This airplane is fabulous for its gay pink and its breast cancer awareness.
its gay for its gay gayness and its gay homosecksual awareess?
show of hands, who would rather get breast cancer than ride in that piece of shit?
show of hands, who would rather kill redxblack then listen to his garbage?
uh oh, internet tough guy alert! battlestations 5.
Why haven’t you died of breast cancer yet?
isn’t pink… it’s magenta ^^ And isn’t gay…
This airplane is fabulous for its gay pink and its breast cancer awareness.
its gay for its gay gayness and its gay homosecksual awareess?
show of hands, who would rather get breast cancer than ride in that piece of shit?
show of hands, who would rather kill redxblack then listen to his garbage?
uh oh, internet tough guy alert! battlestations 5.
Why haven’t you died of breast cancer yet?
isn’t pink… it’s magenta ^^
And isn’t gay…