it’s the reptilian brain, not the stomach, but since their suggesting that Uncle Sam is pregnant with War, it must be related to these damn Freemasons and their quest for androgyny
look the artist LATUFF, is 12,1,21,6,6 in numerology, looks like a palindrome and the mark of the beast, rather interesting, i’m sensing some 12/21/2012 relevancy also
Ollie, you have to be one of the worlds dumbest individuals if you honestly believe that before America existed there were no wars. Pick up a history book you dumbass.
Oh I almost forgot the 2012 and Satan bullshit. But If the government really does worship Satan, I have no problem with that because Satan doesn’t exist.
Exacerbate… Are you TRYING to get everyone to think you’re a moron? Illuminati is practicing a widely-known human behavior called “sarcasm.” I suggest you study its theories and practices.
Moar like “the baby of neocons”, amirite?
this would be moar better if the bomb was shooped out and that brown oval had football stitches on it
football is america’s real baby
it’s the reptilian brain, not the stomach, but since their suggesting that Uncle Sam is pregnant with War, it must be related to these damn Freemasons and their quest for androgyny
look the artist LATUFF, is 12,1,21,6,6 in numerology, looks like a palindrome and the mark of the beast, rather interesting, i’m sensing some 12/21/2012 relevancy also
So, what you’re saying is that the Apocalypse is similar to Sesame Street, where certain parts of the show are brought to you by numbers.
Yes, because before America existed there were no wars.
So that’s how colonel Sanders died!
This string of comments has amused me to no end. Props to you, natedog, EVIL, and Mantis.
Natedog made the best point by far, though. College and pro football just around the corner! 😀
Ollie, you have to be one of the worlds dumbest individuals if you honestly believe that before America existed there were no wars. Pick up a history book you dumbass.
ghillie, if you honestly believe that Ollie believes that, well, never mind.
This is the best thread I have ever seen in my life.
yes, ghillie, L2internetsarcasm
the post is dripping with it
It’s shooped. I no four shur.
because of the pixels?
Their intirely to big. Yep.
Damn Illuminati, are you TRYING to get everyone to hate you? First the anti-gun stuff and now you’re spewing the Illuminati/Freemason bullshit?
Oh I almost forgot the 2012 and Satan bullshit. But If the government really does worship Satan, I have no problem with that because Satan doesn’t exist.
Exacerbate… Are you TRYING to get everyone to think you’re a moron? Illuminati is practicing a widely-known human behavior called “sarcasm.” I suggest you study its theories and practices.
@Purple Banana
I don’t think so. This isn’t the first time he’s done this.