Seriously,…if she makes it into office I am gonna vomit. Her husband wants ot be called the “first dude”. honestly,.. What the fuck is that. First dude ? Fucking hicks.
Yes, I concur MrDooves. Also, her son is a private in Army and going to Iraq this month (I wonder how many other politicians have family members in combat units as elisted personnel).
Just what I look for in a potential Vice President; someone whose goal in political discussion is not to make too many blunders rather than the discussion their ideas.
Ya you’re right…they should hit a gym and get healthy. It’s not good to be overweight like that. Being healthy is much better.
Thanks for pointing that out Nyokki and awfulintentions. You are dead on that they are both overweight. Naked I bet they’d look disgusting. They should work out and get fit.
How many republicans are going to vote for this embezzler and crook? Do we want someone with a shay history runing our country? It would become a cunt-tree if she and old man mc cain elected. DO SOME RESEARCH ON THIS BITCH SHE IS ANOTHER PHONEY.
I am already f***ing sick of this woman.
I wanna impregnate her daughters.
Couldn’t agree more
Seriously,…if she makes it into office I am gonna vomit. Her husband wants ot be called the “first dude”. honestly,.. What the fuck is that. First dude ? Fucking hicks.
Yes, I concur MrDooves. Also, her son is a private in Army and going to Iraq this month (I wonder how many other politicians have family members in combat units as elisted personnel).
The guy on the left reminds me of this other guy:
Massively photoshopped picture, either that or they’re always perma-tanned and blurred in real life.
They are from Alaska AKA The Tanning Bed capitol of the world.
What no hockey sticks?
I tag Palin’s ass!
I think I threw up a little in the back of my mouth…
Why are you fags talking about anything other than banging her daughters?
Nah, Magnus…those 2 chicks are way too fat for you.
I hate you for making me watch that video. Worst 54 second of my life.
The youngest daughter looks evil and possessed in that pic. Like she just killed your family and finds it amusing.
Isn’t that picture missing a tard?
Well, they were the best 54 for me when I first saw it.
where’s the retard baby?
Best stunt-casting ever.
Just what I look for in a potential Vice President; someone whose goal in political discussion is not to make too many blunders rather than the discussion their ideas.
Agree with Nyokki,
Magnus, those chicks have ate too many sandwiches and not barfed up enough of them for you. Sorry. :/
Hum, if you were to get the chance to bang one, guard your loins, because it’s a shotgun wedding for you if you get her knocked up. 😉
God, what an ugly family though. ::shudder::
Which one is Mula-mu??
Ya you’re right…they should hit a gym and get healthy. It’s not good to be overweight like that. Being healthy is much better.
Thanks for pointing that out Nyokki and awfulintentions. You are dead on that they are both overweight. Naked I bet they’d look disgusting. They should work out and get fit.
Because fat chicks are disposable and useless.
No prob Magnus, anything to keep you in your stride.
ROFL… You all are so very helpful… It’s amazing how nice people can be on teh intarwebs…
fat girls
I find them refreshingly thick. I’d make love to all four of the girls in this picture.
How many republicans are going to vote for this embezzler and crook? Do we want someone with a shay history runing our country? It would become a cunt-tree if she and old man mc cain elected. DO SOME RESEARCH ON THIS BITCH SHE IS ANOTHER PHONEY.
RSIxidor stole my gag.
Fucking Telepathy.