Typically, Spindown Life Counter’s have more relative numbers close to each other. This is a spindown life counter. D20’s have slightly more random placement.
RSIxidor: A d20 does not have randomly placed numbers. They follow a standard where the opposing sides add up to 21, wizards probably has the exact formula.
I realize they’re both still technically d20s by nature, but isn’t this actually a life counter?
Nah, most RPGs now follow the D20 system, so really the only die that you need is a D20.
d20 as a life counter in MtG wasn`t so good if you had some buffs.
And Resolve, Science, Security, etc. aren`t DnD skills. SW maybe.
um… is that a huge die? or is it an optical illusion… or am I going blind? (I thought I was when I woke up this morning…. it was terrifying. XD)
God damn these dragon claws!
@... magpie : It has to be big so that it can be easily reclaimed when it rolls off the table.
Why the shit fuck hell do I know nerd bull crap like this?
Typically, Spindown Life Counter’s have more relative numbers close to each other. This is a spindown life counter. D20’s have slightly more random placement.
This is a Star Wars RPG character sheet.
No, actually it was from Spycraft D20
RSIxidor: A d20 does not have randomly placed numbers. They follow a standard where the opposing sides add up to 21, wizards probably has the exact formula.