Sgt. Slaughter played by Sgt. Slaughter. what ever happened to this guy?
He reminds me of Chopper Read.
he kinda looks like jay leno to me.
I always wondered why he wore that belt so damn high. Funny how only the face part is what is loosely based on him.
Chopper Read. nice name drop. i saw an episode of of the animated batman cartoons a many years ago where bruce was reading his book. true story
yeah, dookie booty. i think he looks like the bastard child of Jay Leno and Bill Cowher.
I remember watching him on the cartoon and he was the big badass. He even beat the shit out of Nemesis Enforcer (I had to look up that name).
Now I see pictures and he just looks like a big fat old man with his pants pulled up too high. I’m pretty sure I could bitch slap him.
As long as he can still do the voice right and pull off the badassery, I’m fine.
He reminds me of Chopper Read.
he kinda looks like jay leno to me.
I always wondered why he wore that belt so damn high. Funny how only the face part is what is loosely based on him.
Chopper Read. nice name drop. i saw an episode of of the animated batman cartoons a many years ago where bruce was reading his book. true story
yeah, dookie booty. i think he looks like the bastard child of Jay Leno and Bill Cowher.
I remember watching him on the cartoon and he was the big badass. He even beat the shit out of Nemesis Enforcer (I had to look up that name).
Now I see pictures and he just looks like a big fat old man with his pants pulled up too high. I’m pretty sure I could bitch slap him.
As long as he can still do the voice right and pull off the badassery, I’m fine.