Evolution at work

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I heard that they are trying to pass a law in spain that gives the great apes additional rights to other animals. I approve! (Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-562236/Orangutan-attempts-hunt-fish-spear.html)

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    Gonna gets me a feeshy!


    That’s awesome and should have been that way a long time ago..


    I’ve always wondered at the possibility that the primates will continue to evolve throughout sentience. Given a couple thousand years, maybe they’ll develop their own race, and culture. Language, and society. Though the real question is, will humans even allow that? Or will we interfere with their progression and impose our own culture and values on the new ape race! Whoa…


    fishing with spear/using tools/solving problems does not equal evolution

    if this were true, children would evolve everyday at school

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    Um nate…no.

    Usage of tools does show signs of elevating beyond the limitations of the previous generation.

    A Monkey with a spear spells doom for us all. In the way of endless racist jokes.


    Natedog, perhaps this is a new development in primate, they are becoming more dexterous and intelligent.

    And yea, technically children are evolving in school if you call evolution a gradual change and improvement. But yea, your right, evolution takes place on a species as a whole, not an individual


    Orangutangs are actually the apes that are least similar to humans.


    Cars go fast.


    The use of simple tools was one of the biggest steps in our own evolution. Haven’t you even seen
    2001 space odyssey? GEEZ!


    Evolution =/= Adaptation


    I think it would depend on how the ‘tang learned to use a spear (if that’s even what is happening in the pic). If it learned it on it’s own that’s one thing, but if it’s just immitating something it saw a human do that’s another. Hell, it could have even been trained and is just carrying out a response to a command in order to get a treat from it’s trainer.


    Maybe he just got done watching Cast Away.


    evolution would also be if another tang’ seen this and got the idea to try.


    I’m not sure if evolution can really be observed in a humans lifetime. Though the ‘tangs seem to be hovering on the cusp of some major plateaus.
    Just wait til they start building simple machines like pulleys and fulcrums. Crazy monkeys.


    Evolution is fake. Darwin was an idiot.


    Lol Exacerbate: no way that isn’t troll bait.


    You never know, Dooves. I know a girl that, to this day, tells everyone who mentions evolution that Darwin converted to Christianity on his deathbed and recanted his theories. Gotta love urban legends.


    Ha ha, Brutal. However, from Darwin’s perspective,
    why not? He thought he was worm food, so It couldn’t hurt.


    That reminds me of Pascal’s Wager, MrDooves.

    If he’s going to convert to Christianity just to be on the safe side, why not convert to all religions while he’s at? All religions claim to be true, might as well convert to all of them. My earlier post was just me trolling. I believe in evolution.


    Evolution is just a cosmic goldberg machine some aliens set in motion, they are watching from their 4d living room going, “oh shit! no way! yah chek this shit out dudue it worked!


    heh.. dudue


    Aaaah, my clever little minions…soon the earth shall bow to my spear-wielding tang-troopers!

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