Megan McCain

Meganmcain.jpg (86 KB)

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    Nice rack, and a beer drinker? Quite nomable


    i’d hit it. i’m sure reboot has since he fucked rachel bilson. still laughing over that.


    Wow, she is hot.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I wonder if she gets free beer from her mom’s company?


    wow boobs!

    Now, this really can change everything


    I’d vote for her.


    Am I the only one here who thinks she looks incredibly wide?
    Maybe it’s just the angle, but her abdomen looks like it belongs to a lumberjack.


    Maximum Nom


    yawn: Wide compared to what? Big boobs, dark shirt and shadows can have that effect, but thanks to the big boobs, heterosexual men won’t notice.


    she does look like she carries a few extra pounds, but for a guy my size that is ideal. although banging a politician’s daughter sound uber dangerous.


    I’m sure no one will believe me, so I don’t know why even I’m posting this, but:
    I fucked her.
    It was almost exactly a year ago. I was visiting a friend who goes to law school at UCLA. We went out to a salsa club (which is one of the few non-nerdy I do well). After dancing a bit, she told me her name and there was a pause, like I should be impressed, and she said, “you know, from The OC?”. And was I was like, “Yeah, I’m from Seattle.” and she laughed. So ended up going back to my friend’s apartment, drank some wine, then he took his girlfriend home, and well…
    Anyway, I didn’t realize who she was until I got home and tried to look-up her number on-line.
    I think I’ve still got some picture on my old cell phone. I’ll check when I get home.


    Ahahaha. It’s funny because it’s what reboot said.


    You know what they say: conservative fathers, slutty daughters.

    Actually I just made that up, but it fits reality.


    Would you shake McCain’s/Obama’s hand if you were voting for the other guy?

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “Would you shake McCain’s/Obama’s hand if you were voting for the other guy?”
    Sure. Why not?


    holy shit i just realized thats john mccains daughter!
    id take her over any of obamas kids anyday


    I wonder which of her eight houses she’s sitting in in that pic.


    Eight houses? What does she do for a living? If the answer is “nothing” how much does a senator make?


    Just remember.. those tits are republican…

    They may be nice… but I have my standards


    Senators make about $170k a year, but that’s not where the eight houses come from.

    Her father happened to divorce his first wife so he could marry an heiress about 20 years younger than himself. She’s worth at least $100 million.

    That’s Republican family values for you…


    Democrats practice family values (he made more family), Republicans brand it as code for hating gays. There’s a difference.


    Unless something has changed in the last 48 hours, the kid isn’t Edwards’.

    Also, people on both sides of the political aisle need to realize that anyone can cheat on their spouse, but only Republicans have a better chance of cheating on their wife with another man.


    She totally puts the NO in “nom”. Then she takes out the M.


    hottest (potential) presidential daughter, evah!

    b.t.w., that doesn’t appear to be one of her mom’s eight houses. Suitcase in the corner and cheapo looking hotel phone on the nightstand.


    Cute, but way too chunky.


    she looks like britney spears


    Something tells me diabeetus is a republican.



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