Lotta Peeps

lotta peeps.jpg (162 KB)

orda olmak isteyenler parmağını kaldırsın 🙂 / who wants to be there?

I don’t know where this or what they’re all doing there, but that’s a lot of people in a very small area.


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    Mecca, right?


    I wonder why Cheer, Tide, or Downy does not sponsor this event…


    It’s the Kaba at Meca where people walk around this monolithic black cuboid as a representation of zodiacal precession. The World Trade Center plaza was modelled after this location. The black monolithic structure from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyessy was also modelled after this. The cube is an occult symbol throughout time. See Jake Kotze for more information.


    If it wasn’t Illuminati posting that video I would have thought it was satire. Stupid as hell. Please, Illumaniti, stop spreading this conspiracy bullshit. You’re a nutcase.


    The black monolithic structure from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyessy was also modelled after this.

    No, the monolith was not a cube. It was a 1 x 4 x 9 rectangular solid whose dimensions were ratios of the first three numbers (1,2,3) squared.



    Nuke it.


    warren , conceputally related, semantics fellow, congruency vs. similarity

    Exacerbate, that’s not conspiracy b.s.
    It’s very real, that’s synchronicity studies referred to as synchromysticism, not to say that conspiracy b.s. “belief systems” are not valid or real. nice link though, but just becuase you’ve got a piece to the puzzle doesn’t mean mine doesn’t fit in a way. I’m sure you’re not the ultimate definer of reality, that’s God’s job. So why don’t you lay off a bit, ok.


    and in NYC we have another black cuboid monolith, the Millenium Hilton


    I can see the glint of your tinfoil hat across the interweb tubes.


    the tin foil actually increases the satellite brainwave radio sent to our frankenstein controls

    You’re actually referring to Francis Dec http://www.ubu.com/sound/dec.html

    Synchronicity is a force, mostly unseen unless you know what you are looking for and then whamo, you get hit with a ton of it. The understanding of synchronicity is contributed to Carl Jung’s studies in psychology. Sychromysticism is a new science in development by amazing researchers.


    It is conspiracy bullshit. I’ll make up a conspiracy theory right now that sounds legitimate.

    Burger King is communist.
    Normal logo? Pssh….
    Now take the Burger King logo, mirror it horizontally, and rotate it 45 degrees to the left.
    Your burger king logo should look like this.
    Looks an awful lot like the sickle in the hammer and sickle.

    I just made that up entirely. It’s bullshit though. You connect two things that are purely coincidental that have nothing to do with each other.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Synchronicity is truly a force to be reckoned with.


    i, for one, am NEVAR eating at Burger King again.


    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “Sychromysticism is a new science in development by amazing researchers.”
    Also: there are no researchers, everything has already been discovered by the illuminati and they just hand down knowledge when they see fit.


    Religion must be accepted as a source of energy. It can be directed for our purposes, but only within limits that experience reveals.

    – Teaching of the Missionaria Protectiva


    nice point reboot

    exacerbate, trust in your intuition, let go of your restraints. I know your on to something.


    Ideas are Toys. The Search for Truth is a Game.
    Believe Nothing. Question Everything.

    no ghost just a shell.




    Those guys are gonna be sorry when Megatron comes looking for that cube.


    hahaha lmao


    You guys really need to learn how to not feed this troll.


    This isn’t even a troll… it’s a diseased garden gnome who was placed too close to the mushrooms in the cow pasture.



    haha, that kind of made my day.

    Alec Dalek

    Derka derka jihad fatwā!


    he Kaaba is a large masonry structure roughly the shape of a cube. It is made of granite from the hills near Mecca, and stands upon a 25 cm (10 in) marble base, which projects outwards about 30 cm (1 foot).[2] Approximations for the structural dimensions are: 13.10 m (42.98 ft) high, with sides measuring 11.03 m (36.19 ft) by 12.62 m (41.40 ft).[3][4] The four corners of the Kaaba roughly face the four points of the compass.[2] In the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the Ruknu l-Aswad “Black Stone” or al-Ħajaru l-Aswad, generally thought to be a meteorite remnant; at the northern corner is the Ruknu l-ˤĪrāqÄ« “The Iraqi corner”, at the western lies Ruknu sh-ShāmÄ« “the Levantine corner” and at the southern Ruknu l-YamanÄ« “the Yemeni corner”.[2][4]
    -he Black Stone is a significant feature of the Kaaba, believed by Muslims to date back to the time of Adam and Eve.[7] Located on the eastern corner of the Kaaba, it is about 30 cm (12 inches) in diameter and surrounded by a silver frame. Hajj pilgrims often attempt to kiss the Stone as Muhammad once did.[8] Because of the large crowds, this is not always possible, and so as pilgrims walk around the Kaaba, they are to point to the Stone on each circuit.[9]

    Tradition has it that the Black Stone was white when it came to Earth, subsequently turning black under the burden of humanity’s sins.[10]



    that was amazing. Well done.


    In the words of Terrance Mckenna, mushrooms are the only solution for a massive awakening and atonement with nature. thank heavens for finding the mushroom pasture.

    gravmark – you’re so right, just imagine
    Steve Willner of Labyrinth of the Psychonaut
    The Tesseract, Transformers, and The Cosmic Christ


    Why did you write that in Turkish?

    Lord Cocksworth

    I don’t know chris, I’d argue that this particular troll has been quite successful.


    Indeed. I came, I saw, I Lawled…


    “Religion is the opiate of the masses.”That statement is the only thing Karl Marx ever got right.


    Morphine is the opiate of the masses.


    The Monolith! We destroy that and this is over! CHARGE!

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