yes, solider = spelling fail.
Tiki cannot be held responsible for spelling and grammatical errors as he is a raging alcoholic.
Instead, you should be impressed that he can function at all.
Well, we know he’s not a commando (thank God)
If I’m not wrong that image was taken on a parade in Venezuela’s independence day These soldiers are as deficient as their president, Chavez
he ripped a big one…
Those are actually some nice underwear.
yes, solider = spelling fail.
Tiki cannot be held responsible for spelling and grammatical errors as he is a raging alcoholic.
Instead, you should be impressed that he can function at all.
Well, we know he’s not a commando (thank God)
If I’m not wrong that image was taken on a parade in Venezuela’s independence day
These soldiers are as deficient as their president, Chavez
he ripped a big one…
Those are actually some nice underwear.