Amusing clothing

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I took these while I was in Thailand. One would hope that one would check the spelling when making knock offs. The shirts are just funny.

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    Alec Dalek

    Why is the shit on fire? Or is that soft serve?


    Why is the soft serve on fire?


    I suspect those are just poorly drawn stink symbols rising up from a load, so the translation might be: “pitcher of beer + stinky shit + doggie style sex + lying in bed like a corpse…EVERY DAY!” Makes perfect sense to me…those wild and crazy Thais!


    My god, outoffocus, you are a douche.


    Quick, submit that second one to!

    Alec Dalek

    What’s wrong Caio? Did Akircher disagree with you on another post and now he’s on your “soft serve” list?


    i like the Kellogg’s knock off in the background of the second pic. beautiful!


    Well, to answer those last two questions, Outoffocus travelled (presumably) huge distances and spend lots of money to photograph novelty t-shirts in English and a religious phallic symbol.

    Oh yeah and there’s the cannonical ‘op is a douche’ thread he made last week. All the pieces are falling into place.


    Well, by ‘canonical’ I mean standard and generally recognized. I think if some new person were to ask “Can you show me an example of someone being a complete and total douche on MCS” I think virtually everyone would point to your piercing-lesbian thread. You’re the “Piano C Major” of idiots. You’re the “Amo Amas Amat” of completely clueless morons. You’re lesson one: You’re so immediately obvious and widely accepted for what you are that you’re the basics.

    No, thought, I’m not particularly jealous of your trip. I probably speak more languages than you’ve been to countries. I was giggling over bad English and foreign phallic symbols when you were in diapers. What concerns me is that I was, like, 12 and you look like you’re in your twenties.

    Billy Manic

    Wow, serious business. Quick, everyone give a shit or they’ll cry.


    “To be totally honest, your response doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I can see the words but if there’s a point beyond “I don’t like your posts, therefore I don’t like you”,

    I said you were a douche, then I explained that you are a douche but you’ll never understand why. And then you act like a douche but don’t really get it. It’s a beautiful little dance.


    No. It’s Caio.

    Alec Dalek

    I KNEW IT! Caio just admitted he follows people from other threads and launches childish attacks on those that disagree with him.

    What a douche.



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