
1216284808893.jpg (308 KB)

I want to live there for a year.

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    W a GC


    Rape does suck.


    whose the guy on the wall? His secret crush?


    This looks frighteningly like my dorm room when I first moved in last year…


    gamecube’s are indestructible and some people prefer nintendo’s games. i mean, you PSers and Xobxrs have all the same games, you don’t realize Nintendo has this other world of games.

    i wish Madden 09 was on Gamecube again. it’s not for PC either. i do not want a console just for football!


    that towel looks like it offers much comfort


    i’m thinking the two bottles of water and the tray might be the tub & sink.


    : GCs aren’t indestructible – the laser assembly goes bad fairly quickly. If you know how, you can adjust the laser pot yourself until the diode finally burns out. That buys you another year or so depending on how much you play it. These days, the laser assembly costs more than a “new” GC, so many people just toss ’em when the laser finally gives out.


    This looks very similar to the basement where I lock up little girls.


    BULLSHIT. Mine still works fine, I’ve never had any work done on it, nor have I done any myself. And I bought it when it was only out ~9 months.


    i love how the place looks like the gimp’s rec room and everyone is figthign over a gamecube. besides, i pay $400 a month rent for a place slightly better than this.


    wartoaster, you fail at rent


    Osama plays a game cube. Who’d’ve thunk?


    The cake was a lie

    Alec Dalek

    What’s with the “Rare sucks” on the wall. Are Nintendolts still feeling the burn from when Microsoft snatched Rare out from under them? Ha ha!

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