Nurse Joker
Added on August 30th, 2008 by keithinmn | Report Post
Tags:Batman, Comic Books, Movies, The Dark Knight Rises (2012), The Joker
Tags:Batman, Comic Books, Movies, The Dark Knight Rises (2012), The Joker
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am I the only one that got…excited when they saw him in the nurses uniform?
Yes… yes you are.
No you are not, plus that whole scene was bad ass. One of my favorites.
he couldnt get the bomb to work, so he pulls a Wiley Cyodie, and tinkers around with the trigger, then “oh shi-” BOOM
The joker/nurse scenes made the whole movie worthwhile. I thought he made a good looking woman…from behind.
This looks shopped. He wore a wig in the movie. I call shenanigans!
Love the socks.
That was one of the best scenes in the movie