apparently the color combinations are supposed to mean things, like black and green (the one Marrock likes) is a way of showing respect for your elders. or something. i’m too tired to wiki.
I can’t decide if a skull should look so festive. I generally like my skulls dark and bleak, these guys look way to cheery…except for the orange one a few rows back on the right, he looks like he’s about to scream, I like him.
nyokki, is this your flickr account your raiding? did you take those pictures from outerspace?
SO Cute! I want them all!
No, not mine. It’s a cousin of my oldest son’s soon-to-be-wife-I-hope.
I want the green and black one in the center three rows back.
They all look like theyre looking right at me o_o
aren’t these sugar skulls?
apparently the color combinations are supposed to mean things, like black and green (the one Marrock likes) is a way of showing respect for your elders. or something. i’m too tired to wiki.
I can’t decide if a skull should look so festive. I generally like my skulls dark and bleak, these guys look way to cheery…except for the orange one a few rows back on the right, he looks like he’s about to scream, I like him.
the color combinations does not mean anything, the folclor of painting the skull is just to celebrate death in a funny way