Actually… not really. I mean, before Hitler invaded Poland, he was pretty much a good guy. Got Germany on its feet anyway. Not saying I like him, but I’m just saying that one day Bush could be a somewhat competent president, and the next he’d be exterminating the Arabs.
We should remember that Hitler wasn’t a raving lunatic, frothing at the mouth, who enslaved Germany and forced them to despicable deeds. He was voted into office and brought his country out of the misery it had endured since the Treaty of Versailles. The nation was grateful and allowed him every freedom while they denied that freedom to one group after another. By the time they figured out what had happened they had no recourse; they had allowed their leader to take away nearly every right of a private citizen. What Bush has been doing should have sounded the alarm bells of every one in this nation and I worry that it didn’t and i’m ashamed of it too.
Hitler is a class A example of this quote, he was not a evil man, just mentally believed what he was doing was right. A belief so strong all you see is rainbows and butterflies and not the inhumanity of it all. He wasn’t a bad man, but he had very bad men working for him. A soldier is just a solders even if there “Just following orders” i would much rather kill myself then take a life of another in cold blood, many cold men walked out alive and free after WWII.
He had more than just “bad men” working for him. Who do you think hired those bad men? He was evil; he didn’t care about humanity…ever. When people become statistics you can do anything to them. They become irrelevant. He “believed” the shit he spouted,; it originated w/ him. He told his people to do those bad things and most of them didn’t just follow orders, they relished in brutality and the simplicity of it all. They though what they were doing was not only good, but beautiful. They took pictures of themselves having parties in the middle of the horror. The simple solution is the brutal answer and I could hope that we look past that simple answer and try harder.
Ok Nyoki are you serious about bush being like hitler? Last Time i checked Muslims in the USA and across the world are not being taken en masse to prison/work camps and exterminated for the purpose of benefiting the Aryan race. In fact if that was the case then the whole town of Dearborn michigan should be vacant and up for sale.
I never said Bush is our equivalent to Hitler. What I’m saying is that we’re not safe from people like Hitler just because… It can happen again, so smoothly that it might go unnoticed. Let me say this again: I am not equating Bush to Hitler. In a sense your response to me illustrates my point. These are not simple questions and do not deserve simple answers. We have done things as a nation that require people to be outraged enough to stop it. There’s a reason we’ve given land back to Native Americans and are recompensing Japanese-Americans for our treatment of them during WWII and there’s a reason where asking about what’s going on at Guantanamo Bay. I am not taking a side on whether or not our “We’re sorry about what we did to you” was appropriate or not. I am saying that as a nation we try not allow those kind of things to happen and we try to make up for it when we do. I think we do this in recognition that it can “happen again” and it could be us. Bush has skirted the outlines a lot, too much. It makes me nervous; not so much about what Bush can do now (there’s not much time left for him) but what he’s done to the executive branch (and what the judicial and legislative branch have allowed him and his to do). If someone smarter and less scrupulous comes along…the things a person like that could do. Remember also that Hitler was in power for 11 years and showed no signs of giving his power up until he ended it himself.
So, please don’t simplify my arguments. Books have been written on this subject and are, in fact, still being written. I cannot possibly nuance all my arguments into a paragraph or two.
Remember, the Allies really didn’t know about the Holocaust until after the war. The original reason Hitler was a “bad guy” was for unilaterally invaded other countries. Does that seem more familiar?
@... nyoki.
Well when a person begins speaking out against a political leader in a commnt box for a picture of hitler i can’t help but get the feeling that one is equating said leader to hitler. But still, right after you speak about what hitler did you say “What Bush has been doing should have sounded the alarm bells of every one in this nation and I worry that it didn’t and i’m ashamed of it too.” The part with “sounding the alarm bells is what caught my eye, because int he context you put it in it seems to refer to “remembering a past event” or to ” be aware of a tradgedy” and seeing that you do not reference any specific act i am lead to believe that you are making a comparison to hitler given the hitler photo above and the previous speech about hitler and what he did. I did not simplify your argument, i only went on what you gave me. So let me get this straight now. You made a speech about how hitler did bad things and how bad men helped him and then made a statement about how george bush “should have set off alarms” and i am NOT supposed to think you were equating GWB to fucking hitler?
You’re right. When I write in post-like fashion, it does seem to be an abrupt segue. It is difficult for me to try and pare down what I want to say in anything less than 20 pages. So, when I do, feel free to call me on it. Just please remember that what ever I am saying is probably more nuanced and thought out than would appear on first read. Thanx.
Ok… AS far as a number of detainees there are 750 250 of which had been released to their native country pulling it down to about 500 detainees. Now there are 1,000,000,000 followers of the Islamic faith 20% of whom are actual arabs so about 200,000,000 arabs in total. Now lets look at the number of jews detained during the holocaust. in Dachau there were In total over 200,000 prisoners from more than 30 countries. In Auschwitz 1.1 million Jewish deaths and 140,000-150,000 ethnic Polish victims, along with 23,000 Roma and Sinti (Gypsies). This number has met with “significant, though not complete” agreement among scholars. That is the number of people who DIED there. Then you have to take in sattellite camps and other camps of the era.
So yes Howsyoursister. 500 arabs detained at guantanamo. IS EXACTLY LIKE THE MILLIONS OF JEWS DETAINED AND EXECUTED DURING THE FUCKING HOLOCUAST. Think before you speak.
I must say, your ability to recognize your own fault ( when it is debatable whether it is there or not)is too rare of a quality these days. Cheers mate.
My original post was in disgust of the “Look Hitler, time to bring up W” crap, which is unfounded. And I mostly agree with nyoki, and ^theloutseater’s comment about nyoki.
It really is disgusting to equate the merciless deaths of millions of people based on nothing but racism and the need for a scapegoat to a relatively tame war. i know the whole iraq war and war on terrorism is far from pretty but it pales in comparison to the holocaust.n It’s even more disgusting to equate george bush OUR FUCKING PRESIDENT to hitler. Whether you like him or not it is insulting to insinuate that he is like hitler because if that is true that he is like hitler then you are convicting nearly the whole country and countless millions around the world of the same indifference the jews were shown in the holocaust.
Good and evil are not issues of magnitude. Jeffrey Dahmer is just as evil for killing 17 people as Hilter is for killing millions. Holding 300 people without a trial is just as back as sending millions to the gulag.
I was trying to make too many points at once. My concern about Bush is not that he may be the next Hitler. My concern is that a significant number of the US population really don’t see that we are skirting some nasty behavior by our current administration. I’m concerned that this may be the (perhaps unintentional)set-up for something we’re not going to like 50 years from now and leave us wondering how it happened. Wondering when we gave up civil liberties for a false sense of security. Wondering when we allowed the gov’t to arrest, detain and not-charge citizens and w/ no trial…ever. This may seem an extreme point of view but it’s clear throughout history that dictators tend to be given their power by a populace, rather than against the wishes of the populace. This doesn’t mean the populace knows what it’s getting into. Dictators lie, shmooze, manipulate and finagle their way into our fears and desires. I think we need to keep these ideas alive and in the public arena, in order to keep the gov’t transparent. We have to force it; if we don’t there are people (very nice people, I’m sure) that will use our disinterest to do what they can, rather than what they should. I never, ever trust someone in a position of power telling me to trust them; that they have my best interest at heart and I don’t need to know the details of what they’re doing. I do need to know and so does everyone else.
“Remember, the Allies really didn’t know about the Holocaust until after the war.”
That’s not entirely true. It was farily common knowledge that the Nazis were killing Jews and other “undesireables”. The Germans were efficent, but not perfect; many Jews escaped camps, or fled before capture and made it to America where they could tell the world what was happening. The thing is, nobody particularily cared. Anti-Semetism was rife in America (and most of the West) back then, and no one had any idea of the scale of the thing. So to say the US didn’t know until after the war isn’t true, they knew, they just didn’t think it was worth fighting a war over.
Book have been written on the subject, cannot sum up the entire sociopolitical landscape of 1930s America in one paragraph, yaddda yadda yadda.
AgZed, you’re totally right, I was generalizing. My point being, Hilter would have been considered evil regardless of the Holocaust. So all the people who are saying “Bush is not like Hilter because he hasn’t killed any Jews” are fighting a strawman.
Ok reboot so what you are saying is that bush is like hitler because he has invaded countries? Am i correct in saying that? That sounds pretty fucking retarded.
How many countries do you have to invade before its “evil”? Do you get a freebie? First country you invade doesn’t count.
Try coming up with a consistent set of morals by which Hitler is a “bad” guy, but Bush isn’t. Something like: Invading a country is wrong under theses circumstances…, but ok under these circumstances…
There are just reasons to go to battle. For example undoing a tyrannical regime like the al-quaeda network or Taking down a man who was seeking to rebuild the babylonian empire. While it is true no WMDS were found and the war was fought under supposed” false pretenses” we unearthed far more horrible things than WMDS or terrorist links. Hussein was in the midst of genocide and a megalomaniacal pursuit of reestablishing the Babylonian empire.
I am sorry reboot but i respectfully disagree. While invading and striking war leaves terror and death in its wake. By your logic then the founding fathers of the USA were evil for slaughtering the british and vice versa. It is that logic of ” WAR AND FIGHTING IS EVIL FUCK WAR LETS HOLD HANDS AND KISS AND GET ALONG GUYZ” that gets us into trouble.Fighting is as old as man and time Reboot. And While i agree that war is evil it is also necessary to ensure the protection of ones own kind. The fact is, is that the world will NEVER be a peacefull place and words alone will NEVER stop a being of pure evil. Get used to it. Also i guess FDR was evil for sending troops to normandy.
Clearly there are wars that are justified and wars that are wrong, correct? We agree? Or are you saying that every war is ok because “Fighting is as old as man”(aside: so was slavery)?
So come up with a list of universally applicable guidelines that will distinguish just wars from unjust wars. Here’s one suggestion:
1)A war is justified if a country has attacked your country, has attacked a country that has a democratically elected government or willfully harbors an organization that has done do.
See how that guideline justifies FDR entering WWII, justifies the invasion of Afghanistan, but condemns the invasion of Iraq? So now you come up with one that justifies Bush but condemns Hitler. Because I don’t think its logically possible.
BTW this:”Hussein was in the midst of genocide and a megalomaniacal pursuit of reestablishing the Babylonian empire.” is bullshit.
The only genocide that we managed to pin on him was against the Kurds in the ’80s, when we were sponsoring him and selling him chemical weapons. Cite some sources.
Alrite perhaps i misunderstood you at some point but i do agree with you when you say “Clearly there are wars that are justified and wars that are wrong, correct?” As far as my comment regarding ancient man and whatnot that was merely to give insight to my reasoning why i do not view war as such a shocking and horrible thing, but i can see how you think i may have viewed all wars as being just.
Now for that list.
1)A war is justified if a country has attacked your country, has attacked a country that has a democratically elected government or willfully harbors an organization that has done do.
2) when a nation or leader of a nation is leading a genocide or en masse slaughtering of civillians be it for political, racial, religious, etc.
3)Poses an immediate and capable threat to national security and security of allied nations and organizations
Well the genocide and babylonian empire is not bullshit, believe me i know. As far as citing sources you wouldn’t believe me if i told you. All i can tell you is that my house gets regular visits from black SUV’s and Vans and certain people often show up to my door. Speak with troops whenever you get a chance. They offer great insight into the war. I understand fully if you do not believe me and will not argue with you if you don’t. In fact i will not be surprised if you write off my explanation as a mere psychological ploy to make you believe me, ad infinitum.
See now we’re getting somewhere. We agree on #1 and #2, but #3 has an additional problem of being entirely subjective. So now you need criteria to judge a threat.
Iraq, at its peak, couldn’t win a war with Iran with our help. Israel is the only democratic ally in the area and I pretty sure that Iraq wasn’t a threat to them.
And don’t bring up 9/11. Al-Qaeda HATED Saddam. Most of the hijackers were from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Why didn’t we invade one of those countries?
If you don’t have any factual sources, then yeah, I don’t believe you. I need facts to publish a scientific paper. A lawyer needs facts to argue his case. Why should issues of national security have lower standards of proof?
“Speak with troops whenever you get a chance.”
I maybe a hippie liberal from Seattle now, but I was born and raised in right-wing Hicktown, USA. I know plenty of people, several in my family, that have been to Iraq. Most of them think its a waste of time.
reboot: I figured you were generalizing, but I wouldn’t be a pedantic douchebag if I didn’t at least dabble in the occassional bout of pedantic douchebaggery. Though if it weren’t for the Holocaust, I’m not sure we’d consider Hitler evil, per se. Franz Joseph isn’t generally regarded as evil, even though it was his declaration of war on Serbia that kicked off WWI.
That being said, the parallels between Bush & Hitler beyond both being leaders who took their countries to war. Using such oversimplification, one could compare Hitler to FDR. Both enacted laws that curbed the freedoms of their citizens, both used an attack on their country as a pretense for a war against a sovreign nation that little to do with the attack, and both detained people in extrajudiciary confinement.
Obviously, Hitler took it a lot further, obviously, but then Bush has to contend with a lot of things that Hitler didn’t; a media far more willing to question the official line, the internet, the lack of someone like Hitler to compare him to, and a personal lack of charisma. One must wonder how much more Bush would have gotten away with if he had that placating charsima of someone like JFK.
So sure, you can compare & contrast Hitler and Bush until the cows come home. I think Bush is a very bad man, but he’s a long way from attaining a Hitler level of evil.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up 9-11, as I agree with you in that there is no real connection between Saddam and that event.
I was mostly pointing out the rest of the information within that link, such as the references to the ANO, and MEK.
As for the whole deal with Iraq, I believe that an intervention there was necessary in regards to their country being one connected with multiple, terrorist organizations. This stems from my belief that the U.S. and its allies NEED to be willing to go to any corner of the Earth that provides any sort of haven for terrorist activities and disrupt those activities.
In regards to how things have turned out, I believe this administration screwed the pooch on a grand scale. The top brass of the military that disagreed with the initial invasion plan were pretty much ousted and Rumsfield & Co. pretty much stuffed what they thought was a better idea down the throat of the military.
Having spent over a year in Iraq, I must say that from my own, firsthand experience, the Iraqi government is making a very shitty effort, if even that, towards standing on their own two feet. There’s really only so much one can do to help somebody when that person isn’t making a real, hard effort to help himself.
On a random note, I’ve always wanted to go to Seattle. I’ve heard the fishing there is quite great, and that area of the country seems to have absolutely fantastic scenery. Have I been led astray or is that about right?
Are the 3 reasons listed above justifications for war or reasons for war? I ask because I wonder if we should go to war because of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan or if we must. If the answer is neither, how do we decide?
Iraq would pose a threat as would the other nations in the region to israel if they banded together in their hate. They are able to get weapons from countries such as Russia ( who is our equivalent as far as nuclear technology goes) or North Korea plus the countries own independent nuclear reasearch and development. The likelyhood of a full out strike against israel is small since the US would intervene or aid Now israel attacking other nations is a whole other issue. Israel will attack iran depending on their upcoming presidents influence by the current Ayatollah. I will say this, israle is most likely going to attacked given their recent display of military power over Iran.Israel has warned Iran that they will attack if they continue to pursue Nuclear power in any form they . Even then the USA probably won’t get involved since their military could easily hold their own given the technology and plain old military tactical skills. That is how we would get involved in a war with iran.
AS far as matters of national security go they do not have a lower standard of proof. It’s just like i said you won’t believe me if i cited my sources. And even if you did believe me i could get in trouble for it. I know it sounds like a cop out but like i said i am not expecting you to take what i say as fact.
@... nyoki,
It can be both. I have been saying for a while now that we need to intervene in darfur.Military wise it wouldn’t be a smart move to wage war on two fronts but still something has to be done and the UN aint doin shit. If the answer is neither then we do it because it is the right thing to do.
I’m involved in some government stuff. I advise members of our congress from time to time on minor domestic issues. Sometimes they ask me about foreign stuff but It’s not really secret. My dad on the other hand… all i can say is that he is very important and that you will never hear of him because of his importance.Basically i stick to the local level and deal with public information.
That’s one of the most full of shit claims I’ve ever heard. Seriously. In this thread you admit that you’re a sophomore in college on hiatus(ie drop-out). Why the fuck would anyone from congress be asking advice for someone who doesn’t even have a cisco certificate yet?
Thanks for the good laugh anyway.
– without further notice things seems like most has been planned.. european union .. north and south american union. (bush has been putting his nose in other wars with nothing to do with the american nation. the ongoing war with Guerilla’s vs. the Colombian government.
– you guys see all in this WII but you asked yourself “Why” the Allies involved themself in the World War 2 ?
predicted awnsers:
#1: saw them in trouble and wanted to provide amnesty. dont come with that bs. try to reflect this upon yourself .. if you based yourself upon amnesty wouldnt you be helping all the helpless people you could find instead of being on the pc ? it’s been proven by course of history that a person won’t help another without gettin something out of it…
clearly states saw an oppertunity.. did you know states said to the nations who needed help .. we will help you but you will loose your colonies in africa .. for example (i dont know them by heart)
but South Africa used to belong to Holland .. but had to cut the rope if they wanted help from the allies. but usa cannot just go into war without a given reason so they had to make it look like the nazi’s attacked usa to give them a reason to fight back.. did you know the axis had connections with united states federal bank. when usa wage war federal bank froze accounts. but really everyone was connected to each other .. there’s more to an eye that it meets.
so who’s the bad guy”s”
now before you guys start posting comments about utter bs. think this ..
this is the past we were born after this so any information we got abroad us are NOT facts. But rather information rumour sources, we have noo valid proof thats its true. FACTS are thing or saying that are & CAN be proven in OUR time era.
for example we know for fact that we will die if we dont have oxygen. its always there but about WWII it happend already and its not in our time so we really dont know if its true or not.. which makes us argue soo much same like religion arguements .. god created world in 7 days but science prove that world excisted for millions of years etc. now a arguement with a scientoligist vs a religionist will NEVER finish .. like 2 donkey’s fighting.. its not in our time .. so we will not know .. just because people “SAY” and say a BOOK is PROOF ? hey i can write a book and say some god and make a religion… same thing .. its all about rumours.. and just because what you hear is what you like means its the truth ? wow.. heap of bullshit on a silver platter.
so in all this arguement about this is useless..
my OPINION!!!:
i know what hitler did was savagly wrong but his actions (on a certain point of view) was good.
i look at it like this .. i know he did some fucked up shit but if he didnt do it .. can you imagene a world what it would be .. he did it and gave us like yea .. we as humans have a duty making sure it will not happen anymore but if he never did it, we would not know about it that its possible. and if a war had to break out by futuristic weapons not europe could be wiped but the world with todays advanced weaponry we could be wiped from excistance.. but hitler did before on a small scale as a warning sign … just picture your self lookin at the sky where full scale wars going on .. no where to run .. as i say what some other guy said that on the road to hell he did some good not WITH nobody im on nuetral status.
before you saying what i say is bullshit read good or get some glasses. this is opinion and what all and everyone post is THERE opinion and you should respected it, just because it dont match yours doesn’t mean you should go against the person.. because you making yourself like a fool. an opinion is not about right or wrong its about what the person who said/write it feels about the subject. nobody knows if its right or wrong just its what the person feel upon what he “KNOWS”.
EDIT: for example we know for fact that we will die if we dont have oxygen. its always there but about “certain events which acurd in WWII it happend already and its not in our time so we really dont know if its true or not.
You need to learn something about sentence and paragraph structure. You have points there, but they’re buried under rambling incoherence.
1)Great Britain took South Africa from the Dutch long, long before WWII. Starting when the Dutch East India Company went bankrupt and finishing off with the Boer Wars.
2) Different countries were involved in WWII for different reasons. Most because they were invaded/bombed and didn’t have a choice. Some were probably out of genuine goodwill (Canada).
The US involved was probable some combination of goodwill, imperialistic ambitions (particularly in Asia) and competition with the Soviet Union.
Sikras (#1927)
16 years ago
Long comment list is looooong.
Seriously, if a picture of Hitler demands this much attention, what happens if we get a picture of Jesus, Hitler, and Big Bird holding hands dancing down a yellow brick road?
@The Matrix: Rebooted
sure do, but really you takin notes of how bad my structure is but you cannot read when i post in brackets ” for example (i dont know them by heart)” but you seem to pass that piece.
yea im just sayin my opinion based on what ive seen or read… im not sayin its true.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
Hitler and Bush are nothing alike and the fact you even dare compare them just proves your paranoia and your ignorance, and your will to hate and to demonize someone who has been, if at best average, at least trying.
Essentially we blame the guy for everything even though the finger is never pointed at the real culprits.
Hey, i told you that you wouldn’t believe me and i am not expecting you to believe me. You want the truth i give it to you. I am not phased one bit by your disbelief since i know that i am telling the truth and i understand that nothing i do or say will convince you of that. So go ahead, call me a liar all you want, i have no need to convince you. I will humor you with answers to your questions.
“Why the fuck would anyone from congress be asking advice for someone who doesn’t even have a cisco certificate yet?”
My age and education have nothing to do with it. What i do is what any American can do if they write to their congressman or representative. The reason i might have had more success at it than the average American is probably because i am a registered voter who’s father and grandfather are well known in certain sects of government and military. I am not doing anything special or top secret. I am doing something that you or anyone you know can do as long as they take the time and the effort to do this.
Don’t dare bring up the fact that oil/gas prices have risen since the democrats gained control of the house and senate. People forget that the president is only a cog in the machine.
See that’s believable. Writing letters to congress and getting good replies back is entirely believable (from most members of congress). Heck, me and Harry Reid actually have a running joke going on for a few years.
All that talk about black SUVs and “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you” and generally being obtuse is what I was calling BS on. You were making it sound like this was a regular occurrence in your life.
Plus if there’s nothing secret or special, you should be able to cite sources. Something like: “On March 12, 2006 I received a letter from Representative Fucktard stating Blah-blah”. Surely in you one year of college you learned something about making an argument and supporting it with reference material.
@The Matrix: Rebooted. Well not my life per se, but i do get black SUVs and vans at least once a week and all the phones and internet traffic in my house are under 24 hour surveillance.
I already said i dealt with civilian shit, but that doesn’t mean i don’t know some stuff, and have seen some incredible . When your dad works as a councilor for top secret and foreign affairs to the US government, you end up inadvertently reading some things not meant for you. As a result of his work i have met some cool people who shared some tidbits with me. AGAIN, NOT FROM MY WORK.
And i didn’t make MY work sound like i was james fucking bond. I said i don’t do anything military or top secret or that i am a payed advisor. I flat out said i deal with public shit on a local level.
As great as it is to have an intellectually charged political conversation – TIKI, If you ever post Hitler again, you are going to be banned from the internets!
Did you not know the shitstorm of comments you were going to cause?
🙂 Have a GREAT Day!
one glove… he’s as cool as MJ!
Boy. That GW Bush is a snappy dresser.
Oh, for God’s sake, that was a bit much.
Actually… not really. I mean, before Hitler invaded Poland, he was pretty much a good guy. Got Germany on its feet anyway. Not saying I like him, but I’m just saying that one day Bush could be a somewhat competent president, and the next he’d be exterminating the Arabs.
I think Mystik is right, except for Bush being competent. That’ll never happen.
I find it funny he calls the elections in Zimbabwe a sham. If it wasn’t for the bullshit in Florida in 2000, he wouldn’t be president now.
Hitler had a lot of issues.
We should remember that Hitler wasn’t a raving lunatic, frothing at the mouth, who enslaved Germany and forced them to despicable deeds. He was voted into office and brought his country out of the misery it had endured since the Treaty of Versailles. The nation was grateful and allowed him every freedom while they denied that freedom to one group after another. By the time they figured out what had happened they had no recourse; they had allowed their leader to take away nearly every right of a private citizen. What Bush has been doing should have sounded the alarm bells of every one in this nation and I worry that it didn’t and i’m ashamed of it too.
“the Road to hell is paved with good inetentions”
Hitler is a class A example of this quote, he was not a evil man, just mentally believed what he was doing was right. A belief so strong all you see is rainbows and butterflies and not the inhumanity of it all. He wasn’t a bad man, but he had very bad men working for him. A soldier is just a solders even if there “Just following orders” i would much rather kill myself then take a life of another in cold blood, many cold men walked out alive and free after WWII.
He had more than just “bad men” working for him. Who do you think hired those bad men? He was evil; he didn’t care about humanity…ever. When people become statistics you can do anything to them. They become irrelevant. He “believed” the shit he spouted,; it originated w/ him. He told his people to do those bad things and most of them didn’t just follow orders, they relished in brutality and the simplicity of it all. They though what they were doing was not only good, but beautiful. They took pictures of themselves having parties in the middle of the horror. The simple solution is the brutal answer and I could hope that we look past that simple answer and try harder.
Ok Nyoki are you serious about bush being like hitler? Last Time i checked Muslims in the USA and across the world are not being taken en masse to prison/work camps and exterminated for the purpose of benefiting the Aryan race. In fact if that was the case then the whole town of Dearborn michigan should be vacant and up for sale.
Really? Bush = Hitler? Wow.
I never said Bush is our equivalent to Hitler. What I’m saying is that we’re not safe from people like Hitler just because… It can happen again, so smoothly that it might go unnoticed. Let me say this again: I am not equating Bush to Hitler. In a sense your response to me illustrates my point. These are not simple questions and do not deserve simple answers. We have done things as a nation that require people to be outraged enough to stop it. There’s a reason we’ve given land back to Native Americans and are recompensing Japanese-Americans for our treatment of them during WWII and there’s a reason where asking about what’s going on at Guantanamo Bay. I am not taking a side on whether or not our “We’re sorry about what we did to you” was appropriate or not. I am saying that as a nation we try not allow those kind of things to happen and we try to make up for it when we do. I think we do this in recognition that it can “happen again” and it could be us. Bush has skirted the outlines a lot, too much. It makes me nervous; not so much about what Bush can do now (there’s not much time left for him) but what he’s done to the executive branch (and what the judicial and legislative branch have allowed him and his to do). If someone smarter and less scrupulous comes along…the things a person like that could do. Remember also that Hitler was in power for 11 years and showed no signs of giving his power up until he ended it himself.
So, please don’t simplify my arguments. Books have been written on this subject and are, in fact, still being written. I cannot possibly nuance all my arguments into a paragraph or two.
Question 1: How many Muslims are in Guantanamo Bay for no reason other than paranoia?
Question 2: How long have they been there with no legal recourse because the Bush Administration says they have none?
Remember, the Allies really didn’t know about the Holocaust until after the war. The original reason Hitler was a “bad guy” was for unilaterally invaded other countries. Does that seem more familiar?
@... nyoki.
Well when a person begins speaking out against a political leader in a commnt box for a picture of hitler i can’t help but get the feeling that one is equating said leader to hitler. But still, right after you speak about what hitler did you say “What Bush has been doing should have sounded the alarm bells of every one in this nation and I worry that it didn’t and i’m ashamed of it too.” The part with “sounding the alarm bells is what caught my eye, because int he context you put it in it seems to refer to “remembering a past event” or to ” be aware of a tradgedy” and seeing that you do not reference any specific act i am lead to believe that you are making a comparison to hitler given the hitler photo above and the previous speech about hitler and what he did. I did not simplify your argument, i only went on what you gave me. So let me get this straight now. You made a speech about how hitler did bad things and how bad men helped him and then made a statement about how george bush “should have set off alarms” and i am NOT supposed to think you were equating GWB to fucking hitler?
You’re right. When I write in post-like fashion, it does seem to be an abrupt segue. It is difficult for me to try and pare down what I want to say in anything less than 20 pages. So, when I do, feel free to call me on it. Just please remember that what ever I am saying is probably more nuanced and thought out than would appear on first read. Thanx.
@The Matrix: Rebooted.
Yeah, we are really unilateraly invading the world…
Ok… AS far as a number of detainees there are 750 250 of which had been released to their native country pulling it down to about 500 detainees. Now there are 1,000,000,000 followers of the Islamic faith 20% of whom are actual arabs so about 200,000,000 arabs in total. Now lets look at the number of jews detained during the holocaust. in Dachau there were In total over 200,000 prisoners from more than 30 countries. In Auschwitz 1.1 million Jewish deaths and 140,000-150,000 ethnic Polish victims, along with 23,000 Roma and Sinti (Gypsies). This number has met with “significant, though not complete” agreement among scholars. That is the number of people who DIED there. Then you have to take in sattellite camps and other camps of the era.
So yes Howsyoursister. 500 arabs detained at guantanamo. IS EXACTLY LIKE THE MILLIONS OF JEWS DETAINED AND EXECUTED DURING THE FUCKING HOLOCUAST. Think before you speak.
@... nyoki.
I must say, your ability to recognize your own fault ( when it is debatable whether it is there or not)is too rare of a quality these days. Cheers mate.
Well, My Confined Space has to come down now, Godwin’s Law.
My original post was in disgust of the “Look Hitler, time to bring up W” crap, which is unfounded. And I mostly agree with nyoki, and ^theloutseater’s comment about nyoki.
It really is disgusting to equate the merciless deaths of millions of people based on nothing but racism and the need for a scapegoat to a relatively tame war. i know the whole iraq war and war on terrorism is far from pretty but it pales in comparison to the holocaust.n It’s even more disgusting to equate george bush OUR FUCKING PRESIDENT to hitler. Whether you like him or not it is insulting to insinuate that he is like hitler because if that is true that he is like hitler then you are convicting nearly the whole country and countless millions around the world of the same indifference the jews were shown in the holocaust.
Good and evil are not issues of magnitude. Jeffrey Dahmer is just as evil for killing 17 people as Hilter is for killing millions. Holding 300 people without a trial is just as back as sending millions to the gulag.
gods and beasts and those pesky things in-between…
I was trying to make too many points at once. My concern about Bush is not that he may be the next Hitler. My concern is that a significant number of the US population really don’t see that we are skirting some nasty behavior by our current administration. I’m concerned that this may be the (perhaps unintentional)set-up for something we’re not going to like 50 years from now and leave us wondering how it happened. Wondering when we gave up civil liberties for a false sense of security. Wondering when we allowed the gov’t to arrest, detain and not-charge citizens and w/ no trial…ever. This may seem an extreme point of view but it’s clear throughout history that dictators tend to be given their power by a populace, rather than against the wishes of the populace. This doesn’t mean the populace knows what it’s getting into. Dictators lie, shmooze, manipulate and finagle their way into our fears and desires. I think we need to keep these ideas alive and in the public arena, in order to keep the gov’t transparent. We have to force it; if we don’t there are people (very nice people, I’m sure) that will use our disinterest to do what they can, rather than what they should. I never, ever trust someone in a position of power telling me to trust them; that they have my best interest at heart and I don’t need to know the details of what they’re doing. I do need to know and so does everyone else.
“Remember, the Allies really didn’t know about the Holocaust until after the war.”
That’s not entirely true. It was farily common knowledge that the Nazis were killing Jews and other “undesireables”. The Germans were efficent, but not perfect; many Jews escaped camps, or fled before capture and made it to America where they could tell the world what was happening. The thing is, nobody particularily cared. Anti-Semetism was rife in America (and most of the West) back then, and no one had any idea of the scale of the thing. So to say the US didn’t know until after the war isn’t true, they knew, they just didn’t think it was worth fighting a war over.
Book have been written on the subject, cannot sum up the entire sociopolitical landscape of 1930s America in one paragraph, yaddda yadda yadda.
AgZed, you’re totally right, I was generalizing. My point being, Hilter would have been considered evil regardless of the Holocaust. So all the people who are saying “Bush is not like Hilter because he hasn’t killed any Jews” are fighting a strawman.
Now here’s a man who understood that CHR does have it’s uses and isn’t necessarily a dump stat.
Ok reboot so what you are saying is that bush is like hitler because he has invaded countries? Am i correct in saying that? That sounds pretty fucking retarded.
How many countries do you have to invade before its “evil”? Do you get a freebie? First country you invade doesn’t count.
Try coming up with a consistent set of morals by which Hitler is a “bad” guy, but Bush isn’t. Something like: Invading a country is wrong under theses circumstances…, but ok under these circumstances…
There are just reasons to go to battle. For example undoing a tyrannical regime like the al-quaeda network or Taking down a man who was seeking to rebuild the babylonian empire. While it is true no WMDS were found and the war was fought under supposed” false pretenses” we unearthed far more horrible things than WMDS or terrorist links. Hussein was in the midst of genocide and a megalomaniacal pursuit of reestablishing the Babylonian empire.
I am sorry reboot but i respectfully disagree. While invading and striking war leaves terror and death in its wake. By your logic then the founding fathers of the USA were evil for slaughtering the british and vice versa. It is that logic of ” WAR AND FIGHTING IS EVIL FUCK WAR LETS HOLD HANDS AND KISS AND GET ALONG GUYZ” that gets us into trouble.Fighting is as old as man and time Reboot. And While i agree that war is evil it is also necessary to ensure the protection of ones own kind. The fact is, is that the world will NEVER be a peacefull place and words alone will NEVER stop a being of pure evil. Get used to it. Also i guess FDR was evil for sending troops to normandy.
Clearly there are wars that are justified and wars that are wrong, correct? We agree? Or are you saying that every war is ok because “Fighting is as old as man”(aside: so was slavery)?
So come up with a list of universally applicable guidelines that will distinguish just wars from unjust wars. Here’s one suggestion:
1)A war is justified if a country has attacked your country, has attacked a country that has a democratically elected government or willfully harbors an organization that has done do.
See how that guideline justifies FDR entering WWII, justifies the invasion of Afghanistan, but condemns the invasion of Iraq? So now you come up with one that justifies Bush but condemns Hitler. Because I don’t think its logically possible.
BTW this:”Hussein was in the midst of genocide and a megalomaniacal pursuit of reestablishing the Babylonian empire.” is bullshit.
The only genocide that we managed to pin on him was against the Kurds in the ’80s, when we were sponsoring him and selling him chemical weapons. Cite some sources.
Alrite perhaps i misunderstood you at some point but i do agree with you when you say “Clearly there are wars that are justified and wars that are wrong, correct?” As far as my comment regarding ancient man and whatnot that was merely to give insight to my reasoning why i do not view war as such a shocking and horrible thing, but i can see how you think i may have viewed all wars as being just.
Now for that list.
1)A war is justified if a country has attacked your country, has attacked a country that has a democratically elected government or willfully harbors an organization that has done do.
2) when a nation or leader of a nation is leading a genocide or en masse slaughtering of civillians be it for political, racial, religious, etc.
3)Poses an immediate and capable threat to national security and security of allied nations and organizations
Well the genocide and babylonian empire is not bullshit, believe me i know. As far as citing sources you wouldn’t believe me if i told you. All i can tell you is that my house gets regular visits from black SUV’s and Vans and certain people often show up to my door. Speak with troops whenever you get a chance. They offer great insight into the war. I understand fully if you do not believe me and will not argue with you if you don’t. In fact i will not be surprised if you write off my explanation as a mere psychological ploy to make you believe me, ad infinitum.
Also, why in the fuck are we intelligently and calmly discussing matters of politics? This is the internet god damn it !
Ahh, better.
Iraq actually was considered a state sponsor of terrorism well before this war and the last one.
Bush is like Hitler inasmuch as they were both world leaders who took their nations to war. That’s about it.
I do think that the people we attack are making more connections between the two, however.
See now we’re getting somewhere. We agree on #1 and #2, but #3 has an additional problem of being entirely subjective. So now you need criteria to judge a threat.
Iraq, at its peak, couldn’t win a war with Iran with our help. Israel is the only democratic ally in the area and I pretty sure that Iraq wasn’t a threat to them.
And don’t bring up 9/11. Al-Qaeda HATED Saddam. Most of the hijackers were from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Why didn’t we invade one of those countries?
If you don’t have any factual sources, then yeah, I don’t believe you. I need facts to publish a scientific paper. A lawyer needs facts to argue his case. Why should issues of national security have lower standards of proof?
“Speak with troops whenever you get a chance.”
I maybe a hippie liberal from Seattle now, but I was born and raised in right-wing Hicktown, USA. I know plenty of people, several in my family, that have been to Iraq. Most of them think its a waste of time.
reboot: I figured you were generalizing, but I wouldn’t be a pedantic douchebag if I didn’t at least dabble in the occassional bout of pedantic douchebaggery. Though if it weren’t for the Holocaust, I’m not sure we’d consider Hitler evil, per se. Franz Joseph isn’t generally regarded as evil, even though it was his declaration of war on Serbia that kicked off WWI.
That being said, the parallels between Bush & Hitler beyond both being leaders who took their countries to war. Using such oversimplification, one could compare Hitler to FDR. Both enacted laws that curbed the freedoms of their citizens, both used an attack on their country as a pretense for a war against a sovreign nation that little to do with the attack, and both detained people in extrajudiciary confinement.
Obviously, Hitler took it a lot further, obviously, but then Bush has to contend with a lot of things that Hitler didn’t; a media far more willing to question the official line, the internet, the lack of someone like Hitler to compare him to, and a personal lack of charisma. One must wonder how much more Bush would have gotten away with if he had that placating charsima of someone like JFK.
So sure, you can compare & contrast Hitler and Bush until the cows come home. I think Bush is a very bad man, but he’s a long way from attaining a Hitler level of evil.
It’s clear to me that people on the net will never see reason, so let’s just change the subject.
. . .
Hitler’s mustache looks stupid.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up 9-11, as I agree with you in that there is no real connection between Saddam and that event.
I was mostly pointing out the rest of the information within that link, such as the references to the ANO, and MEK.
As for the whole deal with Iraq, I believe that an intervention there was necessary in regards to their country being one connected with multiple, terrorist organizations. This stems from my belief that the U.S. and its allies NEED to be willing to go to any corner of the Earth that provides any sort of haven for terrorist activities and disrupt those activities.
In regards to how things have turned out, I believe this administration screwed the pooch on a grand scale. The top brass of the military that disagreed with the initial invasion plan were pretty much ousted and Rumsfield & Co. pretty much stuffed what they thought was a better idea down the throat of the military.
Having spent over a year in Iraq, I must say that from my own, firsthand experience, the Iraqi government is making a very shitty effort, if even that, towards standing on their own two feet. There’s really only so much one can do to help somebody when that person isn’t making a real, hard effort to help himself.
On a random note, I’ve always wanted to go to Seattle. I’ve heard the fishing there is quite great, and that area of the country seems to have absolutely fantastic scenery. Have I been led astray or is that about right?
Are the 3 reasons listed above justifications for war or reasons for war? I ask because I wonder if we should go to war because of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan or if we must. If the answer is neither, how do we decide?
@... reboot
Iraq would pose a threat as would the other nations in the region to israel if they banded together in their hate. They are able to get weapons from countries such as Russia ( who is our equivalent as far as nuclear technology goes) or North Korea plus the countries own independent nuclear reasearch and development. The likelyhood of a full out strike against israel is small since the US would intervene or aid Now israel attacking other nations is a whole other issue. Israel will attack iran depending on their upcoming presidents influence by the current Ayatollah. I will say this, israle is most likely going to attacked given their recent display of military power over Iran.Israel has warned Iran that they will attack if they continue to pursue Nuclear power in any form they . Even then the USA probably won’t get involved since their military could easily hold their own given the technology and plain old military tactical skills. That is how we would get involved in a war with iran.
AS far as matters of national security go they do not have a lower standard of proof. It’s just like i said you won’t believe me if i cited my sources. And even if you did believe me i could get in trouble for it. I know it sounds like a cop out but like i said i am not expecting you to take what i say as fact.
@... nyoki,
It can be both. I have been saying for a while now that we need to intervene in darfur.Military wise it wouldn’t be a smart move to wage war on two fronts but still something has to be done and the UN aint doin shit. If the answer is neither then we do it because it is the right thing to do.
Out of curiosity, Lotus, what exactly is it that you do?
make sure your history is correct people!!!
I’m involved in some government stuff. I advise members of our congress from time to time on minor domestic issues. Sometimes they ask me about foreign stuff but It’s not really secret. My dad on the other hand… all i can say is that he is very important and that you will never hear of him because of his importance.Basically i stick to the local level and deal with public information.
Has no one mentioned the fact that Hitler only had one testicle?
Fun fact!
Yeah, and the other day, Hitler flew around the moon on a cannonball.
That’s one of the most full of shit claims I’ve ever heard. Seriously.
In this thread you admit that you’re a sophomore in college on hiatus(ie drop-out). Why the fuck would anyone from congress be asking advice for someone who doesn’t even have a cisco certificate yet?
Thanks for the good laugh anyway.
too much opinions, too little facts.
much can i say is
– power has it genuine way to control yourself.
– without further notice things seems like most has been planned.. european union .. north and south american union. (bush has been putting his nose in other wars with nothing to do with the american nation. the ongoing war with Guerilla’s vs. the Colombian government.
– you guys see all in this WII but you asked yourself “Why” the Allies involved themself in the World War 2 ?
predicted awnsers:
#1: saw them in trouble and wanted to provide amnesty. dont come with that bs. try to reflect this upon yourself .. if you based yourself upon amnesty wouldnt you be helping all the helpless people you could find instead of being on the pc ? it’s been proven by course of history that a person won’t help another without gettin something out of it…
clearly states saw an oppertunity.. did you know states said to the nations who needed help .. we will help you but you will loose your colonies in africa .. for example (i dont know them by heart)
but South Africa used to belong to Holland .. but had to cut the rope if they wanted help from the allies. but usa cannot just go into war without a given reason so they had to make it look like the nazi’s attacked usa to give them a reason to fight back.. did you know the axis had connections with united states federal bank. when usa wage war federal bank froze accounts. but really everyone was connected to each other .. there’s more to an eye that it meets.
so who’s the bad guy”s”
now before you guys start posting comments about utter bs. think this ..
this is the past we were born after this so any information we got abroad us are NOT facts. But rather information rumour sources, we have noo valid proof thats its true. FACTS are thing or saying that are & CAN be proven in OUR time era.
for example we know for fact that we will die if we dont have oxygen. its always there but about WWII it happend already and its not in our time so we really dont know if its true or not.. which makes us argue soo much same like religion arguements .. god created world in 7 days but science prove that world excisted for millions of years etc. now a arguement with a scientoligist vs a religionist will NEVER finish .. like 2 donkey’s fighting.. its not in our time .. so we will not know .. just because people “SAY” and say a BOOK is PROOF ? hey i can write a book and say some god and make a religion… same thing .. its all about rumours.. and just because what you hear is what you like means its the truth ? wow.. heap of bullshit on a silver platter.
so in all this arguement about this is useless..
my OPINION!!!:
i know what hitler did was savagly wrong but his actions (on a certain point of view) was good.
i look at it like this .. i know he did some fucked up shit but if he didnt do it .. can you imagene a world what it would be .. he did it and gave us like yea .. we as humans have a duty making sure it will not happen anymore but if he never did it, we would not know about it that its possible. and if a war had to break out by futuristic weapons not europe could be wiped but the world with todays advanced weaponry we could be wiped from excistance.. but hitler did before on a small scale as a warning sign … just picture your self lookin at the sky where full scale wars going on .. no where to run .. as i say what some other guy said that on the road to hell he did some good not WITH nobody im on nuetral status.
before you saying what i say is bullshit read good or get some glasses. this is opinion and what all and everyone post is THERE opinion and you should respected it, just because it dont match yours doesn’t mean you should go against the person.. because you making yourself like a fool. an opinion is not about right or wrong its about what the person who said/write it feels about the subject. nobody knows if its right or wrong just its what the person feel upon what he “KNOWS”.
EDIT: for example we know for fact that we will die if we dont have oxygen. its always there but about “certain events which acurd in WWII it happend already and its not in our time so we really dont know if its true or not.
You need to learn something about sentence and paragraph structure. You have points there, but they’re buried under rambling incoherence.
1)Great Britain took South Africa from the Dutch long, long before WWII. Starting when the Dutch East India Company went bankrupt and finishing off with the Boer Wars.
2) Different countries were involved in WWII for different reasons. Most because they were invaded/bombed and didn’t have a choice. Some were probably out of genuine goodwill (Canada).
The US involved was probable some combination of goodwill, imperialistic ambitions (particularly in Asia) and competition with the Soviet Union.
Long comment list is looooong.
Seriously, if a picture of Hitler demands this much attention, what happens if we get a picture of Jesus, Hitler, and Big Bird holding hands dancing down a yellow brick road?
Note to self: Make said picture, post here.
@The Matrix: Rebooted
sure do, but really you takin notes of how bad my structure is but you cannot read when i post in brackets ” for example (i dont know them by heart)” but you seem to pass that piece.
yea im just sayin my opinion based on what ive seen or read… im not sayin its true.
Hitler and Bush are nothing alike and the fact you even dare compare them just proves your paranoia and your ignorance, and your will to hate and to demonize someone who has been, if at best average, at least trying.
Essentially we blame the guy for everything even though the finger is never pointed at the real culprits.
@The Matrix: Rebooted
And most important of all: The US were involved in WWII (in Europe) because Germany declared war on them on Dec 11th, 1941.
there’s no such thing as good will ^^ unless you get something now or in the long run
@... reboot.
Hey, i told you that you wouldn’t believe me and i am not expecting you to believe me. You want the truth i give it to you. I am not phased one bit by your disbelief since i know that i am telling the truth and i understand that nothing i do or say will convince you of that. So go ahead, call me a liar all you want, i have no need to convince you. I will humor you with answers to your questions.
“Why the fuck would anyone from congress be asking advice for someone who doesn’t even have a cisco certificate yet?”
My age and education have nothing to do with it. What i do is what any American can do if they write to their congressman or representative. The reason i might have had more success at it than the average American is probably because i am a registered voter who’s father and grandfather are well known in certain sects of government and military. I am not doing anything special or top secret. I am doing something that you or anyone you know can do as long as they take the time and the effort to do this.
@... thrella,
Don’t dare bring up the fact that oil/gas prices have risen since the democrats gained control of the house and senate. People forget that the president is only a cog in the machine.
See that’s believable. Writing letters to congress and getting good replies back is entirely believable (from most members of congress). Heck, me and Harry Reid actually have a running joke going on for a few years.
All that talk about black SUVs and “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you” and generally being obtuse is what I was calling BS on. You were making it sound like this was a regular occurrence in your life.
Plus if there’s nothing secret or special, you should be able to cite sources. Something like: “On March 12, 2006 I received a letter from Representative Fucktard stating Blah-blah”. Surely in you one year of college you learned something about making an argument and supporting it with reference material.
@The Matrix: Rebooted. Well not my life per se, but i do get black SUVs and vans at least once a week and all the phones and internet traffic in my house are under 24 hour surveillance.
I already said i dealt with civilian shit, but that doesn’t mean i don’t know some stuff, and have seen some incredible . When your dad works as a councilor for top secret and foreign affairs to the US government, you end up inadvertently reading some things not meant for you. As a result of his work i have met some cool people who shared some tidbits with me. AGAIN, NOT FROM MY WORK.
And i didn’t make MY work sound like i was james fucking bond. I said i don’t do anything military or top secret or that i am a payed advisor. I flat out said i deal with public shit on a local level.
As great as it is to have an intellectually charged political conversation –
TIKI, If you ever post Hitler again, you are going to be banned from the internets!
Did you not know the shitstorm of comments you were going to cause?
🙂 Have a GREAT Day!
I’d vote for zombie hitler
I thought that was a good thing. Why post nothing but pics that don’t interest more than a couple of people enough to post?
Wow, that was an awkward sentence.