Obama Points

Obama Points

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    “theres the door, now get the fuck out”


    Jesus Christ. Why so much Obama shit?


    Obama points = 0


    tiki really likes him


    boy crush


    I find it to be very closed minded that a voter’s hatred for the current President (who has made wonderful choices and lead the Country with absolute perfection IMHO) would allow that hatred to cause them to vote for such a fraud as Obama.
    Voting out of ignorance and raw emotion is the only vote Obama will get.
    Too bad for Obama the rest of us level headed rational people will win McCain the Presidency


    Oh, Bilbo, you are such an unfeeling stoic.


    huh, I don’t see a “Bilbo” post anywhere in this thread…
    You must be confused again.

    Now take your underwear off of your head and put them on your ass.
    Silly confused Caio, we will help you along and keep you on track.

    Luke Magnifico

    Kidrythm, I have something to get off my chest. It’s been on my mind for some time now, and I feel I should get it out there.

    You are an asshat.

    That is all.


    huh, I don’t see a “Bilbo” post anywhere in this thread…
    You must be confused again.

    Now take your underwear off of your head and put them on your ass.
    Silly confused Caio, we will help you along and keep you on track.

    That’s our stoic Bilbo. No emotions taint his bad decisions whatsoever.


    I would love to continue to derail this thread with you “regulars” but I actually feel that it is rude to the many people reading this who are not members and have no idea what you two are on about.

    Back on Topic.




    I think Kidrythm is the 13 year old son of an oil executive. That’s the only way I can think he could such statements with a straight face.


    or a much more likely possibility: Bilbo is a troll.
    /successful troll is successful.


    Bush definitely didn’t run this country perfectly but that doesn’t mean you elect someone worse(Obama). I’m done with this Obama/McCain debate. I’m just going to say that if he gets elected, he WILL fuck this country up even more than it is now.




    Damn, Caio beat me to it.


    Followup question: Didn’t you just tell everyone just yesterday that the president doesn’t have much power it’s mostly in Congress?

    Or does that hackneyed argument only apply when a liberal president isn’t fucking up or when a republicunt is?

    I gotta say blind partisan politics are the stupidest thing in a long line of stupid things to come out of the states.


    Just look north, Canada is the moral highground.
    We just stare down and laugh. Fools.


    Kidrythm…. you speak to me.

    But as honestly, wtf is up with this ‘used to be fun’ site. I come here to look at pictures that might be cool. But instead, we keep getting spoon fed pictures of Obama doing stupid shit that we are supposed to be amazed at. OMG he’s pointing! OMG!!WTF!!!

    Seriously Tiki, we get it. Obama is your boy. No matter how many times you post his shit on here, I’m still voting McCain.

    And Bush=4 more years imho


    Yeah when we don’t like a Prime Minister we throw out the whole party. Not so smug are you now, PCs???


    How? He doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader, he’s inexperienced, and he wants to socialize the United States.


    How is it possible to do worse than Bush? Seriously. Any objective observer would rate him in the worst 2-3 presidents, if not the worst. And considering McCain really HAS supported 90% of Bush’s policies, it doesn’t look good. Fortunately, despite the fact that we Americans are easily the stupidest, most ignorant people in the first world, I don’t think we’ll be quite dumb enough to actually elect the angry old codger and his beauty queen VP.


    That doesn’t even mean anything, Exacerbate. “socialize” and “inexperienced” are just partisan buzzwords. Explain with actual concepts and evidence not just stupid marketing terms like ‘synergy’ and ‘paradigm’.


    Exacerbate: Reagan called, he wants his “all socialism is bad” bullshit back.


    And he’s black.

    no seriously, that was a joke.

    The better answer would have been for the ‘how’ question:

    He’s a Democrat.


    REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE thinks outside the box. DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE thinks inside the box. This country needs firm, strong leadership and family values. Values that only a Washington Outsider an provide.


    Oh I’m sorry did I saw Washington outsider. I meant Washington insider. We changed that.


    , Kidrythm:
    You morons need to stop watching Fox. The rest of the free world gets “actual” news, and we’re scared to death of the Bush administration. Bunch of brain washed automatons with big guns…. I wonder why.


    Socialism is bad.


    …and Reagan was one of the better presidents the US had.


    Seriously, George W.’s first term election campaign (Washington Outsider, Compassionate Conservative) literally made a big deal of how inexperienced he was.

    None of that means anything about policies. It all comes from marketing departments. The same folks who take courses on how to make toothpaste look perfect on the brush in toothpaste commercials.


    Yes Obama spent 3 years in the senate. 2 of which were spent running for president. That’s what I call inexperienced. He doesn’t have any executive experience(like Palin does) either.


    A fully functional socialist system would be a fucking UTOPIA compared to the current U.S. governing body.


    And yes, Obama does want to socialize the united states.


    Exacerbate! Are you convinced the “experienced” politicians have been doing such a great job? Afraid of change is a silly reason to elect troglodytes.


    Guess how many years Bush spent in the Senate? Or to pick a more positive example, Eisenhower?

    Like I said the Repulicunts were the ones who decided not spending time in Congress and having no experience was a good thing.


    This is what always happens in an Obama argument. It immediately changes to Bush. I don’t like Bush. Let me make that very clear. I am a Libertarian and the only reason I’m going McCain is because Bob Barr is a cunt. Spending time in congress doesn’t really mean shit if you have no executive experience.


    OH man.. this is fucking great!


    Why would a Libertarian vote for an authoritarian candidate? Have you not been paying attention? The Republican administration has made the government bigger than it’s ever been and has been picking away at our civil liberties in exchange for a false sense of security. Aren’t Libertarians supposed to be in favor of small government? Or do you just call yourself “Libertarian” cuz it sounds edgy and makes you feel like a rebel?





    i think the main problem is that americans have to choose between two shits, the difference is which smells less… (LEWIS BLACK)

    Obama is inexperienced
    McCain is a bush supporter(on his decisions)

    i guess the main concern is which one to choose?
    an amateur that could or could not fuck America up, or a guy that’s from a party that fucked America up for a long time.

    id go for the amateur cause i dont trust McCain.


    That’s bullshit, hydrat3d. Both parties have fucked the country up. It’s not what party your from, it’s what you do.


    Obama always looks like wax museum statues to me.


    “# Exacerbate on August 30th, 2008 4:57 pm

    Socialism is bad.”

    Well shit! That was one persuasive argument.


    As was that.


    Seriously, Libertarian is the worst philosophy ever. Ayn Rand had to make her Libertarian hero live on a commune and have followers.

    Libertarianism is so unrealistic that Ayn Rand couldn’t even make a fictional version of libertarianism in a fictional universe solely designed to promote libertarianism be libertarian.

    Seriously even the most important Libertarian in the world couldn’t stretch her imagination far enough to figure out how it would work. And we’re supposed to trust that?


    Who is john Galt.


    i could honestly give a shit about foreign policy, experience, or who supports bush or doesn’t. also the rest of the world can keep on hating us whether they like it or not, because the way i see it is we are the wal-mart of the world. everyone hates us, yet the economy would crash without us. anyways the big point for me in this upcoming election is taxes. As much as Obama seems like a nice guy he is in favor of raising taxes, even though he says it’d only be on the rich, that trickles down to the people that buy their products, so in the end we all get taxed. So McCain gets my vote.


    lol politics


    Stunning riposte, Ex. In your haste to be witty, you may have missed the fact that, uhh.. I wasn’t making an argument. Unless it’s an argument for your stupidity.


    That’s the reason you would vote for McCain!? Because you’re concerned that you’re going to have higher taxes!? Are you worried you won’t be able to afford the shit you don’t need?

    I’d rather see a candidate be willing to raise taxes and do something to help get us out of debt, than be promised another “economic stimulus package”. Half the taxes are going towards debt service already, with most of the remainder going towards military spending. You can’t just keep paying off the minimum on your credit card bill. We need to make some progress.


    What really make me angry is the fact the people are so caught up in their shitty lives that they forget about what and who started America and that we owe it all to them. To those who keep calling Obama black, do your fucking research he is 50% white 44% arab and 6% black so he is a fucking ARAB now why would we want a arab president of AMERICA! and I will tell you this, there will be another civil war in this country and a revolution if i have to start it myself. WAKE the FUCK up!


    I’ve got news for you. Obama may be white, black, and Arab, but most importantly of all, he is AMERICAN. America is a country of diversity, and anyone can become president, even if your bigoted ways disagree with them.


    Obama was born in the US, McCain was born in Panama. If McCain wins they may not let him hold office it’s up for the courts to decide.


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