Is that a microphone in your pocket?

mccain_microphone_pailin.jpg (20 KB)

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    $10 says the girl was photo shopped in there ^_^

    tiki god

    nope, this is an official AP photograph. it’s lol awesome.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    No comment about how McCain punched his pointing hand through Sarah’s skull?


    It’s impossible to remain dignified anymore; that said, I lol’d.

    Alec Dalek

    Definitely just a microphone. No amount of Viagra could ever make a man quadruple in size.


    HA HA

    Lord Cocksworth


    At this point I’d be surprised if any amount of Viagra could make McCain’s even stand up.


    *Insert Priest joke here*


    . I’m guessing Master Chiun taught him some Sinanju techniques. It would explain how he passed his time and survived his Hanoi Hilton time.

    And dammit, I knew when I saw this pic that I should have submitted it, but noooooo, I just HAD to do work instead. Fucking productivity.



    Damn, I’m suffering from a little of the Tiki Syndrome right now….


    *generic defamatory comment on penis size*

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