A friend of mine, Sagar, who is also into photography got a rare opportunity to shoot the B-2. You can read more about him here. Unlike the majority of photographers I’ve met over the years, his head is actually attached to his neck rather than crammed up his ass.
Be sure to check out Sagar’s blog.
that first image is surely not from a b-2.
I think the first photo is Sagar taking a picture of himself in a jet, because being in a jet is pretty cool.
one of my high school friends builds these nowadays.
“Unlike the majority of photographers I’ve met over the years, his head is actually attached to his neck rather than crammed up his ass.”
Glass houses, outofocus, glass houses.
Ahh, Caio. I’ve been waiting for you. I thought of you when I wrote that line. I had a feeling as to what you’d do with it.
I heart you too.