“The Two Platforms”
A racist political campaign poster from the 1866 Pennsylvania gubernatorial election. The poster specifically characterizes Democratic candidate Hiester Clymer’s white supremacist platform as “for the White Man,” represented here by the idealized head of a young man. In contrast a stereotyped black head represents Clymer’s opponent John W. Geary’s platform, “for the Negro.”
That is one ugly son of a bitch…
did i mean the negro or the white man? :O you will never know!
Clymer ’08!
black men voting are not as scary as women voting
@natedog ” I voted for him because he was the nicest one”
The 19th century was like bizarro politics: when the Democrats were white supremacists and the Republicans were in favor of stronger federal government.
I’m sure they’d say the same about circa 2000 politics.
“A Small-Fed Texas Conservative Rebublican Governor was elected President?!”
I decide who I’m going to vote for by whether or not I’d have sex w/ him, so far it’s been all hims and I haven’t voted since 1960. heheh
nowadays Republicrats and Demoblicans are all for a stronger federal government
😮 lawd, and Pennsylvania is about to vote for Obama this election season.
giant nostrils breathing up all the White man’s air