Huge Snow Drift

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    Insanely Rational

    Woah, major shrinkage, dude.


    When I first came here, this was all snow. Everyone said I was daft to build a power line on snow, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the snow. So I built a second one. That sank into the snow. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the snow. But the fourth one stayed up.



    +10 intarwebz


    Flickerdart, I don’t think I’ve ever lol’d so much at a comment here. Bravo.


    Anyone else notice the ghastly aura about the man.


    Three Canadians got a job putting up telegraph poles along a railroad in Northern Ontario. The foreman told them to go out for a week, each to a different section of rail, and put up as many poles as they could. There would be a bonus for any man who put up over a hundred.

    The week passed, and the three workers returned to the foreman. “How did it go?” he asked.

    The fellow from Vancouver replied, “Tough job, had some trouble with bears, but I got exactly one hundred.” The foreman shook his hand, gave him his week’s pay, and sent him home.

    The fellow from Toronto replied, “Piece of cake, eh? Hundred and fifty. Count ’em yourself.” Impressed, the foreman gave him a week’s pay and another day’s worth as a bonus.

    The foreman turned to the last man, a big Newfoundlander. “And what about you?” he asked.

    The Newfoundlander grinned proudly. “Three!” he boomed. The foreman’s jaw dropped.

    “Three?! You’ve got to be joking. Those two did two-fifty between the two of ’em!”

    The Newfoundlander laughed. “Yeah, but did you see how much those lazy asses left sticking out?”


    old one but I lol’d


    Flickerdart that was so funny tears are running down my face. Applause..

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