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    The worst of the 3 movies in my opinion.


    That’s because you’re clearly an idiot. And there were four.


    Alien and Aliens were by far superior to the other two.


    I must have missed the third or fourth. Ressurection had good effects and the alien was better than previous versions. So I rank it second to the origional.


    You’re ranking it just based on quality of FX? My observational assessment of you stands.


    Ipwn: Are you out of your squishy mind? Did you even watch these movies? Alien 3 was terrible. Don’t go by memory, watch it again. It takes all my effort not to punch myself in the temples to get through the whole thing. Complete trash. David Finchers worst directing job EVER. Alien 4 wasn’t bad, but really cheesy. I can’t ‘hate’ it, cause Joss Whedon is a god, but it really wasn’t good. I won’t even consider the AVP films as Alien movies.


    FX and a panty shot. Why were you basing your opinion on Plot? THEY WENT TO OUTERFUCKING SPACE AND GOT EATEN BY AN ALIEN. FOUR MOTHER FUCKING TIMES. If it were not for a panty shot an an ass load of special effects, the whole series would not be worthy of discussion.





    I’ll take that under advisement. I’ve only seen the original recently…..and I DVRd the panty shot.


    I won’t compare Alien and Aliens. They are both great for different reasons. Everything after that was basically a cash grab. And Resurrection was the fourth Movie.


    I would ask what the third was, but aparently it’s not worth the bother.


    I get the impression Tiki will post the third one next. Though the google machine might be a bit quicker.


    The best of all 4, by far.

    Alien (original) was good, but it was like Terminator to Terminator 2… a great horror on it’s own, but the sequel is just an action packed bad ass flick.

    What do you “pwn?” You must be the envy of all your friends on Halo.


    I would be mad about all the prick 12 year olds beating me at Halo, but I have sex with girls… so it sorta evens out.


    I have never once played halo thank you. I play Conquer though. And I use a different screen name.



    And I have been making an argument for 4 this whole time. Don’t you come trying to steal my thunder.

    Granted, I didn’t know I was arguing for 4 until Dooves pointer it out, but that’s besides the point. Mr. Thunder stealer man.


    I think Resurrection works on a fundamental level, but it honestly would have been so much better if they hadn’t tried to shoehorn Ripley in there. The concept was sound enough — mercenaries deliver cargo to military vessel, things go tits-up. Would’ve made a decent movie on its own, but all that rubbish with the Ripley hybrid and that newborn alien brought it down.


    Aliens, however, is a practically perfect sci-fi/horror/action/suspense film.


    Who was the hot chick that survived the first AVP? Didn’t she also play in that movie with The Rock and Sean William Scott?


    The aliens a mommy and the humans a mommy.Obviously the human mommy is more important, but the alien mommy is just badass and scary as all hell.


    Sigourney Weaver should have got an Oscar nomination for that role…


    Aliens is easily the best in the series, and quite possibly one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever.


    Game over man, game over!


    Nobody knows who the chick was huh?

    Fuck you annonymous.


    This isn’t 4chan, we are not anonymous here.

    (ProTip: try

    Also, for clarification, I was saying “…the best of all 4 (films)…,” not that 4 was the best.

    I gave 4 another chance because I found out Joss Whedon did it, like MrDooves point out, but it was still pretty, “meh.”

    I almost walked out of the theater when the chick joined up with the predator in AVP. I did, however, yell out, “What the fuck?” in a loud and disappointed tone in a (somewhat) crowded movie theater.


    That is a rational reaction.


    My mistake….douchebag.


    Your call. You can try and be self-sufficient and learn who that girl is yourself with a little (very little) detective work, or you can not. I’m not here to hold your hand.


    They mostly come out at night….mostly.
    godamn i love this movie, easily the best of the lot.


    Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.







    Sanaa Lathan
    And no, she didn’t play in The Rundown.
    Now who was that hot chick I wonder….




    Yessir! Mr. Interwebz referee! Thank you for letting me on your internets.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Everyone knows this is the best sequel of all time.

    There is no debate. Thinking otherwise means you’re a fuckdick. Saying this is the worst? Back in your hole, faggot.

    Drake and Vasquez were my favorite characters in this. Oh and of course Hudson. Bill Paxton is forever cool shit.

    Don’t even attach this to AVP in any way. They are not connected. Paul Anderson is SUCH a loser. As annoying as his petty little fan-movies.

    I think you’re the hot chick. Bend over for me and shut the fuck up.



    Oh yeah? Mr. Self Proclaimed Faggot. I can name many better sequels. Rocky II, and IV, Lethal Weapon 2. Hell even Bill and Ted’s Bogous Journey beat the shit out of Aliens.


    You my dear, are a stupid cunt.. as in Can’t Understand Normal Thinking..
    Although I agree with most of the sensible comments on this site, it’d still be nice to meet some of you guys in person..


    The alien was still cooler in 4.


    Yeah Rocky III was pretty fucking bad. And Rocky helping the Mujahideen? What the fuck?


    You mean the alien human hybrid that looked like Palin’s 5th kid? Lamest alien since Jar Jar Binks? Ya, way to further show what a movie flipperbaby you are in addition to the rest of your fail soaked existance.

    fucking chump.


    Actually I think this was one of the better of the movies.

    Between Newt, Hudson, Bishop, Exosuit, etc. this is probably the one with the most classic lines/scenes.

    The first one was groundbreaking on the basis of the premise and the very unique visuals.

    The second (this one) pretty much defined the whole “Alien” franchise.

    Alien3 was pointless. Alien4 (Resurrection) on the other hand, almost made up for it. Almost…


    Hmmm Decent Sequels: LOTR: The Two Towers/ROTK, Indiana Jones TOD/Last Crusade, Terminator 2, Back to the Future 2, Austin Powers 2/3, The Bourne movies, Toy Story 2, Before Sunset, Debbie Does Dallas, Drunken Master 2, Godfather 2, Beyond Blazing Boards(surf movie), Young Guns 2(surf movie), Ghost in the Shell 2, Mad Max 2, Dollars movies and The Dark Knight.

    I watch so many movies…


    Preet god damn great movie, love it to death!


    The Last Crusade?!!
    All it was, was Data from Goonies and the winniest chick ever to star in a film. “IIIIIIINNNDDYY!” I never wanted to slap someone so much before in my life!

    The original Drunken Master is better than the sequel. Not by much, but just a little.

    If you want a real “sequel” list, however, you have to list the sequels that are actually better than the original:

    Godfather part 2, Revenge of the Empire, Aliens, Terminator 2, X-Men 2, Spider-man 2, The Dark Knight, Back to the Future 2… well, that’s all I got right now.


    The original drunken master? I don’t know, man, I don’t know. I mean the original Drunken master was a solid movie, in a early-70s-Hong-Kong kind of way. But, man, 2 has got to be the greatest Kung Fu comedy ever made.

    I just can’t agree with you on that.


    I mean come on Jackie Chan and Lau Kar-Leung and Anita Mui? That’s the most talent that’s ever been in a single movie.


    Yup, Drunken Master 2 is supreme Kung Fu comedy with mad Kung Fu skilz thrown into the mix. The only movie that could rival Drunken Master 2 is Kung Fu Hustle 2, but it’s not out yet.

    The Temple of Doom owns and so does Last Crusade.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Did that stupid fuck just say Lethal Weapon 2 is better than Aliens?

    You just killed any creditability;ity you had left you little shit. You’ve probably never even seen Aliens. Prick. Fuck. Knob. Gay ass faggot queer dicksucker.

    Rocky II? Even Rocky 1 isn’t fit to lick this movie’s asshole.

    I want to ban you from living. I’m going to rape your mother’s cunt with a bowie knife.


    Paul is drunk, you confuse “last Crusade” for “temple of Doom”.
    Last crusade was Nazis and Shawn Connery, and the fucking holy grail. It was the kickest ass shit EVER!
    And Caio! Why call me Coward…? I don’t understand. We was just chillin til you came along.

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