Presidential Gas prices

Presidential Gas prices

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    I’d rather have a president who lies to his wife than the whole country.


    I’ve been over there in the early 80’s!!! If all of you knew what was happening like I do… you’ld pick the second pic!!!!! Don’t believe all that T.V. tells you, believe those who were there. They’ve been fighting for other people’s Freedom (like we have!).


    Oh, by the way,,, who ones Arco”????


    correction; Who ownes Arco?”???


    Correction: it’s “owns” not “ownes”

    Luke Magnifico

    Also, what is wrong with you, are you retarded? I think you may be retarded.


    I say we break out the Constitution and start double checking things….


    Miss you Bill!!!


    Seriously who thinks this shit up?
    oh right, Bush haters.
    Rapidly developing Countries had nothing to do with gas price increases…haven’t you heard?


    bush is the revenge smart people took on the idiots that insisted clinton be impeached.

    Alec Dalek

    Silverflux wins!

    Anyone else noticed that the actual guy in charge is on the right in both pictures?

    etiii, I think you’ve been brainwashed. The US is not responsible for what goes on internally in other countries. They just like to pretend to be when it’s oil-related.


    Because the executive branch has 100% of the power and Senate and Congress play no role at all on what goes on in the world.


    C’mon, everyone knows that all this country’s problems were started by Clinton, and Bush has only been desperately trying to fix them for the last eight years. Uh, right?


    Last time I checked oil prices all over the world were going up. Not to mention Bush is for offshore drilling and the liberal congress with their amazing 9% approval rating isn’t.


    The price of oil is tied to the dollar. Weak dollar = high oil prices. When the dollar teeters just above a junk bond thanks to the overextended credit in loans from China to finance a war of aggression/choice while rapidly outsourcing our industrial infrastructure, is it any wonder the economy cascades toward default? The war in Iraq is related to the foreclosure crisis in the macroeconomic sense.


    quote from the 80 billion assumptions made by the administration ” Iraq is in league with Alquaeda and has weapons of mass destruction”. Neither statements are true. No wonder Iran is showing it’s force. It’s fucking sandwiched between 2 of it’s neighbors that are currently being occupied. Plus , read about peak oil. The last real oil supplies that we currently know of reside in the middle east. And the demand for oil has been on an increase with china and India becoming key players in the world as well as in growth. So as a result we have an increase of consumption but a decrease in production. Something’s gotta give.


    Want freedom from arab oil? Invest in brazilian offshore drilling, 2nd largest reserve in the world and potentially more in the basin.

    Plus either way we might’ve gone to war with or without a democrat in power, so it’s not fair to say anything if we don’t know the results.



    also, both Clinton and Bush deserve impeachment.

    you fuckers have been lied to by both families for decades.

    the FAIL is just more visible nowadays



    I’m pretty much going to assume you’re just trolling. I’ll grant you, I’ve not been over there. My best friend has. Recently. He’s a combat engineer in the Army. We’re not over there fighting for their freedom. We’re over there to make MONEY. We’re giving the oil companies record profits. We’re giving Halliburton and their subsidiaries billions of dollars. Yeah, a big deal is made about us training Iraqi security forces. Yeah, they’re great guys who really want our help . That’s why our guys are under fire from Iraqi insurgents, they also tend to come under fire from those same Iraqi security forces that are supposed to be helping! Yeah, they love us like they love a case of the clap. There is no winning this “war”. The only thing we can do is to pull out before too many of our guys are killed in the name of profit.



    Where did you get a 9% approval rating for Congress? As of 8/20, the Congressional approval rating has been hovering just under 20%. I’m not saying that’s great, but at least have some sense of accuracy.


    How is giving those companies money a bad thing? You’re allowed to buy their stocks and make money out of it just like anyone else, the last thing you can do is complain about money in a war.

    And isn’t Halliburton an oil technology provider, not an oil extractor? Or did they buy all the oil wells in the middle east from the Sheiks and suddenly and gave it all to Exxon for free so they could reach record profits (Unlike, say, them having a pretty good strategy and investing wisely)?

    I’m not saying there’s no bad things coming out of it, but look at military contractors before you look at oil companies. Those are the most likely to make money out of this. If anything Exxon’s profit comes from supplying the most oil to the most people, and being the biggest i wouldn’t doubt it. Plus, we’re looking at them making record profits on a weakened dollar, so if anything they’re almost even with before.


    Thrella, you just answered your own question.



    Who do you think was put in charge of rebuilding Iraq? HALLIBURTON! Who provides private security forces in Iraq? A subsidiary of HALLIBURTON. And who was the CEO of Halliburton before becoming Vice President (this should be obvious)? DICK CHENEY! Are you beginning to see a pattern developing here?


    I hate the Bush government as much as the next guy, but blaming them for the current oil prices is really a cheap shot. Oil prices were always going to rise as the demand exceeded the supply. The current situation was set in motion years before either of these governments were even in office. (the current situation has been mirrored in the UK, where Brown is getting the brunt of the blame) That said they have had plenty of warning this was going to happen, instead of securing supplies abroad bush should have focused on making America more independent for it’s energy sources (yes, that means nuclear). Oh shit I mean FUCK BUSH!!! SOLAR POWER FTW!!!


    How about instead of bitching about oil, let’s go demand fuel efficient vehicles, or demand cars that don’t use fossil fuels. That’s the key, rather then being fixated on freaking gas. The US has the technology for years to build cars that didn’t need such means. GM, specifically the Chevrolet division, built a couple hundred electric trucks which were leased to farmers and such, and despite rave reviews from those that tested them, they deemed the vehicles a failure and confiscated the vehicles once the leases were up. Why? Because of fossil fuels and the oil giants making deals with car manufacturers to keep with oil and gasoline.




    $0.899? They found some backwoods gas station to have had it so cheap in 1993 when Clinton took office. This is the problem with people: they can’t restrain themselves. Why did they need to take the $0.899 price (a price I would have loved to find around here in 1993) when $1.099 would have been just fine? And you don’t need $4.039 when you could have used $3.899. What, a $2.80 rise in prices is not bad, but a $3.05 rise is unforgivable?


    22 new emails, why the hell did I leave the box ticked to be subscribed to this damn picture? D:


    I was paying .99/g in 1995 at Chevron (which is always more expensive than Arco) in Northern California in a not backwoods area.

    Course, I remember when gas was 35c/g. I wasn’t driving then but I remember it.

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