oh.. lol to me it dont seem so, all the years on youtube.com ive never saw one clip of Britney(i havent searched for her) but then again im not into american pop thing to be knowing her
Monkeyhitman is foreign. He said so before so while he was not being sarcastic he can be excused and in a way admired for not knowing who some tranny who cried on youtube and sucked out 5 seconds of Amerofame for it is.
I don’t think going through life unexposed to chris crocker is to be considered a character flaw. It is, however, interesting that as a regular at a pop-culture/meme centric site such as this, you would not have come across ‘LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOONE!” before. I believe you… its just odd; you know that in a world of 6 billion people there have to be white folk who can only speak mandarin, but it’d still be weird to come across one.
I know a guy like that. Old bald guy. I think he’s from whatever that minority group is near russia because he speaks with a pretty proper northern accent.
I used to buy smokes from him but it got weird for some reason.
*Starts crying*
i dont know if it is sarcasm but if it aint .. you need to wake up cause bowing for people your degrading yourself .. pfff
MonkeyHitman, you need to get on with the times. The internet times. Everyone loves Britney, especially on YouTube.
oh.. lol to me it dont seem so, all the years on youtube.com ive never saw one clip of Britney(i havent searched for her) but then again im not into american pop thing to be knowing her
look for Chris Crocker on youtube, then you’ll get it
MonkeyHitman. Phail of the year.
Hitman fails. Hugely.
Even if you didn’t know about Chris Crocker, it should have been easy to guess that he was being sarcastic.
I’m gonna have to assume that monkeyhitman was himself being sarcastic about not getting it, or else my brain will explode.
Britney Spears is the richest trailer trash ever born.
Monkeyhitman is foreign. He said so before so while he was not being sarcastic he can be excused and in a way admired for not knowing who some tranny who cried on youtube and sucked out 5 seconds of Amerofame for it is.
I’m foreign and I got it.
yea i live on a small island so pop-culture is a no no but thanks for this vid.
britney doing a bicycle kick .. rolf
well to my summary all i can say is .. she looks very nice with makeup
so do I
I don’t think going through life unexposed to chris crocker is to be considered a character flaw. It is, however, interesting that as a regular at a pop-culture/meme centric site such as this, you would not have come across ‘LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOONE!” before. I believe you… its just odd; you know that in a world of 6 billion people there have to be white folk who can only speak mandarin, but it’d still be weird to come across one.
I know a guy like that. Old bald guy. I think he’s from whatever that minority group is near russia because he speaks with a pretty proper northern accent.
I used to buy smokes from him but it got weird for some reason.
I’d still bone her.
6 billion people? That’s nuthin. By 2011 there will be 7 billion!
At least half will be women and each have 2 boobies. That’s 7 billion breasts. All of which will need showering with soapy water.
TMI man… T. M. I…
I’m foreign and I started it. I guess some people just live under a rock.
What’s “Britney”?
Congrats @... Gunface01
@...Phyreblade : took the words out of my mouth hehehe
@...Chris where is this crocker fall into place .. i seem to be lost
youtube (is that a verb like ‘google’ yet?) “leave britney alone” and be afraid.