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    I will destroy you America!!!
    Weeeth a leeetle rock.
    Pure fucking genius.
    unless they are throwing rocks at you.


    Yeah, you really shouldn’t do this when the pointy thing is right in front of you.


    Not a Bradley M3A3 nor is it a light Tank. Lets go with Merkava MBT from Israel.


    Either way the Palestinian child has commenced with his own special EPIC FAIL!


    More proof of that Palestinian aggression the Israelis are always on about.


    1 human pancake and extra syrup please.


    you’re fuckin lame. you’ve never seen a breast that wasn’t on a monitor.


    You are so right. Your insight of me is amazing. I cant believe you came to the proper conlusion about my life from two statments. You fucking circus freak why dont you take your trailer park ass back to work at the county fair…..Don’t forget to put your best lynyrd skynyrd T-Shirt. BREASTS!? really we are going to call tits breasts? You say I am lame and then you use the word breasts so as not to offend anyone. Keep it real BITCH!


    You are technically right. I happen to know Toof and I know that the last breast he saw was definately on a monitor. You see, as he had your mom bent over your computer desk (or masturbatorium as you like to call it), one of her overly pendulous brests kept slapping the monitor. He has the video if you need more proof. Once again you prove yourself to be quite the insightful fag. Kudos.


    BTW, I had to explain to Toof what a troll was. +1 interwebs to dub_1211 for dragging us down to his level.


    Looks like a Merkava MBT, but the turret has sharper edges and more junk on it than I remember. A quick search of the interwebs seems to indicate it’s a Mk3 (it’s definitely not a Mk1 or a Mk4.) But then again, I’m not really a tank specialist.


    Merkava 3 = not Bradley


    Q: Do you really waste a 105(or 120, I’m not sure in this case) on one pebble weilding 17 year old?

    A: Hell yes! Two of them.


    hahahah you internets virgins are a wiley bunch. and you are the one who is the fag. maybe when you graduate high school you can join the army and get pwnd by one of those things. here’s hoping.


    Presenting dub_1211, the internet janitor. Clean up on isle 12.


    Gawd! Now I see why you guys give dub so much shit!


    At least throw a molotov! You throw a rock? Common.


    Am I the only one getting annoyed w/ the use of “common” for “come on”?


    I’d have to say that throwing a rock at a tank isn’t something you see every day.


    That kid must have huge balls. You can’t see the wheelbarrow that he has to push his balls around in this picture, but they must be ginormous.


    We are all misled. You see, the long pointy thing was all like PEW PEW, and that rock came out. The kid is simply catching the PEW PEW rock. Its an up and coming Israeli sport that they are lobbying hard to get approved for the next summer games.

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