I’m with TrikYoz. The absence of smiles seems odd. Especially when you take into account who has the biggest smiles there (the three grouchiest guys in the show) and who aren’t smiling at all (the girls). Kinda looks like they were going for a theme there, rather than just a random occurrence.
On a funny scale of 1 to 10, I rate this show a 6.
screw you I rate it a 12
This show is hilarious, which is why the cast will be spared the harpoons.
Yeah I’m siding with Breakdancingmonkey
What not give it a one hundred billion zillion?
because it was on a scale of 1-10 now if it was 1-20…
This is the finale season this year, thought there is a possibility of it being picked up by another company, as of now, this is the last season.
ABc already confirmed they were picking it up.
love the show, but
it gets to me when like most of the people are smiling and then the others arent
its a comedy darnit
and i agree
its a 12
I’m with TrikYoz. The absence of smiles seems odd. Especially when you take into account who has the biggest smiles there (the three grouchiest guys in the show) and who aren’t smiling at all (the girls). Kinda looks like they were going for a theme there, rather than just a random occurrence.
And, yes, in its best moment, the show is a 12.
Rule 34. Surprise!!
I see what you did there.