Fappers PSA

What_happens_if_you_masturbate_100000304.jpg (380 KB)

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    i hate when that happens


    that can also happen if you have sex with girls you arent married to!


    this happen even faster if you masturbate while smoking crack

    Alec Dalek

    Now remember kids, the same retards that came up with this bullshit are the same ones that told you about Jesus.


    these same people nowadays say that cancer is a recently appeared illness, `cause of all the chemicals around us, you know…


    Sh*t, I been dead for all those years and didn`t notice.


    Maybe the guy did it 30 times a day.


    Fappping > the Black Plague


    Alek, your comment is retarded

    the French came up with Jesus in the 1840’s?


    @nate: In before Illuminati saying they did.


    I heard the Bible wasn’t around till shortly after the 1300’s.


    I heard you liek mudkipz


    Without a doubt it was written by Catholics as anyone who actually READS the Bible knows there is NOTHING in there that states that masturbation is a sin (or bad for you)!




    J_Bryon, Scapegoat much?

    I love it when the Christian Christ-fags come in here babbling that the badness in Christianity is all from Catholicism. Right. Both are fucked in my opinion.


    Ironically, they now say masturbation is healthy… guys who ejaculate 3+ times a week have lower instances of prostate cancer.

    Fapping FTW.


    Comment by purrcat – Maybe the guy did it 30 times a day.


    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Matthew 5:27-28:
    “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
    So you can jerk-off if you want, just don’t look or think about a anyone while you do it. Good luck with that.


    It’s been a long time since I read the bible but I thought there was some blurb about wasting ones seed or something being a sin.

    I just can’t imagine life without masturbation. Doesn’t sound like much of a life to me… relying on someone else to do it right. Sheesh.

    Alec Dalek

    That verse (along with many many others) have lots of logic holes. If you take it literally, you can’t even look at your own wife with “lustful intent”. If you assume Jesus meant to say “a woman not your wife”, then how would a man find a wife in the first place if he’s not allowed to lust after anyone?


    The 10 Commandments are rather generic. In the Jewish religion they’ve fleshed the Commandments out to 600+, because, you know, one needs to be specific about these things.


    Science doesn’t know that masturbation doesn’t cause cancer


    Genesis 38: 6-10

    6 Judah got a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar.7 But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the Lord’s sight so the Lord put him to death.

    8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Lie with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother. 9 But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so he put him to death also.

    I remembered reading this a while ago. 12 years of Catholic education FTL! That’s why i’m not Catholic.


    I know you guys are all young and atheists so that means that you are so much smarter then me and know everything. However, perhaps when your done with all your catholic bashing you might consider something. How do you know this was about masturbation? Is it because someone in the corner wrote that it was about masturbation? That someone who obviously was re-quoting it for say another book? Amazing that the burden of proof is so low. I wonder; if homeland security said that this was about masturbation if you would all still belief this?

    Is it possible this might be about syphilis? I did some goggle work on the symptoms of syphilis here is what i found:

    “You may start to feel unwell, features include headaches, general aches and pains, sickness, loss of appetite and maybe a fever.”

    “The rash appears on the backs of the legs and the front of the arms and often on your back, face, hands and feet.”

    “Tertiary syphilis can attack the nervous system, the heart and blood vessels that results in blindness, paralysis, and insanity”

    “Small, open sores may be present on mucous membranes. The sores may contain pus, or moist so’

    “Patchy hair loss, especially in the eyebrows, eyelashes, and scalp hair”

    “Abnormal notched and peg shaped teeth called Hutchinson teeth”

    “Refusal to move a painful arm or leg”

    “Nausea and vomiting Difficulty swallowing”

    “when syphilis was first definitely recorded in Europe in 1495, its pustules often covered the body from the head to the knees, caused flesh to fall from people’s faces, and led to death within a few months”

    interesting enough by 1844 they knew it was an STD
    “syphilis was not recognized as a sexually transmitted disease until the seventeenth century”

    but hell I could be wrong. I mean just because it seems to be talking about syphilis and the fact that at that time period other people were drawing pictures warning about the dangers of syphilis such as; Kees van Dongen, that doesn’t prove anything. We should spend our time bad mouthing catholics instead and not let pesky facts get in the way.

    Peace On Earth

    Alec Dalek

    I’m not an athiest, I’m just not religious. But one of the reasons I have such an issue with Christians (including Catholics) is they paint large swaths of people with the same brush, sort of like you just did to us here on MCS.

    And how exactly is it “catholic bashing” to point out that Catholics have a belief that’s not supported by the Bible? Taking exception to any and all criticism is a sign of deep seated doubt.

    You know you don’t have to be a Catholic, at least not anymore. They don’t let the church torture and murder heretics anymore, thank God!


    Athiest, yes. Young, no. I knew it was referring to syphilis. I guess I just figured they were trying to equate masturbation (hidden sin) w/ syphilis (outward sign of the hidden sin). Maybe I was over-thinking it…


    Americans are very religious in behavior, often regardless of faith. the belief in moral certainty is the same as the insistance of ethical behavior, the belief in one absolute truth the same as believing the universe is a knowable place. both sides, atheist and theist alike, are usually dogmatic about particular world views, and very determined and vocal in pointing out either heretics or religious nuts.

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