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so i guess you can suck your own dick with that suit on.
I’m just glad they had the presence of mind to have him cross his hands like that.
You don’t think he’s preparing to goatse?
I’m picturing this guy doing goatse. Now you’re picturing it too.
Powerful image, isn’t it?
@... JamesTusk : Congratulations. I am too drunk to read cmments.
dude, I’ve been there for like an hour already, yay!
wait, what?
my birthday suit is not wrinkle resistant. if it was i would have smooth balls… umm cue dave chappelle
auto-fellatio? wow. that sure is gay…
convenient tie placement as well. you know if it wasnt’t there you’d all be treated to a polyester-tight vision of that dude’s package.
Ooh, suit you, Sir!
^^^LOL! Thanks for that.
so i guess you can suck your own dick with that suit on.
I’m just glad they had the presence of mind to have him cross his hands like that.
You don’t think he’s preparing to goatse?
I’m picturing this guy doing goatse. Now you’re picturing it too.
Powerful image, isn’t it?
@... JamesTusk : Congratulations. I am too drunk to read cmments.
dude, I’ve been there for like an hour already, yay!
wait, what?
my birthday suit is not wrinkle resistant. if it was i would have smooth balls… umm cue dave chappelle
auto-fellatio? wow. that sure is gay…
convenient tie placement as well. you know if it wasnt’t there you’d all be treated to a polyester-tight vision of that dude’s package.
Ooh, suit you, Sir!
^^^LOL! Thanks for that.