This picture was emailed to me, and posted to you unmodified as it was received, with the same file name of palinqueen3.jpg. A secondary source says it is photo-shopped. As to the Post Title, I heard or misheard a news person say say it regarding her vetting, and it struck me as funny.
I can tell its a shop cause shes got her finger on the trigger. No one who handles firearms on any real level keeps their finger on the trigger when not throwing copper.
It’s fake, I have seen the original pic, and that is a BB gun.
wait wait wait….
They dont make a .30-06 that you can pump it like ten times to make it go faster?
I can tell its not her because I’ve had sex with her before.
I don’t expect anyone to beleive me. But, I fucked her. I was at a bar. I didn’t even know who she was at the time…….
And that’s why her baby’s retarded.
BTW, how screwed up is it to name a kid after a math class that he’ll never take?
@The Matrix: Rebooted: About as fucked up as picking on the same kid with Down’s Syndrome.
What? It’s not like he’s ever going to read that post. Or read anything.
Holygoddamnmutherfuckingshit! You bitches are brutal!
Fuckit i lold too!
If she’s so socially conservative, shouldn’t she be in the fucking kitchen?
@The Matrix: Rebooted
Win. 9000 Internets.
at least he could pass science class if his (grand)mom won:
God made Earf in seven days. The End.
actually, when i hand somebody a gun, and they’re not used to handling them, they immediately put their finger on the trigger. I have to tell them not to until it’s time to fire.
I like the original pic without Palin’s face pasted in…