When I first heard about the new GI Joe movie, it had GI Joe as a multinational puss-fest based in Brussels. BRUSSELS! What do they do all day, sit around sharpening their knives and eat sprouts? Well, I’m pleased to note that idea has been scrapped. GI Joe is now an elite military unit comprised of special operatives. GI Joe is back to being an “All American Hero”. Good times.
^^ LOL
So, that’s who I’m sending $1000 p/month for my bennies!
When I first heard about the new GI Joe movie, it had GI Joe as a multinational puss-fest based in Brussels. BRUSSELS! What do they do all day, sit around sharpening their knives and eat sprouts? Well, I’m pleased to note that idea has been scrapped. GI Joe is now an elite military unit comprised of special operatives. GI Joe is back to being an “All American Hero”. Good times.
“COBRA is a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world…”
Sooo.. I see the stripes… where are the stars at?