wii racing

wii racing

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    bright green



    If enjoying this immensely entertaining game
    makes me a ‘WiiTard’, then “DURRR!!!” back at ya.


    yay! i’m a wiitard!

    bright green

    Mario kart on wii is uncontrollable the controls feck up each time you try to corner the only way to play it is by using the the buttons , screw the whole tilt the steering wheel IT DOESNT WORK HOW THEY HOPED.

    oh and also.


    teezy weezy

    I hate the Wii, it has destroyed gaming, its something that morons and grandparents do now. fuck you nintendo


    zomg! new people are starting to enjoy my hobby! soon it might become really popular! then accepted as just another thing people do for fun! like go out to the movies! not that I’d know what that’s like! but I’m against it because if it becomes normal then I won’t be SPECIAL anymore!

    bright green


    Luke Magnifico




    teezy weezy

    Communism used to be quite popular, was that right?


    lrn2MKWii, stfu, noobz


    So… Because Communism was popular, gaming becoming popular makes gaming… as bad as Communism? Ooookay…

    And bright green/LukeV1-5: “Hardcore gamer” is not, nor ever shall be, a compliment.


    I have to agree with bright green, playing Mario Kart with the Wii wheel is not very responsive and hard to do.

    The Wiimote + Nunchuck combo makes for some epic Mario Kart gameplay. It also works with the Gamecube controller as well.


    There is nothing wrong with the wheel. What are you guys talking about?


    I don’t like the wheel either. I tried it once and went back to using the remote. From what I’ve read preferences vary quite a bit between the wheel, wiimote and the original controller. *shrug*

    MarioKart is one of the few Nintendo games that I’ve liked over the years. I was an Atari kid and went to Sega and then to computer games. I’m not too into consoles but some Wii games are actually a lot of fun.

    I’m all for things that get people to interact with each other IRL.

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