There’s no “art” involved in this. I used to work at a place with a laser printer (freakin’ laser) that we used to etch different surfaces. For some surfaces, such as glass, we’d use the laser to cut shapes into paper taped to the glass and then use sand blasters to get the texture/artwork. The artwork was almost always digital design sent to us by companies. The “artist” simply made sure the file was the right size and clean enough for print.
anyone that good at art and computers has massively coordinated brain
There’s no “art” involved in this. I used to work at a place with a laser printer (freakin’ laser) that we used to etch different surfaces. For some surfaces, such as glass, we’d use the laser to cut shapes into paper taped to the glass and then use sand blasters to get the texture/artwork. The artwork was almost always digital design sent to us by companies. The “artist” simply made sure the file was the right size and clean enough for print.
>anyone has a massively coordinated brain
o no shit. i feel smart.