McCain – Nope

McCain - Nope

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    in b4 crying


    Not my guy, but this seems a bit angry to me. I have heard, though, that he has a quick and nasty temper.

    tiki god

    Yeah, well at least I don’t cake on the make up like a trollops you stupid cunt.


    Tiki wins




    McCain = douchebag.
    Obama = hippie.
    Hillary = dumb.

    We’re all fucked, ladies and gentlemen.


    McCain – Viva la War
    Obama – Hope for War

    Ron Paul was the only true hope for America. Too bad the MSM brainwashed the masses to vote for Barry Soetoro and Juan McWar instead.


    McCain is a great example of ‘be careful what you wish for.’ In some ways he represents what we wanted. He has experience with crimes against humanity, he knows what our enemies are capable of and he is quick to anger enough to swiftly do something about. Too bad we got all that in the form of someone who runs on a hypocritical platform with money funded by the same lobbyists who funded Colombian terrorists. I don’t care about the red and blue of politics, if you make up your mind based on your party and not the issue, you’re a fucking moron.

    That said, I just can’t respect someone who attacks the marriage of his opponent when he, himself, repeatedly cheated on his wife, even after she was practically crippled in a car accident and then left her to marry a rich heiress 20 years younger. No wonder he friggin’ flopped on hating Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.

    I like what he’s capable of and I hate what he stands for, but we’re sliding into recession and now is just not the fucking time to hold our bibles tight and decide who God hates because they make us “uncomfortable.”


    Diabeetus, I’m fucking tired of hearing you and your clueless compadres whine about Ron Paul. Never mind that the man’s a lunatic; he would never stand a shot in hell at winning a major party nomination in any election. So you might as well be whining about fucking Mayor McCheese.


    Deuce don’t jump on Diabeetus for something you know nothing about. Do you say “Heil Bush” every time you turn on Fox News?


    Anyone who says they’re for Ron Paul has obviously never read anything about the fucktard. Seriously, kiddies, go read what some of that dickwad wants to do. Sorry, I’m not for anyone who tells me what I can do with my uterus. ( Ron Paul wants to ban abortion, along with a lot of other things. ) He’s as much, if not worse of a religious douche as Dubbayah.

    There isn’t a politician out there that is truly good or bad. Basically, it’s the lesser of two evils at the moment. At first I like Obama, but the more I hear, the more I dislike the man, and same with McCain.

    But Ron Douchebag Paul is not the answer, and I get sick of these 14 year old emo shitheads who think they know politics and say, “Ron Paul ftw,” because their moronic buddies say it. Seriously, I never see any reasons why these idgits want to vote for Ron Paul, it’s like the Che Guevara crap that Hot Topic markets.


    Ron Paul said the right to allow or ban abortion is up to the individual states and despite his personal opinion he said it is not up for him to decide for you.
    You obviously know nothing about Ron Paul.


    Straight from /b/.
    Theres another picture, of obama, and the word “Rope”. I didnt save it though =\


    The_Hanz, you obviously know nothing about Ron Paul. Tell me something that this guy is going to do, hands down, that is good, seriously, try to find something.

    Allowing the states to choose whether or not Abortion should be allowed might as well be outlawing it in a lot of states, which equals back alley, coat-hanger abortions. Obviously, you’ve been reading too much wikipedia. Pfft, other interviews have said he is strictly against abortion, and, while he may be all goody two-shoe about saying that states have the rights, I don’t trust anyone who’s so against abortion as he is, to let him into office and see if he truly lets states have the right to choose.


    I am not against abortion nor do I give a shit if you use a coat hanger to do it and die, cry me a river.


    Clearly, everyone’s opinion is correct. To themselves.


    Ron Paul & Ralph Nader – Picked last for kickball tour coming soon to a town near you.


    awfulintentions, why do you care so much about abortion? It’s not going to affect you or the majority of women who truly wants babies instead of a handful of butch lesbians who were too lazy to take the pill.

    There are more important issues than abortion and gay marriage. Why don’t you get your head out of your ass for once and realize that there are more important things to be concerned about in the grand scheme of things.


    I don’t think ‘butch lesbians’ need abortions very often.


    Abortions for some, miniature american flags for others!


    Nyokki, I must say, I agree, and I find it quite funny how idiotic diabeetus sounds. Obvious Diabeetus doesn’t know that the pill isn’t 100% effective, nor does he know about rape, or any other extenuating circumstances, etc, etc, etc.

    For one, I don’t appreciate dumb ass kids who think they know politics, screaming, “Ron Paul, Ron Paul” without reading any of the policies. It’s not about abortions so much, but some dickwad politician telling me what the fuck I can do and what I can’t do with my body. It’s a principle of the matter.

    It’s not only that, Ron Paul’s foreign policy is so idiotic it isn’t even funny. It’s like it was written by a two year old.

    Oh, let’s talk about his plan to take out so much of the government infrastructure that what was left of the jenga nightmare, would collapse in on itself.

    Need I continue? Or do you still see Ron Paul as superior? C’mon, what’s so great about this guy? Seriously, the dip shits who keep supporting him keep sitting here telling me “Get my head out of my ass” yet they can only ad hominem me without providing a single shred of a good idea this man named Ron Paul has as his political base.

    Yes, there are more important issues then Gay Marriage and Abortion, truly, but emo teenagers really don’t understand too much about infrastructure or foreign policy.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    than not then


    I voted for Kodos.


    how ironic is it that right underneath this picture is an ad for McCain.



    You are right about some of his infrastructure policies and are dead on about his foreign policy. But having that said he really isn’t all that bad of a man. The fact is is that since the wilson administration the american people have been stripped of their constitutional rights and the states have lost most of their authority. A prime representation would be the medicinal cannibis issue since the DEA disregards the state governments rulings and yet again the war on drugs has allowed many constitutional violations to occur. Ron Paul is one of the few people who want to start putting and end to it. It might take decades for our nation to heal from the gross violations but at least someone is TRYING.


    In after crying.

    Fuck I called this one

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