Well the guy’s name is “DanOnAim”. I’ll make a bold assumption and say it’s AIM they’re using? I guess it’s an older version which is probably why it looks so crappy. Nevertheless, it’s hilarious.
OH MAN I REMEMBER WARNING LEVELS ON AIM. You could warm someone and once it got over 50% they couldnt message you til it went back to 15%, and it dropped one per cent every hours. My friends and I would play a game where we’d click warn over and over to see who hit 50 first . Then she’d get mad cuz I messaged and called a few times an hour until the warning went low.
Now she’s such a tease with her..restraining orders.. mmm..
you know the dude was banging his head on the desk the whole time. pretty funny.
Ugh! I fell his pain all too well.
My mom does exactly the same thing.
At least she uses smileys. Thats kind of high tech for a computer illiterate parent. Love, Korinthian.
aww, this chatlog is truly cute. I have so show it to my mom.
This pretty much how i explain internet to my mom. Its pure hilarity.
What program is that. Looks fake fake fake fake
Well the guy’s name is “DanOnAim”. I’ll make a bold assumption and say it’s AIM they’re using? I guess it’s an older version which is probably why it looks so crappy. Nevertheless, it’s hilarious.
OH MAN I REMEMBER WARNING LEVELS ON AIM. You could warm someone and once it got over 50% they couldnt message you til it went back to 15%, and it dropped one per cent every hours. My friends and I would play a game where we’d click warn over and over to see who hit 50 first . Then she’d get mad cuz I messaged and called a few times an hour until the warning went low.
Now she’s such a tease with her..restraining orders.. mmm..
Warn someone*
This is actually an article from Collegehumor.com. It was written by Dan Gurewitch.
I’d probably have to explain to my mom *why* this is funny.