The female kills the male during sex by removing its head… Which has got to suck.
I had one the side of the house last week and that sucker had to be at 9 inches long and blended in almost perfectly.
The female does that if the male isn’t quick enough. Sometimes he successfully pulls out (seemed like the right term) and survives.
I’ve been headless for the past 27 years! Cause I didn’t pull out in time.
so with this bugs it is ok to have preature ejaculation?
It has that “I will kick your ass Motherfooker” look
Looks like one of my neighbors
ghillie, you should really start thinking about leaving Nevada.
I understand they used to be popular “pets” – people would tie strings around their neck area & tie them to bed posts to keep other bugs away like mosquitos, flys, etc. Si o no?
If you like this one… I made a .cbr file of 22mb of images from All are insects and spectacular. If you don’t have a CBR or CBZ reader then take a look at this…
The female kills the male during sex by removing its head… Which has got to suck.
I had one the side of the house last week and that sucker had to be at 9 inches long and blended in almost perfectly.
The female does that if the male isn’t quick enough. Sometimes he successfully pulls out (seemed like the right term) and survives.
I’ve been headless for the past 27 years! Cause I didn’t pull out in time.
so with this bugs it is ok to have preature ejaculation?
It has that “I will kick your ass Motherfooker” look
Looks like one of my neighbors
ghillie, you should really start thinking about leaving Nevada.
I understand they used to be popular “pets” – people would tie strings around their neck area & tie them to bed posts to keep other bugs away like mosquitos, flys, etc. Si o no?
If you like this one…
I made a .cbr file of 22mb of images from
All are insects and spectacular.
If you don’t have a CBR or CBZ reader then take a look at this…