Is that real? Cuz I have a photoshop brush that can make that exact kind of light/shape… if so… SHOPPED! If not… well if not, then that’s pretty bitchin’.
Once a year, Wescott Lighthouse turns off the fake lighthouse light (an airplane beacon) and turns on the real Fresnel lens for two hours to celebrate the anniversary of the original lighting over 140 years ago.
For the first five minutes, they hold the lens stationary so that all the photographers “can take their digital masterpieces before processing them on the computer in PhotoShop” (so said the announcer). After the first five minutes, they let the lens rotate at its normal speed.
This is exactly what it looked like during the first five minutes. No star-effect filter, and no PhotoShop tricks. I never realized that a real lighthouse light was actually a collection of multiple beams. This was necessary because they couldn’t make the huge lenses rotate very fast with the old machinery.
I heard this effect was due to the type of light (an old school kind) that was temporarily in place while they changed to a more modern LED. True?
Beware my power; Green Lantern’s Light!
Is that real? Cuz I have a photoshop brush that can make that exact kind of light/shape… if so… SHOPPED! If not… well if not, then that’s pretty bitchin’.
Once a year, Wescott Lighthouse turns off the fake lighthouse light (an airplane beacon) and turns on the real Fresnel lens for two hours to celebrate the anniversary of the original lighting over 140 years ago.
For the first five minutes, they hold the lens stationary so that all the photographers “can take their digital masterpieces before processing them on the computer in PhotoShop” (so said the announcer). After the first five minutes, they let the lens rotate at its normal speed.
This is exactly what it looked like during the first five minutes. No star-effect filter, and no PhotoShop tricks. I never realized that a real lighthouse light was actually a collection of multiple beams. This was necessary because they couldn’t make the huge lenses rotate very fast with the old machinery.
Thanks nyoki, much appreciated.
Half life 2
How is this wallpaper size?
@Tastyzippo: you’re welcome
@bluebec: works as a wallpaper for me
Where is the Westcott big lighthouse located?