@angrymatt…you’ve got it all wrong, it may seem like republicans have a monopoly on stupidity…but i think that politicians in general have an oligopoly on it
Yeah, you’re not wrong. However, any assertion that McWorse is a better choice than the new guy is, to quote my new favorite senator, “Bullshit.”
Seriously, the new kid can’t fuck it up any worse than Bush. And just listening to the words that come out of McCain’s mouth assures me that HE WOULD FUCK IT UP WORSE.
I mean really? He’s trying to run as the hard on foreign policy candidate, and every time he talks about foreign policy he only proves he had less than a second grader’s understanding of the situation and the issues.
McCain is a dumb fuck, plain and simple. He thinks he’s “earned” the presidency. That just doesn’t happen. A leader is a person that leads. McCain is not a leader, he’s just a bitter old man. You don’t earn political office, you are selected for it. So with his attitude, he’d actually make Bush look good.
Now Obama, he’s a lesser known quantity, but at least he’s trying to earn votes, not just telling the voters that have to vote for him because he served his country and it’s “his turn”. If you serve your country and expect something in return, it’s a clear indication of someone that just doesn’t get it, and has no place in a leadership role.
I don’t fucking care, anyone but Obama and Hillary. I’d rather have Hitler rise from the dead and become dictator of the U.S.. Universal Healthcare = fucking shit.
Oh please tell me why universal health care is so bad.
You realize that you’re already supporting universal health care right? Unless you’re living at home and mommy and daddy pay for your health care, it’s already a part of your life. The only thing Senators Obama and Clinton want to do is fix the broken nature of the health care system.
But if you think you don’t already pay for the health care of poor people, than you’re as stupid as McCain.
Yeah, better to start another World War and relegate this country to tyrannical dictatorship than try to work out a way for everyone to be healthy. GENIUS!
Name 3 countries where the health care system works, and you don’t have to pay $60,000 to reattach a finger, or have to ‘pre-approve’ a major operation (or a fucking ambulance):
You’re just scared about taxes. I ‘spose you think the police is a waste of time too?
I get my “health care” through the VA (government) and I could tell you lots of good reasons not to let the government be in charge. The most recent one is that I saw my Dr. for heart problems and he put in an order to have me wear a heart monitor for a day. It’s been over two weeks and no monitor. Would you be looking forward to this level of ‘service’?
I say, if they can’t fix the VA system, then DON’T trust them to start another one!!!
It’s the republican way – “i’d rather kill 6 million jews than do something for every citizen with their own money!”
Fucking stupidry. I hate republicanism. And I -want- a government that’s going to provide essential services to people. That’s what government is FOR. When it stops providing service and starts providing wars, that’s when THEY’RE DOING IT WRONG.
Thrella (#3595)
16 years ago
Why would you vote for Obama… I don’t get it what does he have that makes you want to vote for him? I’d rather vote for McCain who has some essence. Or at least i know what he’s been up to. I guess.
Just off the top of my head, I can give you a number of reasons. 1) Obama has proven himself to be coolheaded and logical while McCain is obviously teetering on the verge of a violent outburst at anyone that dares disagree with him. 2) Obama understands that diplomacy is more important than flexing your artillerial muscles while McCain is itching for a reason to go to war with yet another country. 3) Obama realizes that we, both as a nation and as a species, are headed decidedly downhill and shows the most incentive for doing something about it. McCain seems to think that we’re doing just fine but need an extra push to prove it.
I can go on and on. I don’t know what you mean by McCain having essence, but warmongers have no place in the leadership of civilized nations. Yes, unfortunately in real life you need armies to defend your nation, but they should not be used to bully other countries because you don’t agree with them, which is what Bush has done and McCain basically admits to eventually do.
Obama is too shady for me. Slumlord Lawyer, Majority of votes present, doesn’t seem very concrete. His campaign seems to be based on hope and nothing else. There is no place for Diplomacy in the Middle east, look at Lebanon, a country with Shiites, Sunnis, and Christians. They all get same representation in the government. So what do they do? They KILL each other less then 10 years after they finish a bloody 15 year Civil war between Christians and Muslims.
I don’t like McCain. He’s a blabbering moron and an overly trigger-happy old guy. But just as is the case with Bush, sadly, he’s the best option you guys have got. Liberal dreams are nice and good, but they’re naive and have no place in politics. I don’t think we’re heading directly down hill as a species. 10% of the population of the Earth Lives today, even after 2 destructive World wars, and we’re at the best we have ever been. Your idea of downhill is very, VERY twisted, indeed.
And as for the artillery muscle and going to war with another country… As if Obama was going to pull out. I’ve heard that one from Congress before. In fact the country went Downhill pretty fast once the democrats got in government, and they used an incompetent moron as their escape-goat. Sadly he’s more competent then they are. Which in it self is pretty sad…
>Slumlord Lawyer, Majority of votes present, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18348437
Neither of these things are true. Obama did 5 hours of work for community groups that partnered with Rezko, whom I assume you’re talking about. If you think working indirectly for someone for 5 hours makes you their lawyer then you’re an idiot. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2008/01/24/fact_check_obamas_present_votes/
His “present” votes account for about 3-4% of all the votes he cast as a part of the Illinois state senate. He cast 129 “present” votes out of over 4000 votes cast. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be questioned on it but 4% is not a majority.
Get your shit straight.
Thrella said his campaign seems to be based on hope and nothing else. I’m pretty sure everyone “hopes” that their candidate will do what they say they’re gonna do.
Got 2 things sorta wrong, woops. Still. I’m not even living in the U.S. We don’t get this shit out here as much as you probably do. So He’s got a few votes in and he INDIRECTLY worked for assholes (Oh yeah i BET he didn’t know). Thats it? Seriously? Thats enough for you to trust a whole country to him? Even after the “exemplar” display by the pathetic Congress you have in place right now? I think its just retarded it’s what it is.
Also you will never truly know their relationship. 5 hours of community service might imply he knows the company well enough to do some work for them, even if indirectly. Honestly babbling around a smoking buffoon with a raspy voice just because he promises change is just stupid. Think about the changes you want, and think what changes he could possibly bring. You’re the people, you have the power to elect anyone you want. You don’t need to vote for these losers if you can get someone decent to fill that role, and you have the power to get them out of there. Don’t like the prez? Impeach and re-vote. Fun stuff.
Obama is a socialist in the worst regard. His heroes are Marx, Gandhi and Che Guevara. They’re neat in the history books…..but that’s where they belong. Remember, they didn’t win?
“From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days. I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.” Columnist Cheri Jacobus
Surprised there’s no Osama shit in there.
I think the “I’m a bitter gun-owner clinging to my religion” could apply in his case too.
Americans have the right to be stupid. But republicans seem to have a monopoly on it.
McCain: if you vote for Obama, we’ll be in a world of shit.
America: we *are* in a world of shit.
@angrymatt…you’ve got it all wrong, it may seem like republicans have a monopoly on stupidity…but i think that politicians in general have an oligopoly on it
Yeah, you’re not wrong. However, any assertion that McWorse is a better choice than the new guy is, to quote my new favorite senator, “Bullshit.”
Seriously, the new kid can’t fuck it up any worse than Bush. And just listening to the words that come out of McCain’s mouth assures me that HE WOULD FUCK IT UP WORSE.
I mean really? He’s trying to run as the hard on foreign policy candidate, and every time he talks about foreign policy he only proves he had less than a second grader’s understanding of the situation and the issues.
McCain is a dumb fuck, plain and simple. He thinks he’s “earned” the presidency. That just doesn’t happen. A leader is a person that leads. McCain is not a leader, he’s just a bitter old man. You don’t earn political office, you are selected for it. So with his attitude, he’d actually make Bush look good.
Now Obama, he’s a lesser known quantity, but at least he’s trying to earn votes, not just telling the voters that have to vote for him because he served his country and it’s “his turn”. If you serve your country and expect something in return, it’s a clear indication of someone that just doesn’t get it, and has no place in a leadership role.
I don’t fucking care, anyone but Obama and Hillary. I’d rather have Hitler rise from the dead and become dictator of the U.S.. Universal Healthcare = fucking shit.
Oh please tell me why universal health care is so bad.
You realize that you’re already supporting universal health care right? Unless you’re living at home and mommy and daddy pay for your health care, it’s already a part of your life. The only thing Senators Obama and Clinton want to do is fix the broken nature of the health care system.
But if you think you don’t already pay for the health care of poor people, than you’re as stupid as McCain.
Yeah, better to start another World War and relegate this country to tyrannical dictatorship than try to work out a way for everyone to be healthy. GENIUS!
Name 3 countries where the health care system works, and you don’t have to pay $60,000 to reattach a finger, or have to ‘pre-approve’ a major operation (or a fucking ambulance):
You’re just scared about taxes. I ‘spose you think the police is a waste of time too?
I get my “health care” through the VA (government) and I could tell you lots of good reasons not to let the government be in charge. The most recent one is that I saw my Dr. for heart problems and he put in an order to have me wear a heart monitor for a day. It’s been over two weeks and no monitor. Would you be looking forward to this level of ‘service’?
I say, if they can’t fix the VA system, then DON’T trust them to start another one!!!
It’s the republican way – “i’d rather kill 6 million jews than do something for every citizen with their own money!”
Fucking stupidry. I hate republicanism. And I -want- a government that’s going to provide essential services to people. That’s what government is FOR. When it stops providing service and starts providing wars, that’s when THEY’RE DOING IT WRONG.
Why would you vote for Obama… I don’t get it what does he have that makes you want to vote for him? I’d rather vote for McCain who has some essence. Or at least i know what he’s been up to. I guess.
Just off the top of my head, I can give you a number of reasons. 1) Obama has proven himself to be coolheaded and logical while McCain is obviously teetering on the verge of a violent outburst at anyone that dares disagree with him. 2) Obama understands that diplomacy is more important than flexing your artillerial muscles while McCain is itching for a reason to go to war with yet another country. 3) Obama realizes that we, both as a nation and as a species, are headed decidedly downhill and shows the most incentive for doing something about it. McCain seems to think that we’re doing just fine but need an extra push to prove it.
I can go on and on. I don’t know what you mean by McCain having essence, but warmongers have no place in the leadership of civilized nations. Yes, unfortunately in real life you need armies to defend your nation, but they should not be used to bully other countries because you don’t agree with them, which is what Bush has done and McCain basically admits to eventually do.
“I’d rather vote for McCain who has some essence.”
Is that reference to General Ripper from Dr. Strangelove?
Whoa whoa, fellas. Just ignore Exacerbate. There were some good digs against McCain, so Exacerbate trolled.
Kinda like how whenever Bush fucked up, they’d raise the “terror threat level” as a distraction.
Must have meant to post this at “MyRetardedSpace.com“, right?
Obama is too shady for me. Slumlord Lawyer, Majority of votes present, doesn’t seem very concrete. His campaign seems to be based on hope and nothing else. There is no place for Diplomacy in the Middle east, look at Lebanon, a country with Shiites, Sunnis, and Christians. They all get same representation in the government. So what do they do? They KILL each other less then 10 years after they finish a bloody 15 year Civil war between Christians and Muslims.
I don’t like McCain. He’s a blabbering moron and an overly trigger-happy old guy. But just as is the case with Bush, sadly, he’s the best option you guys have got. Liberal dreams are nice and good, but they’re naive and have no place in politics. I don’t think we’re heading directly down hill as a species. 10% of the population of the Earth Lives today, even after 2 destructive World wars, and we’re at the best we have ever been. Your idea of downhill is very, VERY twisted, indeed.
And as for the artillery muscle and going to war with another country… As if Obama was going to pull out. I’ve heard that one from Congress before. In fact the country went Downhill pretty fast once the democrats got in government, and they used an incompetent moron as their escape-goat. Sadly he’s more competent then they are. Which in it self is pretty sad…
I like McCain. He has a nice smile.
>Slumlord Lawyer, Majority of votes present,
Neither of these things are true. Obama did 5 hours of work for community groups that partnered with Rezko, whom I assume you’re talking about. If you think working indirectly for someone for 5 hours makes you their lawyer then you’re an idiot.
His “present” votes account for about 3-4% of all the votes he cast as a part of the Illinois state senate. He cast 129 “present” votes out of over 4000 votes cast. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be questioned on it but 4% is not a majority.
Get your shit straight.
Thrella said his campaign seems to be based on hope and nothing else. I’m pretty sure everyone “hopes” that their candidate will do what they say they’re gonna do.
Obama has my vote.
vote wiggum 08
@ogie: *Ralph* Wiggum?
Got 2 things sorta wrong, woops. Still. I’m not even living in the U.S. We don’t get this shit out here as much as you probably do. So He’s got a few votes in and he INDIRECTLY worked for assholes (Oh yeah i BET he didn’t know). Thats it? Seriously? Thats enough for you to trust a whole country to him? Even after the “exemplar” display by the pathetic Congress you have in place right now? I think its just retarded it’s what it is.
Also you will never truly know their relationship. 5 hours of community service might imply he knows the company well enough to do some work for them, even if indirectly. Honestly babbling around a smoking buffoon with a raspy voice just because he promises change is just stupid. Think about the changes you want, and think what changes he could possibly bring. You’re the people, you have the power to elect anyone you want. You don’t need to vote for these losers if you can get someone decent to fill that role, and you have the power to get them out of there. Don’t like the prez? Impeach and re-vote. Fun stuff.
Oh and thanks for calling me an idiot.
Obama is a socialist in the worst regard. His heroes are Marx, Gandhi and Che Guevara. They’re neat in the history books…..but that’s where they belong. Remember, they didn’t win?
“From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days. I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.” Columnist Cheri Jacobus