Smoking Kills

Death by Smoke.jpg (158 KB)

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    As far as I’m concerned, smoking is the sole reason for being an adult.


    Ditto. It’s the only vice I have left. I wish they would stop trying to take it away from me.





    Fuck your vice. It stinks and it can endanger my health.

    My vice is food. Me being overweight does not directly negatively affect your health.


    ugh. why do humans always do the same shit over and over. People seem to attribute cancer to smocking. Of coarse over a prolonged period, it will occur. But don’t fucking scape goat everything on cigarettes. There are HUNDREDS of chemicals were exposed to that can attribute to cancer. All the health activists are attacking smoking because it’s the only VISIBLE threat. You are only as smart due to the information that is present to you. FYI, I’m a non smoker. I have plenty of other vices to spend my money on (hookers).


    its an unhealthy and expensive habit…
    n as for caner…wat doesnt give u cancer these days..


    My parents chain smoked when I was a kid/teenager. I had chronic bronchitis (as in 2-4 times a year). I even got walking pneumonia when I was 12. I haven’t had bronchitis since a few months after I moved out when I was 15. Whenever I start hanging out with people who smoke and choose to be social with them rather than hang out on my own while they all go out to smoke, I end up getting sick again. I am also the only person in my family with asthma. Cigarettes might not be bad for you but they’re bad for me. :p

    Having said that, I make a choice about where I live and where I spend my time. I don’t ask my friends to stop smoking. I stay in the club when they go out to smoke. Yadda.

    The only time I turn into a turd about it is when my neighbors stand outside my windows and smoke. I feel very strongly that people should be able to smoke but that non-smokers have a right to NOT smoke.


    Your weight may not affect my health but it affects plenty of other things. You really shouldn’t justify killing yourself more effectively than a smoker by claiming it does no harm to others.

    Excessiveness is bad, mmm’kay.



    we must all stop smocking

    also, scapegoat is one word

    /grammer nazi

    Alec Dalek

    I think tobacco should remain legal and would defend that right, but it must be recognized that while you have a right to harm yourself, you must not harm others with your habit. So no smoking in a car with children in it, no smoking in non or poorly ventilated public areas, and for crying out loud, don’t block the fucking entrances to buildings. It’s what the biggest losers seem to do, and they may think they’re being defiant and feel entitled, but remember, the same people that have prohibited you from smoking in that building can also take away smoking entirely. All it takes is a few bad apples to ruin it for the rest.

    Oh, and if you constantly smell like tobacco smoke, you are a stinky loser, and people laugh about you behind your back.


    I recommend watching the episode of “Penn & Teller Bullshit” on second hand smoke. itis is interesting as hell.



    You missed his coarse/course spelling mistake. But those were all spelling mistakes/typos, not grammer mistakes.
    Oh, and it’s spelled “grammar”

    /spelling fascist


    You do realize that they can control for environmental toxins, right? If you have two groups of people (both living in the same environment, mind you) and the smokers have a significantly higher rate of lung cancer, it’s kind of hard to blame it on mercury levels in the drinking water (or whatever). After all, the non-smokers are drinking that same water.

    That episode was one of the few where P&T were guilty of as much bullshit as they normally decry. College education was another one. (Yes, you can be quite successful without a college education. I wouldn’t recommend it.)


    I like to have the occasional cigarette. But, smoking is bad. It is one of the main causes of cancer, and that alone costs us a lot of money in medical treatments.

    Smoking is on it’s way out. Eventually, you’ll have to go to a “smoke shop” to buy cigarettes, and they’ll cost a lot of money. Like cigars now.


    (The Fun Loving Criminals)


    Yeah, I smoke about three to four a day, just to relax and think sometimes, but the instant I get kids (if I get kids) I’m done at least until they’re off to college. I do my best to follow the “hurt myself, don’t hurt others” approach in regards to smoking.

    It’s getting more expensive, but I pay to relax. Could I do it without? yeah, but smoking helps 😛



    That’s kinda a creepy picture


    I like how the smoke/death is completely ignoring the smoker, and violently attacking the non-smoker. BULLSHIT. In the very least, it should be attacking both of them.


    I smoke about a pack a day (I’m guessing, I roll my own). I never smoke around non-smokers, nor do I ever smoke inside. Most of my smoking takes place in the alley behind my duplex.



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