ec comics they did horror stories, war stories, crime stories, mysteries, sci-fi stories and started mad. in the 50s and were part of the huge controversy that was all about how comics corrupted children. usually the stories have a twist ending that have morals about how you shouldn’t skin animals for fur because one day we could go to another planet and be skinned for our coat.
Liev Schreiber will be awesome.
“a tale of tension in the tradition”
WTF is this shit?
greg land ftw
ec comics they did horror stories, war stories, crime stories, mysteries, sci-fi stories and started mad. in the 50s and were part of the huge controversy that was all about how comics corrupted children. usually the stories have a twist ending that have morals about how you shouldn’t skin animals for fur because one day we could go to another planet and be skinned for our coat.
Wolverine decapitates Sabretooth? Sweet!
@... natedog
“a tale of tension in the MARVEL COMICS tradition”
the little tiny symbol beside tradition says marvel comics.
confusing i know
Were they riding Greyhound???