For those of you that complained the Steampunk PC was incomplete.
Though the eccentric Professor William C. Ravenscroft remains stingy on details of his “Telecalculograph”, he has recently allowed photography of the device with which its user controls it. These images, as well as speculation upon their contents follows:
One holds the device in a manner similar to the way a wood-worker holds a sanding block. The palm rests upon the “ball” in the foreground, with the fingers extending forward. The middle digit is placed upon the spiked cog, while the pointing-finger and the ring-bearing finger sit on the studded levers on either side. The thumb and small-finger rest comfortably on the side of the cylinder, helping to grip the contraption. The “Bug”, as the Professor calls it, is slid about upon a table top-thusly controlling a mobile indicator upon the Telecalculograph’s display. Push the device away from one’s self, and the arrow “moves” towards the top of the viewing window. When the arrow has been positioned appropriately so that it is pointing at the desired “item” on the glass, the user pushes down upon the various levers to elicit his desired effect. Turning the wheel in the center produces an action similar to turning a page in a book, or cranking a kinetoscope.
Source. Please, tell me where this is from. I want one so bad… Steampunk is awesome.
My bad, here’s the source:
Thanks. I really want to do this…