am sure that there are SOME folks out there who would do it. And maybe you served with a bunch of super cool guys, who knows? The point is that, as i said above, there will be folks who will do it. Specially if they have been convinced or told that the people they are going after, who ever they may, be pose a threat to other Americans.
    You never addressed the example of the cops violating rights. Are they not Americans too? Shouldn’t they hesitate to not abuse their fellow American? But they do…they viciously beat them down, verbally abuse them, put mace in their eyes with a swab, spray folks with pepper spray at point blank…and remember that there are many ex military in the police. Let me point out that I AM NOT GENERALIZING. I know that NOT ALL COPS are “bad” and that NOT ALL SERVICE MEMBERS would turn on Americans.
    But it seems like you are bent on believing that its not possible and thats your right…thus why America rules and why its a shame that a few narrow minded buffoons have hi-jacked OUR country and driven it into the ground.


    I will now step down from the McS soap box.
    Tag, mantis, you’re it.


    Damn mantis, you beat me to the punch. I agree with you whole heartedly that they wont be going house to house and shipping folks off. Thats a bit extreme. They will however use those crowd control tactics on the extremely aggressive as well as the not. I cite my police brutality example above. Something we have all seen and which some of you folks on here have actually cheered on. Of course you’d be singing a different tune if they were doing that to you. I ought to know, i felt the same way till i got my ass whooped by Philadelphia police during the 2000 RNC. And all for taking pictures…and i wasn’t taking sides either…i am an independent. I don’t buy into this two party farce. They are all the same party with two different factions. A true democratic system would have multiple parties regardless of their beliefs or motivation…then again we are a republic and not a true democracy. anyhow, i am getting off topic. My arrest and subsequent jailing was a harrowing experience. From denying my basic rights ie phone call, access to lawyers, to keeping me for four days with out charges and without anyone knowing where the hell i was. And that cemented into my mind that the authorities, military or otherwise will HURT Americans.
    then end.


    Ugh. Jose, maybe one day when you stop putting words in my mouth, we could actually have a conversation with some real meaning to it.

    I don’t know what sort of training you went through in the military, but most units nowadays will not use overly aggressive tactics against large crowds unless they’re utterly forced to. We’ve learned that the hard way from lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    I didn’t say it’s out of the question that service members would harm American citizens. My point is that a lot of service members aren’t as simple-minded as a lot of people, yourself included, think. You seem to hold people in the military in low regards in terms of self control and taking responsibility for their own actions. If I remember correctly, you never even deployed to a combat zone, yet you never seem to pass an opportunity on this site to let other people know what goes on in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    I didn’t address the example of the cops violating rights because that has jackshit to do with what I’m talking about. I’m simply explaining how this does make some sense from a strategic standpoint, and letting you know that your massive, sweeping generalizations of American service members are pretty off the mark. If you want to hijack this thread so you can complain about bad cops, Republicans, and cream cheese, then find somebody else to do it with. If you’d like to discuss the pros and cons of having an active duty BCT ready to respond to some sort of national crisis, then please continue. Otherwise, I’m done.


    It can happen. Even here. Saying “that’s impossible” and leaving it at that is just an invitation to trouble.

    It’s possible that military units could be deployed to corral a public, outraged section of a community into emergency detention areas. They’d only have to brutally put down and capture a large group of protesters/rioters/rebels to keep the rest of the populace in line. So long as they did it in front of some cameras, everyone else would just lock their doors and keep quiet.

    I think military units would do such a thing. There are plenty of examples of how military and police units will act against ‘dangerous’ groups of citizens, esp. if they feel threatened. Put a military unit between a corrupt government and critically outraged citizens(or douchebags), and you’re going to get a conflict.

    Hell, pick a trashcan. Tell your military folks no one can pass, tell protestors they can’t go there, and so long as the tension is high enough, it’ll come to blows.

    Could it happen? Yeah. Am I worried yet? No. Am I watching? Oh yeah.

    Granted, I’ll be less worried after January of next year. Towards the end of October, I’m going to be stocking up on all of the paranoid essentials. Nothing about the current administration says ‘smooth transfer of power.’


    Haha armed soldiers policing civilians during election time has worked great in Zimbabwe.

    Enjoy your freedom.


    martial law followed by total genocide


    A law is attempting to go through the Senate, that’s right it made it through the House.

    Ever hear of the S. 1959: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.

    A bill to establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes.



    “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams

    ” If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” – James Madison (1751-1836), 4th U.S. President


    when jesus comes back, you fags are gonna shit brix




    I share everyone’s concerns about what this could mean. I think this particular plan is about what happened after Katrina. People expect much more from their gov’t than they did even 30 years ago. We tend to look to the gov’t to do something and would prefer that that something is not just anything. Everyone expects the federal gov’t to be prepared to bring in real help after a disaster and not be so discombobulated like they were after Katrina.

    Brevity Truta

    It’s ok, the detention centres will all have McDonalds’ in them 😀


    Tin foil hat title is right. This thread sounds like it came right from www.abovetopsecret.com . Bunch of fucking morons. I don’t know what Caio is laughing at, because if it was true, we would use Canada as the detention camp.


    Gor, you always link these random conspiracy websites I have never heard of. You seem to be more apart of that group than I am. That’s right, just because it’s not in the mainstream news, this isn’t true.


    Did you hear that guys? Gor thinks yet again that nothing bad could ever happen in America.

    Why vote at all? Nothing bad will ever happen in America.

    Stay the Course.


    PROTIP: no one’s vote has counted for a decade


    Puul, I have over ten hours a day to kill at work and I can’t surf for porn, so I spend some of that time looking for the weird or stupid (that’s how I discovered Caio).

    Anyho, if you want to give legitimacy to a website full of people who have serious arguments of which well-known person is a gray alien or reptilian, or picking out Martain buildings from NASA photos, or how the world will end in 2012 because some failed human sacrificing near neolithic civilization says so, go right ahead. Me, I’m just going to laugh at them (just like I do at Caio).

    General X

    Through the looking glass.
    Also watch the movie Siege with Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis.


    ok mantis shrimp, we’ll go through your post point by point:

    YOU: Ugh. Jose, maybe one day when you stop putting words in my mouth, we could actually have a conversation with some real meaning to it.

    ME: putting words in your mouth? lol. where? when? what are you talking about? Sounds like a cop out to me, not that you’ve said anything of substance aside form pushing the tired old propaganda that we see everywhere else.

    YOU: I don’t know what sort of training you went through in the military, but most units nowadays will not use overly aggressive tactics against large crowds unless they’re utterly forced to. We’ve learned that the hard way from lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    ME: If these folks are sooooooooooo well trained then why are the civilian casualty rates so high? And remember those lessons go out the window when emotion blinds and binds rational thought. oh and by lessons…are you referring to the same ones they learned in Vietnam? the same one we watched the Russians learn in Afghanistan? spare me.

    YOU: I didn’t say it’s out of the question that service members would harm American citizens. My point is that a lot of service members aren’t as simple-minded as a lot of people, yourself included, think. You seem to hold people in the military in low regards in terms of self control and taking responsibility for their own actions.

    ME: Again you are accusing me of generalizing and i addressed that in my previous posts which i suspect you aren’t really reading…just skimming over.

    YOU: If I remember correctly, you never even deployed to a combat zone, yet you never seem to pass an opportunity on this site to let other people know what goes on in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    ME: please feel free to find examples of me spouting off about combat in afghanistan or iraq. and if i do make a comment i come from an informed position and not from ignoramus land like some folks on here. But if it makes you feel better to point out that i have never been in combat and thus should not opine then so be it. Im ok with not having been in a combat zone. And its only idiots that would follow unlawful and unconstitutional orders to fight a war against an enemy that posed absolutely no threat to us…Iraq. Afghanistan is the only place they should really be and look how they have fucked it up there. And you dont need to be “in the shit” to see that.

    YOU: I didn’t address the example of the cops violating rights because that has jackshit to do with what I’m talking about.

    ME: what?!?! are you kidding me? it has “jackshit”
    (what ever that is) to do with what WE are talking about? It has everything to do with what WE are talking about. Its an example of Americans in a position of authority hurting other Americans whom are only enacting their rights to free speech and assembly. More often then not in a non violent manner cause we all know that its only a minute number of individuals that cause property damage and act violently.

    YOU: I’m simply explaining how this does make some sense from a strategic standpoint, and letting you know that your massive, sweeping generalizations of American service members are pretty off the mark. If you want to hijack this thread so you can complain about bad cops, Republicans, and cream cheese, then find somebody else to do it with. If you’d like to discuss the pros and cons of having an active duty BCT ready to respond to some sort of national crisis, then please continue. Otherwise, I’m done.

    ME: my man you truly are delusional and i think you have to go back and reread your own posts. Again i will point out that i am not making “sweeping generalizations” as you so eloquently put it. I have not high jacked any thread and remember it was YOU who elicited this discussion when YOU responded to my comment…directly.
    as far as complaining about cops, Republicans, and, LOL, cream cheese…well they all play a part in this discussion.

    ME AGAIN: you my friend need to come out of the cave and into the light. As far as maybe having a discussion…i can only laugh at your juvenile attempt to belittle me and the things i have said.
    Most of which, aside from the subjective comments i have made, are all factual and actual, not just my opinion. which by the way i have every right to have just as much as you have the right to yours.
    AND AGAIN: Have at it cowboy, cause now i am done. enjoy rambling to yourself and your captive audience.


    The Kent State University Shooting of 1970…
    They will shoot you when told to, PERIOD.

    Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming
    We’re finally on our own
    This summer I hear the drumming
    Four dead in Ohio
    – From ‘Ohio’ by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young


    Gor…I think it’s hilarious when some joe Yank thinks so well of Canada.
    It’s a good thing most of your Red state owners come here to relax and enjoy the green, and not only the snow.

    Canada is not America Junior, visit us, and you’ll see 😉


    I only have two things to say about all of this: natedog, you are fucking hilarious! Thanks.
    Also: Kent State, May 4, 1970. Sure, trust the guys in uniforms carrying guns. You go right ahead. Me, I’m moving to Canada.


    Jesus Christ Gx, don’t be a hippy.

    Let me quote the same Canadian hero that penned ‘Ohio’:

    “You see a faggot behind the fuckin’ cash register, you don’t want him to handle your potatoes.” – Neil Young, discussing AIDS




    er, take the ‘NOT’ out, and you have the thought i was trying to convey

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