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    tiki god



    That is from I Am Legend. Good movie version of the book by Richard Matheson. The first movie was The Last Man on Earth (Vincent Price), then The Omega Man (Charlton Heston), and now I Am Legend (Will Smith).


    No ghillie, it was terrible.

    And no one is impressed by the fact you can Google stuff.


    I didn’t mind the movie. I thought their biggest mistake was using CG for all the uhmm… zombies? It removed all the humanity from his situation. They were just squishy monsters, and you forgot they were once human too. Could have been much creepier.
    Will Smith did as well as anyone could have in the role though.


    I liked it, but may the alternate ending was just way fucking better than what they went with.

    Coulda been a classic.


    I did like the alternate ending but had to watch it on Youtube as my cheap ass didn’t buy the 2-disk alternate ending version. Another version would have been if Will Smith fucked the alpha female being locked up at the end while her BF was trying to get in. Like really ride her right in front of him. Then killed himself.


    Are you from the Eli Roth school of directing?
    Damn. Alt ending was better tho….


    I ain’t proud and I got no shame. I enjoyed this movie. The fact that it’s trendy to hate on it makes me want to watch it again.

    As far as the CG zombies, well, I didn’t mind too much. They reminded me of Khorne Berzerkers.


    I actually preferred the original version. The hero dying is a good change of pace now and again. The alternate was what I was expecting. The origional was a suprise. I watched the alternate first because the BluRay copy advertised it as controversial. I am such a sheep.


    Omega Man > I Am Legand


    I cannot lie. I liked this movie. And this scene was one of the more pivotal, interesting ones, because in addition to showing that the alpha male was not entirely a simple, mindless eating machine, it also demonstrated how unstable Will Smiths character had become.

    Any rational human being would have realized that though mannikins crave bacon, they don’t understand the concept of “grocery shopping”…

    Duuuuuuh… 😛


    Ben1605 I didnt need to google anything about this movie or the book considering I own the book and have seen all the movies.

    If I was to google something, I would google you to see if you are really a steaming pile of shit or a cum stain on the floor of the truck stop bathroom.



    it does sound like you googled it. not to call you out or anything but you are a dumb fuck.


    Believe me, if I was a steaming pile of shit that could type in full sentences, you wouldn’t need to Google me, I’d be world famous.


    Well I decided to google Dr. Drew (cause hes smart) and Mr. Ben1605 and guess what? Neither Drew or Ben1605 are steaming piles of shit nor are they cum stains on the bathroom floor of a truck stop. In fact google didnt return a thing…I guess that means that the both of you are really just nothing…


    Or I’m not stupid enough to put my whole life on the internet so anyone with access to Google can see it?

    Also, I just Googled Ben1605 and found that there are quite a few other Ben1605s on the internet. Cool.

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