25 Ways to Tell if You’re Grownup

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    I guess when I was a teenager/young adult, I wasn’t a complete douche.



    Hell yeah.


    well, #24 has always been true, and #’s 2 & 23 still don’t apply…. but, sadly everything else pretty much does.

    as a side note, I never thought there would be a time when I couldn’t stand the music my kids listened to because I listened to some pretty demented & diverse crap… everything from death metal & grindcore to jazz… but I once told my daughter, “if you play that Hawthorn Heights CD one more time I’m gonna fucking smash it!” man, that shit sucks. it’s fine until he starts singing like a fag… which is the whole time!

    “Listen. Old man Vent is listening to Pig Destroyer again.”
    “GET OFF MY LAWN!! you little faggots!!”


    Damn I’m old.


    It looks more like a checklist to tell if you are dead.



    Actually I’m with Caio.


    1~26 🙁
    I don’t feel 34.

    Jesus Christ


    Fuck year.


    Everything from Metal to Grindcore?????????? to Obligatory Jazz???????????

    Wow your music taste really does run the full gambit.


    Caio: you were a douche as a teenager/young adult – still are now. a loser troll. you never really have anything relevant to say do you?

    I don’t need to explain my musical tastes or my CD collection to you. I was trying to relate a somewhat humorous story about aging. Bite my cock.


    caio loves you. did you find a pube in your cheerios this morning or something?


    Oh, man, the sharp wit of a grown adult metalhead stings like a thousand knives…. just don’t hold an upside down cross at me or sumptin!!


    Follow-up question: Do you also listen to Black Metal? If you truly had a diverse taste in music you would listen to Black Metal in addition to Death Metal and Grindcore. If you were really ecumenical you’d listen to Brutal Death Metal but you are only one man and that might be more musical variety than one man can handle.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    There are only two kinds of music: country and western.


    Wow, I’ve been really old for a while


    Oh my god…. Caio, you are the biggest loser. I guess I’m suppose to be like, “Oh, boo-hoo! I’m shattered & crying in the corner… you’ve insulted my musical taste!” Wtf? That’s some wesk shit you got there.

    Listen, Cupcake: you’re a pathetic worm hiding behind the anonymity of your girly screen name. I don’t give a shit.


    that should read: WEAK shit.


    I’m 21 and 19/25 on that list.


    Weather channel FTW!

    Some of these applied 10 years ago but no longer. Is time doing something funky?


    Cupcake didn’t post on this thread. Also, do you like Thrash???

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