An Apple Sunset

Apple Sunset2.jpg (225 KB)

Why isn’t the sun shapped like a Apple ?

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    I’d like to see it shaped like a window…

    it’s an Apple, btw

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “Why isn’t the sun shapped like a Apple ?”


    Shopped. (you can tell by the reflections)


    The shadows are all off too, plus the pixels are a dead give away as well. I’ve seen quite a few shops.


    Because if it was shaped like an apple, no one on earth would play any games in the real world except WoW.


    Pre-Intel maybe. These days a Mac can run anything.


    Kyro, ’tis a question that has pondered mankind for centuries.


    friends don’t let friends buy macs…

    (microsoft humor)


    When the sun rises, it makes the Mac startup sound.


    Yeah, if you install WINDOWS on them. If you’re gonna do that, just spend an assload less and build your own windows PC from parts.

    Alec Dalek

    “Why isn’t the sun shapped like a Apple ?”

    Because non-mac users are smart enough to know that’s just not possible.


    Why isn’t the sun shapped like a Apple ?
    because it’s not gay.

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