Finally decided to log in top post – and the only picture I have of myself is with my ex-husband; how pathetic…
Photshop him right out baby…you could always get some…candid photographs, you know snap snap, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean?
Oh hilarious…I’ve tried photoshipping him out but it takes off my left cheek with it, and then I look like an alien.
aliens can be hot ;]
“shoop-da-woop!” him
You could have just drew crazy shit all over his face in MS paint.
Crazy shite in MS paint FTW
pro-tip: Lasso tool
Photshop him right out baby…you could always get some…candid photographs, you know snap snap, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean?
Oh hilarious…I’ve tried photoshipping him out but it takes off my left cheek with it, and then I look like an alien.
aliens can be hot ;]
“shoop-da-woop!” him
You could have just drew crazy shit all over his face in MS paint.
Crazy shite in MS paint FTW
pro-tip: Lasso tool