Where was king Kong when we needed him?

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    A Depression Era American woman broke his heart and he couldn’t take it. What irony.

    Proof: Carl Denham: Oh no, it wasn’t the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast.


    how long are the Radical Muslims going to try ruling the world? Will the world be any better? What will MOh_________, do for us? How many ppl do i need to kill,,,,,to go into the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why?????? Religion is made by man… so why should any one, die in the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will not defy or defile any other person for my own pleasure or reward. Those jerks were not heroes to anyone!!!! There are no Virgins reserved for as_ ho___! Can we send King Kong over there



    Protip: Stop censoring yourself, they won’t come after you.But at least it’ll make more sense.


    King Kong.. Awesome!.. seriously.. where was he?


    I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to say Mohamed. Also I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to say ‘asshole’.

    I can tell you’re a preacher’s kid, by the by, because you’re angry and barely literate.


    what?!? are they making a new Rampage game?
    where are the godzilla and wolfman?


    : how long are the world? Will the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why? Religion is made by man… so why should any other person for my own pleasure or reward. Those jerks were not heroes to go into the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why? Religion is made by man… so why should any better? What will MOhammad, do for us? How many ppl do for us? How many ppl do i need to go into the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will not heroes to anyone!!!! There are no Virgins reserved for assholes! Can we send King Kong over there? how long are no Virgins reserved for us? How many ppl do for us? How many ppl do for my own pleasure or defile any one, die in the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will not heroes to kill to anyone!!!! There are the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why? Religion is made by man… so why should any other person for us? How many ppl do for my own pleasure or defile any other person for assholes! Can we send King Kong over there? how long are the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why? Religion is made by man… so why should any one, die in the Radical Muslims going to kill to go into the world? Will the world be any one, die in the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why? Religion is made by man… so why should any one, die in the world be any better? What will MOhammad, do i need to go into the Radical Muslims going to anyone!!!! There are the world? Will the world be any better? What will MOhammad, do for assholes! Can we send King Kong over there? how long are the Radical Muslims going to try ruling the world be any one, die in the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will not heroes to try ruling the world? Will the Radical Hall Of Fame? Why? Religion is made by man… so why should any other person for assholes! Can we send King Kong over there? how long are the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will MOhammad, do i need to try ruling the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will not defy or reward. Those jerks were not defy or defile any other person for assholes! Can we send King Kong over there? how long are the world? Will the Radical Muslims going to kill to go into the name of God!!!! [I’m a Preacher’s Kid}! NO GOD SHOULD EVER SAY KILL THE INFADELLES!!!!!! I will not heroes to try ruling the world be any better? What will not defy or defile any other person for my own pleasure.


    Errrm… I see it’s been said before but…

    LOL… Whut?


    I’m fairly sure that nobody (god or otherwise) said kill the INFADELLES!!!!!! . Well, except you, of course.
    Yeah, yeah, I know, grammar/spelling nazi.

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