halo wars wallpaper

halo wars wallpaper

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    Very overhyped franchise. I expect the same for this game.


    Oh, I’m sorry Exacerbate, I couldn’t hear you with my nuts in your mouth.




    … but isn’t this game for PC?…

    And your PS3’s crappy game library negates any win, especially epic wins.

    Also: Halo 1 2 and 3 suck leperous donkey balls. I’ll reserve judgement on this one until it comes out, since Ensemble does decent stuff most of the time.

    tiki god

    no, it’s for the 360, and I agree about the PS3’s game library, it’s got nothing that interests me, meh.

    but you’re dead wrong about the halo franchise, it’s teh roxxors


    So are you going to use PS3’s “library” as an excuse do dislike the system as a console, or are you all just too lazy to look?


    And Gunface01 has lots of time to contemplate that ‘epic win’ while he’s waiting for his games to install on his console system.

    tiki god

    As opposed to what? gauging it on it’s looks? the game library is the ONLY thing that a gaming console can be judged by. Sure, they’re starting to have interesting media capabilities, but I didn’t buy my 360 to play porn on it, I bought it to play porn and play halo 3 😉


    I actually like X360 and PS3 equally. I just prefer PS3 if I had the choice (right now I have a Wii), mainly for its easy user interface. I dislike X360 because you have to pay for online, you had to pay extra for the controller’s plug-and-play kit (if you didn’t like the idea of spending $200+ yearly on batteries), and honestly I think the X360’s main interface sucks various testes. Sure, Sony is behind Microsoft by at least 7 million units, but that doesn’t make the PS3 a bad console in the least.


    So wait. You PREFER the PS3 but only have a Wii? So you are making judgements on a system you DON’T EVEN OWN?



    Fuck Halo. Although I do have respect for the Arby ‘n’ Master Chief series, although the concept could be done with ANY other game (or non-game) character.


    I rotate console slots with my friends, you big jerk.


    No, I don’t dislike PS3 because of its game library.

    I dislike it for two reasons:
    1)The overpricing.
    2)The creepy as hell commercials form when it irst came out.

    Remember that commercial with the BABY WITH GLOWING RED FUCKING EYES? Any console that has a commercial like that is made by Satan.

    Or worse; Dick Cheney!


    @buttface, i mean gunface

    Your reply just made things worse man. Why don’t you ask your mommy for a raise in your allowance and buy yourself a console? Or get a job at McPukes like all the other teenyboppers?

    Or are you part of a communist enclave and use the communal gaming technique?

    Either way if I was you I would never use the phrase “rotate console slots with my friends” in public again unless you want people to think you like having a train run on you. (Unless you like that kind of thing, in which case have fun! Whatever blows your hair back.)


    RTS on any console = FAIL!

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