The Joker strikes once again!

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    I’m sure no punishment dished out by the courts could match the lifetime of ridicule he has surely endured from his peers before now.

    I want his address so I can send him a bill for his lunch money.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca



    Lol, priceless. Wonder what was going through his head when he decided to do that.
    I also love the spelling of “The Dark Knight.”


    emo nerd


    why so SERIOUS?


    ^ ^ ^

    he said as he was bludgeoned by police


    his left ear sticks out way farther than his right one


    Wrong, this guy got MAD props from hes peers lol. That is funny, and something he will brag about till the day he dies.


    he looks like a child with the mae up on and prepubecent boy without. lose/lose.


    He should have just shown up, waited a few, grabbed one thing and ran.

    Luke Magnifico

    Either it was a bet or he was stoned, either way, props.


    “Mad Props” Are we 12?
    I’m gonna dress up like the goddamn Batman, and kick his skinny ass.


    BAM! Felony.


    Follow up:
    “A man accused of trying to steal a large Batman movie poster from a cinema lobby while dressed as the Joker has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of malicious destruction of property.

    Twenty-year-old Spencer Taylor entered the plea Wednesday in St. Joseph County District Court.
    A judge ordered him to serve one day in jail, perform 16 hours of community service and pay $685 in fines.

    Charges of attempted larceny in a building and using a mask to conceal his identity during the commission of a crime were dismissed as part of Taylor’s plea agreement.”

    I guess he couldn’t break out of jail…

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