Just dropping some nazi stuff off. Just in case they lose the war. They’re scientists could come to America and work for “freedom”. Anyone hear about a project named “Die Glocke”, which was supposedly conducted during the war, in nazi Germany.
Haha sorry, i was going for an old-timey way of saying “looks shopped.” The city just looks like a toy, and we don’t often see craft that big in the sky… it just looks almost fake, though I know it isn’t.
FYI, you all FAIL, we are the NAZIS, americans that is, we always were and always have been. The NAZIS don’t have to make a come back, becuase they never left. In America we would still be fighting off Indians, a picking cotton if it weren’t for the fact that the NAZIS were running the show. CIA, NASA, IBM, BELL, the list goes on, it’s all NAZI ofcourse and America would still be in argricultural age if it wasn’t for them.
You fucking suck man. You’re ranting like a college student who’s starting to put 2 and 2 together, but misses the point. Yeah, America is far from perfect, yeah we commit war crimes, but NAZIS we are not.
We’d still be in the agricultural age? Fighting Indians? We all FAIL? Don’t be a fool.
beyond the sheer historical fact that America is indeed an extension of Nazism, the spiritual fact is we are all one, a fractalled godhead realizing itself subjectively
A) We’re obviously Hulk-like in militaristic abilities, considering we’ve bailed them out of deep shit TWICE, and
B) Go back to Europe, Mr. “I Live in New York.”
Have a Nazi-riffic day.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
You’re retarded. For once IBM Predates fascism, 2 they were forced to sell punch cards to the Nazi. Project Manhattan was headed by American Physicist and most of the exterior help we received wasn’t from nazis, but from jewish and exiled European physicists. Who proceeded to invent a bomb that was used to destroy the… Japanese. Cuz Germany gave up to soon i guess.
America was a herald of light in the 1800’s too, during a time known as the enlightenment, Where most Europeans were eating shit and swimming in… Shit too. Our judicial system was superior, we had a working democracy, instead of stupid ass dictatorships and half assed so called but not really that much of a democracy. Half of Europe consequently ran away TO the Americas.
Retarded Brain child? Really? Then Europe is the even more mentally challenged parent of America with so much deficiency it has it’s retarded child taking care of it, because we had to save you once. Wait whats that? TWICE? Huh. Wow you guys really suck at life.
@Thrella, i sense a zionist in your head, you support usuary, courts – international martime banking, and the fraud called einstein. Damn you even think war & the atom are admirable qualities in a civilization, damn you FAIL HARD. You value the courts, that’s a joke. We’ve got superior slavery, come be stupid in style.
i know that no one is inventing or discovering anything, it’s all already known about, the illuminati just drip out a bit of technology when it suits there needs, in doing so they prop up certain members of their society
einstein was bollocks, tesla & reich deserve all the credit. europe never needed saving, just remember when you go to war, you’ve just been duped. it’s a game and you just lost. i won’t bother elucidating further, it would be impossible, you FAIL.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
Classical Political conspiracy bullshit. Any creature with the power to harness nuclear energy is a superior being to one who thinks he’s the shit. Not to mention that the study and further production of nuclear weapons was funded by the US and the UK. And then the French made their own.
If you think some group called loserlatits or something actually create technology and sip it into the world you’re taking the credit of our greatest minds and giving to a group of people who don’t even exist because you actually believe in conspiracy babble bullshit. Europe was getting fucked, and we saved the western part.
You are right that it is just a game, a deadly one, we played it for 40 some years with the SSR, we harnessed the power to go to space and land on the Moon, and we have the power to cure diseases and live more then twice as long as people 100 odd years ago. And you’re telling me harnessing the power of nuclear energy is a bad thing?
it went from straight up slavery to beguiled version through usuary, this set up a corporatocracy, which has always operated on every side of the fence whether it’s called Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Capitalism, it’s all set up by a Jewish Banker, the servants of the Illuminati who are the Vatican & the British Royality
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
Man i must be bored to be feeding a troll… But it’s fun!
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
Then go live in the woods where you have no need of this technology and this “horrible” world where we’re kinda told “hey um you have to fill these TPS reports for 6 hours then go do whatever you want” because the evil Jewish banker did it!
Oh and if you must know most of the technology is funded by governments that are lobbied by big corporations so you wouldn’t even have a Computer to troll these boards if it wasn’t for the evil corporations. Moron.
first and foremost, every country is controlled by the same organization of bankers, We all fought each other for simple reasons
1.Eugenics – to kill off a population, to reduce it’s number to make it more manageable
2.Social Agenda – more laws can be passed in 5 years of War than in 50 years of Peace
“we have the power to cure diseases”
#1 cause of death in America – going to the doctor
diseases are manufactured so they can sell pills
we had less diseases
harnessing nuclear power is only bad if an idiot does it, well that’s one thing the world is not on short supply of, so yes it’s a bad idea for the moment, maybe we should harness the power of education first
I agree that Tesla and Reich deserve more credit, but Einstein doesn’t deserve to be shat on. The man was more than a scientist, he was a philosopher who wrote passionately about the nature of life, science, and the universe.
@Evil Illuminati:
Just because you’re smart enough to know fancy words, regurgitate pseudo-intellectual snippets from other people’s ideas and theories… doesn’t mean you’re not a raving idiot. I bet you actually thought The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons were onto something.
You’re about as bad as a religious zealot, questioning and rejecting the reality presented to you by the people in power (not a bad idea), and substituting with you zany world of secret societies, technology caches, and wild conspiracies.
Yeah, the world is more fucked than we care to admit, but you’re pretty far off the mark.
I almost said something about you probably thinking that we never landed on the Moon, but I thought you’d be smarter than that at least.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
You’re insane. If you think the fascists were heroes fighting capitalists you’re just very very ignorant considering fascism is incorporating corporate efficiency with government control. They’re what capitalists wish they could be but won’t be allowed to because of moral issues.
The number one cause of death in America is NOT averse reaction to pills, nor anywhere else in the world. We live much longer then before, this is a fact. Lenin and Marx do not work for the NY stock exchange, because they didn’t OWN ANYTHING WEST OF BRITAIN. Marx died poor and only got famous AFTER his death so there goes your theory of you being an intelligent being and not a fuckhead who believes stupid conspiracy theories because you’re too stupid to process reality.
einstein was a patent clerk
he got some of tesla’s patents
and spent the rest of his life
trying to explain
what he couldn’t understand
anyone can write poetry
let’s not start worshipping them all as idols
there aren’t multiple light sources when on the moon, yet the photos clearly reveal studio lighting
there is no atmosphere on the moon, yet the flag is waving in the breeze
there were no stars in the photographs, or commentary on the stars from the astronauts
which means they never left earth, for if they did, they would have been blinded by the amount of stars
the van alan belt has yet to have been breached.
Without the knowledge of a future technology
unknown to the world today, no such feat is possible, it’s radiation, it kills stuff
because it is a conspiracy…non chalantly disregarding the validity of such claims only distinguishes your avoidance to all such research. Of all possible subject matters conspiracy theory is by far the densest of studies and make many claims, some of which are irrefutable. You are following political propaganda ,a line of educational indoctrination and should not be trusted.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
“During Project Apollo, astronauts traveled through the Van Allen belts on both the outbound and return trips to the moon. The crews spent only limited time in transit in the region, and consequently the radiation exposure was limited. The Apollo 14 crew recorded the highest Van Allen belt exposures during their February 1971 mission, but the crew’s short-term exposure was still within acceptable levels.”
Also all the reason conspiracy freaks point out can be explained, and have been. I’m not going to bother but go look it up.
And if you think Einstein wasn’t smart you’re a fucking idiot.
the tell me why there are two fascia in the walls of Congress
how come our 1930 dime had a fascia on the back
because Fascism is corporate government
you seem to have an awareness of corporate lobbyists, but don’t you know corporations are international and much more powerfull than any government. So put one and one together. How could any government stand up against this free roaming money bag, the corporation.
And yes, America fucked up royally by supporting Britian. We should have kept our noses out. People like to justify murder by thinking of themselves as righteous, but it’s still murder.
“i know that no one is inventing or discovering anything, it’s all already known about, the illuminati just drip out a bit of technology when it suits there needs, in doing so they prop up certain members of their society”
How do I contact them? I could use some help with my PhD thesis.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
You just went back on your self you lunatic corporate-scare freak.
WTF Is wrong with you?
A Fascia is simply a design. Are you going to call almost 100% of buildings with Rooftops Fascists too?
Congress is not Fascist. It is a Socialist-Capitalist Enterprise. Most companies do have international power but they are generally well established under the control of government and employ the majority of the people working in this country. Also many of them originated recently from small business so they’re actually controlled by human beings NOT EVIL ALIENS.
You are right that there is no righteousness in murder. But fuck those who fuck with me and my interest. It’s human nature, if something threatens us it is only logical to deal with it. Specially if they’re sick fucks.
it’s the illuminati, they don’t have an open house
don’t figure out anything important on your own either, or you and your loved ones will up and vanish, like social security
just keep inventing new ways we can kill ourselves and you’ll have a succesfull career
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
I have a better one. You’re a disillusioned sociopath that will listen to anti-corporate babble and believe they own their private armies (with the exception of Blackwater, you probably think they don’t since you go against EVERYTHING THAT MAKES SENSE).
There is only one lightsource in the Moon photos. The paralax from the camera lens makes it seem like there might be two.
The flag is waving because it is held up by a metal rod that runs the length of the top of the flag. As the astronauts adjusted the flag, it was left undulating in what would seem like the breeze, but is just from being moved around.
Stars would not show up in photographs because, if you knew anything about photography, you can’t get the stars and the Moon in the same photo without taking the photo with two exposures and comping them together. The Moon surface (highly reflective silica) was too bright for the stars to show up on the exposure.
Stars wouldn’t blind you. Yes they are faraway suns and other celestial bodies, but particulate matter and gravity wells bend their lightwaves, dimming them.
We have breached the Van Alan belt. I don’t know where you heard otherwise.
There are so many Moon conspiracy theories, and they all are based on faulty science and crackpot theories. Sure they raise questions, but there’s no concrete evidence that we faked any of it. I’m not blindly following propaganda or educational indoctrination, you’re just an idiot.
I know it’s futile to have a debate online, but you’re Moon shit was too laughable to go unchallenged.
Goddamn it! I used you’re instead of your. I hate when people do that, and I fucking did it myself!
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
You could’ve saved a lot of time by just telling him “go look at any pictures of the earth and moon and tell me if you see any stars.”
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
In fact believing all the shit Evil illuminati says is like believing the whole world is a conspiracy because you can’t see fucking stars during the day.
Capitalist enterprises aren’t socialist enterprises, that’s the real contradiction
a fascia is a symbol, it’s a bundle of sticks, tied together with a hatchet affixed to it
see the rope that holds it is the banks
the bundles of sticks, or fags, is all of us
all of our different countries that is
and the hatchet is what they use us for, killing
rooftops? you lost me, i’m not talking cornices, but there are ways to distinguish castle rooftops apart, one style supports the Pope “swallow tail it’s called”, the other the King
i don’t believe in the Alien Agenda, but I do believe in UFO’s, the weird jellyfish ones in the outer atmosphere and the trancendental light creatures that fly in and out of split seconds
Yes Congress is fascist, first of it’s not the Peoples anymore, not since 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve. The Fed is not owned by any Americans or their respective government. Congress can’t do anything the Fed doesn’t loan them money for. So Congress, along with the other three branches of Government are controlled by the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal or required to maintain a reserve.
So come on genius, what are the four branches of Government? You can do it. No it’s not three branches. It’s definitely four. Executive, Legislative, Judicial, oh come on what’s the fourth, it’s the People. “We the People”, but that doesn’t even refer to you anyways. Fuck America, Fuck the Constitution and fuck the Bill of Rights. They are for you or I, they are for Rich, White, Agrarian Freemasons, not us. You my friend are a stock, on the common wealth market, a slave to a corporation.
i’ve seen a video of them actually panning off set while faking the moon trip
you’re asuming I’m idiot
but that’s terrible to assume so much
how do you ever learn anything new in your life
or do you only believe what fits conviently in your disillusional reality
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
A fascia is a flat board on a roof, or thats what I learned for some time when i worked doing that.
You can interpret symbolism any way you want. The government allows you to.
The Federal Reserve board is appointed by the president so there goes everything you just said down the rail.
Fuck you, Fuck Nazis, and Fuck idiots who can’t understand the world they live in and shell them selves out and call everything a conspiracy. All of your points are moot, you make no sense and everything you said has been Disproved.
Oh and if you still think the world is controlled by corporations and the white men you are very wrong. It’s controlled by a board of Share owners who are of all races, but more specifically, lots and LOTS of Latin Americans. Because they have the ability to speak more then one language and like most people born in poverty the drive to succeed to leave that lifestyle behind.
Just dropping some nazi stuff off. Just in case they lose the war. They’re scientists could come to America and work for “freedom”. Anyone hear about a project named “Die Glocke”, which was supposedly conducted during the war, in nazi Germany.
Here’s hoping the dirigible makes a comeback, but not the Nazis.
I believe this image was altered in a photo-shoppe.
In what way would this picture be altered Camiam?
Other than the giant one, unaltered. The number on the side (D-LZ129) is the tail code for the Hindenburg (Go, Google!)
New York to New Jersey, May 6, 1937 – same day it bit the dust.
Another Angle:
Haha sorry, i was going for an old-timey way of saying “looks shopped.” The city just looks like a toy, and we don’t often see craft that big in the sky… it just looks almost fake, though I know it isn’t.
FYI, you all FAIL, we are the NAZIS, americans that is, we always were and always have been. The NAZIS don’t have to make a come back, becuase they never left. In America we would still be fighting off Indians, a picking cotton if it weren’t for the fact that the NAZIS were running the show. CIA, NASA, IBM, BELL, the list goes on, it’s all NAZI ofcourse and America would still be in argricultural age if it wasn’t for them.
you’re a tool.
You fucking suck man. You’re ranting like a college student who’s starting to put 2 and 2 together, but misses the point. Yeah, America is far from perfect, yeah we commit war crimes, but NAZIS we are not.
We’d still be in the agricultural age? Fighting Indians? We all FAIL? Don’t be a fool.
trolling trolling trolling
keep them comments rolling
america is europe’s retarded child
beyond the sheer historical fact that America is indeed an extension of Nazism, the spiritual fact is we are all one, a fractalled godhead realizing itself subjectively
If we’re Europe’s retarded child, then
A) We’re obviously Hulk-like in militaristic abilities, considering we’ve bailed them out of deep shit TWICE, and
B) Go back to Europe, Mr. “I Live in New York.”
Have a Nazi-riffic day.
You’re retarded. For once IBM Predates fascism, 2 they were forced to sell punch cards to the Nazi. Project Manhattan was headed by American Physicist and most of the exterior help we received wasn’t from nazis, but from jewish and exiled European physicists. Who proceeded to invent a bomb that was used to destroy the… Japanese. Cuz Germany gave up to soon i guess.
America was a herald of light in the 1800’s too, during a time known as the enlightenment, Where most Europeans were eating shit and swimming in… Shit too. Our judicial system was superior, we had a working democracy, instead of stupid ass dictatorships and half assed so called but not really that much of a democracy. Half of Europe consequently ran away TO the Americas.
Retarded Brain child? Really? Then Europe is the even more mentally challenged parent of America with so much deficiency it has it’s retarded child taking care of it, because we had to save you once. Wait whats that? TWICE? Huh. Wow you guys really suck at life.
@Thrella, i sense a zionist in your head, you support usuary, courts – international martime banking, and the fraud called einstein. Damn you even think war & the atom are admirable qualities in a civilization, damn you FAIL HARD. You value the courts, that’s a joke. We’ve got superior slavery, come be stupid in style.
i know that no one is inventing or discovering anything, it’s all already known about, the illuminati just drip out a bit of technology when it suits there needs, in doing so they prop up certain members of their society
einstein was bollocks, tesla & reich deserve all the credit. europe never needed saving, just remember when you go to war, you’ve just been duped. it’s a game and you just lost. i won’t bother elucidating further, it would be impossible, you FAIL.
Classical Political conspiracy bullshit. Any creature with the power to harness nuclear energy is a superior being to one who thinks he’s the shit. Not to mention that the study and further production of nuclear weapons was funded by the US and the UK. And then the French made their own.
If you think some group called loserlatits or something actually create technology and sip it into the world you’re taking the credit of our greatest minds and giving to a group of people who don’t even exist because you actually believe in conspiracy babble bullshit. Europe was getting fucked, and we saved the western part.
You are right that it is just a game, a deadly one, we played it for 40 some years with the SSR, we harnessed the power to go to space and land on the Moon, and we have the power to cure diseases and live more then twice as long as people 100 odd years ago. And you’re telling me harnessing the power of nuclear energy is a bad thing?
it went from straight up slavery to beguiled version through usuary, this set up a corporatocracy, which has always operated on every side of the fence whether it’s called Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Capitalism, it’s all set up by a Jewish Banker, the servants of the Illuminati who are the Vatican & the British Royality
Man i must be bored to be feeding a troll… But it’s fun!
Then go live in the woods where you have no need of this technology and this “horrible” world where we’re kinda told “hey um you have to fill these TPS reports for 6 hours then go do whatever you want” because the evil Jewish banker did it!
Oh and if you must know most of the technology is funded by governments that are lobbied by big corporations so you wouldn’t even have a Computer to troll these boards if it wasn’t for the evil corporations. Moron.
we never landed on the moon, the Van Alan Belt would have killed anything alive, it was faked
the Cold War was a hoax to cover up the Star Wars Budget, Lenin & Marx work for the NY Stock exchange
WWI & WWII – Democratic & Socialist Germany resist Imperialist/Capitalist
first and foremost, every country is controlled by the same organization of bankers, We all fought each other for simple reasons
1.Eugenics – to kill off a population, to reduce it’s number to make it more manageable
2.Social Agenda – more laws can be passed in 5 years of War than in 50 years of Peace
“we have the power to cure diseases”
#1 cause of death in America – going to the doctor
diseases are manufactured so they can sell pills
we had less diseases
harnessing nuclear power is only bad if an idiot does it, well that’s one thing the world is not on short supply of, so yes it’s a bad idea for the moment, maybe we should harness the power of education first
I agree that Tesla and Reich deserve more credit, but Einstein doesn’t deserve to be shat on. The man was more than a scientist, he was a philosopher who wrote passionately about the nature of life, science, and the universe.
@Evil Illuminati:
Just because you’re smart enough to know fancy words, regurgitate pseudo-intellectual snippets from other people’s ideas and theories… doesn’t mean you’re not a raving idiot. I bet you actually thought The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons were onto something.
You’re about as bad as a religious zealot, questioning and rejecting the reality presented to you by the people in power (not a bad idea), and substituting with you zany world of secret societies, technology caches, and wild conspiracies.
Yeah, the world is more fucked than we care to admit, but you’re pretty far off the mark.
I almost said something about you probably thinking that we never landed on the Moon, but I thought you’d be smarter than that at least.
You’re insane. If you think the fascists were heroes fighting capitalists you’re just very very ignorant considering fascism is incorporating corporate efficiency with government control. They’re what capitalists wish they could be but won’t be allowed to because of moral issues.
The number one cause of death in America is NOT averse reaction to pills, nor anywhere else in the world. We live much longer then before, this is a fact. Lenin and Marx do not work for the NY stock exchange, because they didn’t OWN ANYTHING WEST OF BRITAIN. Marx died poor and only got famous AFTER his death so there goes your theory of you being an intelligent being and not a fuckhead who believes stupid conspiracy theories because you’re too stupid to process reality.
i’m not an idiot but i’ve been raving
davinci code is for suckers
einstein was a patent clerk
he got some of tesla’s patents
and spent the rest of his life
trying to explain
what he couldn’t understand
anyone can write poetry
let’s not start worshipping them all as idols
there aren’t multiple light sources when on the moon, yet the photos clearly reveal studio lighting
there is no atmosphere on the moon, yet the flag is waving in the breeze
there were no stars in the photographs, or commentary on the stars from the astronauts
which means they never left earth, for if they did, they would have been blinded by the amount of stars
the van alan belt has yet to have been breached.
Without the knowledge of a future technology
unknown to the world today, no such feat is possible, it’s radiation, it kills stuff
because it is a conspiracy…non chalantly disregarding the validity of such claims only distinguishes your avoidance to all such research. Of all possible subject matters conspiracy theory is by far the densest of studies and make many claims, some of which are irrefutable. You are following political propaganda ,a line of educational indoctrination and should not be trusted.
“During Project Apollo, astronauts traveled through the Van Allen belts on both the outbound and return trips to the moon. The crews spent only limited time in transit in the region, and consequently the radiation exposure was limited. The Apollo 14 crew recorded the highest Van Allen belt exposures during their February 1971 mission, but the crew’s short-term exposure was still within acceptable levels.”
Also all the reason conspiracy freaks point out can be explained, and have been. I’m not going to bother but go look it up.
And if you think Einstein wasn’t smart you’re a fucking idiot.
the tell me why there are two fascia in the walls of Congress
how come our 1930 dime had a fascia on the back
because Fascism is corporate government
you seem to have an awareness of corporate lobbyists, but don’t you know corporations are international and much more powerfull than any government. So put one and one together. How could any government stand up against this free roaming money bag, the corporation.
And yes, America fucked up royally by supporting Britian. We should have kept our noses out. People like to justify murder by thinking of themselves as righteous, but it’s still murder.
you’re either with us or against us
if you don’t believe in Jesus, you’re the Devil
if you don’t think the Earth is flat, your dumb
if believe in Gravity, you’ll burn at the stake
No, I Einstein wasn’t smart, but that’s my illusion, it doesn’t have to be yours, rock on
“i know that no one is inventing or discovering anything, it’s all already known about, the illuminati just drip out a bit of technology when it suits there needs, in doing so they prop up certain members of their society”
How do I contact them? I could use some help with my PhD thesis.
You just went back on your self you lunatic corporate-scare freak.
WTF Is wrong with you?
A Fascia is simply a design. Are you going to call almost 100% of buildings with Rooftops Fascists too?
Congress is not Fascist. It is a Socialist-Capitalist Enterprise. Most companies do have international power but they are generally well established under the control of government and employ the majority of the people working in this country. Also many of them originated recently from small business so they’re actually controlled by human beings NOT EVIL ALIENS.
You are right that there is no righteousness in murder. But fuck those who fuck with me and my interest. It’s human nature, if something threatens us it is only logical to deal with it. Specially if they’re sick fucks.
can contact them, but it would be of little use
it’s the illuminati, they don’t have an open house
don’t figure out anything important on your own either, or you and your loved ones will up and vanish, like social security
just keep inventing new ways we can kill ourselves and you’ll have a succesfull career
I have a better one. You’re a disillusioned sociopath that will listen to anti-corporate babble and believe they own their private armies (with the exception of Blackwater, you probably think they don’t since you go against EVERYTHING THAT MAKES SENSE).
There is no such thing as the Illuminati.
There is only one lightsource in the Moon photos. The paralax from the camera lens makes it seem like there might be two.
The flag is waving because it is held up by a metal rod that runs the length of the top of the flag. As the astronauts adjusted the flag, it was left undulating in what would seem like the breeze, but is just from being moved around.
Stars would not show up in photographs because, if you knew anything about photography, you can’t get the stars and the Moon in the same photo without taking the photo with two exposures and comping them together. The Moon surface (highly reflective silica) was too bright for the stars to show up on the exposure.
Stars wouldn’t blind you. Yes they are faraway suns and other celestial bodies, but particulate matter and gravity wells bend their lightwaves, dimming them.
We have breached the Van Alan belt. I don’t know where you heard otherwise.
There are so many Moon conspiracy theories, and they all are based on faulty science and crackpot theories. Sure they raise questions, but there’s no concrete evidence that we faked any of it. I’m not blindly following propaganda or educational indoctrination, you’re just an idiot.
I know it’s futile to have a debate online, but you’re Moon shit was too laughable to go unchallenged.
Goddamn it! I used you’re instead of your. I hate when people do that, and I fucking did it myself!
You could’ve saved a lot of time by just telling him “go look at any pictures of the earth and moon and tell me if you see any stars.”
In fact believing all the shit Evil illuminati says is like believing the whole world is a conspiracy because you can’t see fucking stars during the day.
Capitalist enterprises aren’t socialist enterprises, that’s the real contradiction
a fascia is a symbol, it’s a bundle of sticks, tied together with a hatchet affixed to it
see the rope that holds it is the banks
the bundles of sticks, or fags, is all of us
all of our different countries that is
and the hatchet is what they use us for, killing
rooftops? you lost me, i’m not talking cornices, but there are ways to distinguish castle rooftops apart, one style supports the Pope “swallow tail it’s called”, the other the King
i don’t believe in the Alien Agenda, but I do believe in UFO’s, the weird jellyfish ones in the outer atmosphere and the trancendental light creatures that fly in and out of split seconds
Yes Congress is fascist, first of it’s not the Peoples anymore, not since 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve. The Fed is not owned by any Americans or their respective government. Congress can’t do anything the Fed doesn’t loan them money for. So Congress, along with the other three branches of Government are controlled by the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal or required to maintain a reserve.
So come on genius, what are the four branches of Government? You can do it. No it’s not three branches. It’s definitely four. Executive, Legislative, Judicial, oh come on what’s the fourth, it’s the People. “We the People”, but that doesn’t even refer to you anyways. Fuck America, Fuck the Constitution and fuck the Bill of Rights. They are for you or I, they are for Rich, White, Agrarian Freemasons, not us. You my friend are a stock, on the common wealth market, a slave to a corporation.
i’ve seen a video of them actually panning off set while faking the moon trip
you’re asuming I’m idiot
but that’s terrible to assume so much
how do you ever learn anything new in your life
or do you only believe what fits conviently in your disillusional reality
A fascia is a flat board on a roof, or thats what I learned for some time when i worked doing that.
You can interpret symbolism any way you want. The government allows you to.
The Federal Reserve board is appointed by the president so there goes everything you just said down the rail.
Fuck you, Fuck Nazis, and Fuck idiots who can’t understand the world they live in and shell them selves out and call everything a conspiracy. All of your points are moot, you make no sense and everything you said has been Disproved.
Oh and if you still think the world is controlled by corporations and the white men you are very wrong. It’s controlled by a board of Share owners who are of all races, but more specifically, lots and LOTS of Latin Americans. Because they have the ability to speak more then one language and like most people born in poverty the drive to succeed to leave that lifestyle behind.
You’re a moron.
“Man i must be bored to be feeding a troll… But it’s fun!”
Comment 17, go read it.
Once again sir, you fail.
do i get a prize?
You get the satisfaction of knowing i have been entertained for an hour or so.
I’ve thuroughly enjoyed this as well.
Trella, I must say, you are the most dull mind, and the least interesting person, who has every graced the MCS comment section.
Also, what’s with the greek ascii art?
Thanks i try my best.
You are a shame to all Brazilians and i hope you choke on a rubber duck for flaming my boredom and bashing a conspiracy theorist.
I lie, i lie. I love you.
Evil Illuminati clearly has a great understanding of trollish behavior and is doing it for the lulz.
This flame war is about as exciting as an amish rake fight.